
Dr. Tenpenny's Show: On Your Health

with special guest, Twila Brase

Twila Brase is president and co-founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom (CCHF), a patient-centered, privacy-focused, policy organization established in Minnesota more than 27 years ago to protect patient and doctor freedom.

Her efforts have led to amazing results including the development of The Wedge of Health Freedom and the Patient Toolbox, easy-to-use tools to help patients understand their options in coercive situations and maintain control over their treatment decisions. On an even broader scale, Twila’s “Health Freedom Minute” is heard daily by more than 5 million listeners on more than 870 radio stations in 48 states.  Amid all that she does, she is the author of the eight-time award-winning book Big Brother in the Exam Room: The Dangerous Truth About Electronic Health Records -  written in 2018, it is more important and ACCURATE now than ever.

In this interview, we discuss:

-Insurance companies use AI to deny post-acute care for medicare advantage seniors

-CCHF spoke out against doctors for Harris, as they demanded Trump's medical records be made public

-Cancer diagnoses were down during COVID, but the numbers aren't adding up

-Bill Gates and others to stand trial in Netherlands for shot injuries

-An update on the Fight to Stop REAL ID

-Newly released, one-of-a-kind Medicare How-To guide.  An important tool for anyone of Medicare age to have


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