A LIVE weekly podcast where the floor is open to ask your burning questions. This is always a fun one to do. The interaction with the audience is exhilarating and something I’d love you to experience. Every Tuesday at 9am…REGISTER to join our conversation!
In this episode, the following topics are discussed:
what are energy vampires
major illnesses caused by parasites
parasites vs parasitism -what is it?
how to spot energy vampires
People think they are too smart to let energy vampires in but we are exposed to them every day – hear some examples from Dr.Northrup
They are all getting exposed. What to do about them.
today, 1 in 5 people have a personality disorder
The webinar is not just about getting rid of parasites but also how to protect yourself from spiritual and mental parasitism
Become an asset, don’t wallow in ‘I didn’t know’
Happiness, joy, compassion, and love are instruments of global defiance
We need to learn to stop the chain of self-sacrifice!
Methods to blocking predictors: Grey Rock, Broken Wing,
Did you know the number on your birth certificate is a bank legacy account? Hear the explanation.
Male masculinity vs female femininity
This parasite webinar has NEVER been done. You will NOT find it anywhere else and to this degree of research
The need for our children to become more resilient, must learn to get knocked down and get back up
About my guest:
Christiane Northrup, M.D., is visionary pioneer in women’s health, a board-certified OB/GYN, and New York Times bestselling author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause and Goddesses Never Age.
Dr. Northrup was the host of 8 highly successful public-television specials. Her work has been featured on the Today Show, Rachael Ray, and The Dr. Oz Show, among many others. Dr. Northrup was named one of the “100 Most Trusted People in America” by Reader’s Digest in 2013. Dr. Northrup has also been named one of the “Watkins Spiritual 100”—a list of living people that make a unique and spiritual contribution on a global scale.
In December 2022 Dr. Northrup was 1 of 6 women to receive the Zelenko Foundation’s Rosa Parks Award, and honored for standing up for truth, God and justice against all odds, smears, obstacles, and censorship. She continues to inspire and awaken humanity through live events, her podcasts, on Substack, and through her line of health and personal care products, Amata Life.
Show Sponsors:
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Zeolite – Heavy Metal Detox: First bottle only $14
Zeolite Cellular & Gut Detox Duo Pack: First pack only $39
Opti Supplements: 10% off with code DRT10
Opti Vital Cleanse – Save 10% with code DRT10
Gluco-Control – control cravings and blood sugar spikes – ONLY $10 drt
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Cardio Miracle – 15% off
My Pillow – Save up to 64% with code DRT
Adaptobliss Specialty Coffee with Lion’s Mane & Chaga – Get 10% off with code DRT
The Wellness Blanket – Save 10% with code DRT10
Micronic Silver – Save 15% with code DRT
Juvent Plate – Get $500 off with code DRT
Menopause Symptom Relief by Amata Life– Save 10%
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