Thank you both for incredible information…please keep up the fight. Bless you both…GOD HELP US🙏🙏

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Dr. T - please convey to Jessica the potential for relief and healing with DMSO. It has worked miracles for many vaccine injured with chronic pain - first-hand in my practice!

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God/Yahweh BLESS our dear sister, Sheri Tenpenny and this dear mother-advocate in their efforts to SAVE LIVES and point others to the ONLY MIRACLE WORKER, WAYMAKER, LIFEGIVER CHRIST JESUS! "If you will lay your life down for others, you will take it up again."

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Trump is part of them. That's why.

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There are also A LOT of us that were force vaccinated under sedation during colonoscopys.

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When did this jab under sedation start? After they discovered many of us were refusing the jab?

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I have no idea exactly when. I'm staying very quiet and getting copies of my records. I was in perfect health. It irritates "them" that there are unvaccinated people out there. I had the colonocscopy and immediately started getting mind blowing headaches. They wouldn't even call me back. That was last February. NOW "they" are telling me I have heart problems. I walk MILES everyday. I will not let them test me for anything again.

I've was dumbfounded when I read that "they" are putting the vaccines in anesthesia. I've read it several times. I've brought this up because of Dr Tenpennys colonoscopy article. If I had known, I would have never had the colonoscopy. We don't NEED all this stuff done to us so the Doctors & hospitals can profit.

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Thank you. I had heard that in the paperwork they have you sign to allow them to treat you, which they claim is routine, it now says 'biogenics'. Learned this from a nurse online, but I can't remember which one, who posted a video explaining not to sign that form or read carefully and redline plus write "I do not" next to anything you don't like. Further, she stated you don't need to sign it to get treatment, but if you do it basically puts you in the hands of the hospital to make decisions, including jabbing when under anesthesia. I had surgery in April of 2021, when the jabs were new, so am hoping that was not done to me. But, like you, I am going to retrieve all my records from that surgery and read them carefully as, according to that nurse, it must be entered into the hospital record at the time, if you were jabbed.

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Wow! This is why I'm speaking out. Thank you. I believe that they think they can/are allowed to use new vocabulary and "codewords" in legal documents to betray the public and then hold people accountable because "they" are using new vocabulary. They are also calling "Remdesavire"( spell check) something different. They have a couple of new names for it.

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The nickname I've heard for it is "RunDeathIsNear".

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I have never heard this!!!! That is NOT right!!!

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I refused to be vaccinated. I was in perfect health. Now they're trying to do the fear mongering on me. Suddenly, I supposedly have "heart damage."

I've been reading warnings about vaccination during sedation. They're changing the verbiage so you don't understand and approve it.

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