All great information. Thanks to both of you. I don't mean to be a skeptic but we all should have been so long ago.

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Downloaded and looking forward to the conversation. :-)

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States have the right to opt out of this. I don't think we will see Trump or any others stop the fed i.d. A big gift to the technocrats all around him. I'm so sorry to have this position but the prison techno fascist grid is tightening and we will see very soon exactly what trump intends to go along with. Many people will never agree to this. I'd like to see some I.D.ing of very particular individuals that loot all of us under the radar. When I see all of their I.D.'s maybe we can talk.

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I was wondering if there is anywhere to go for all your medical records going back 60-70 years? Maybe you could give some advice on accessing medical records. Thanks for being so evidence based.

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I would like more information on Methylene Blue, low dosing. Thanks

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