Cause they don't like her telling the truth

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Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Thank you for your expertise but I would like you to explain the reason for your most recent Ohio Medical Board Lawsuit as provided ; https://med.ohio.gov/static/formala/34003789.pdf

Why are you being either disciplined or possibly your medical license taken away?

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I reckon that if you avoid processed foods and lead a healthy lifestyle... you have a zero chance of getting colon cancer.

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Hi ,i have small darkish red slimey clots in my stools , should i get a colonoscope test or is there an alternative natural cure . I have had blood in my stools for years but this is from heamoroids but over the past six months or so i sometimes have these small clots a few times a month , i would welcome your advice ,God Bless.

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I had two friends nearly died from perforations during colonoscopies. I will never get another.

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In 2021, my colonoscopy revealed, "Cecum FRAGMENTS OF A TUBULOVILLOUS ADENOMA. NEGATIVE FOR HIGH-GRADE DYSPLASIA. LOW GRADE DYSPLASIA APPROXIMATES BIOPY EDGES." I was told to get a repeat colonoscopy in 3 months. Haven't gone yet. Do I need to? I don't trust the medical profession anymore.

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I had non-Hodgkin's lymphoma at age 48 and survived. So, due to higher risk for cancer than the general population, I did my first colonoscopy at age 50; then did one five years later where a benign polyp was removed; and did the next four years later (should have been 3 years) where a 10 mm polyp was found. the pathology report should be back next week. I agree that screening colonoscopies based upon age alone are not very cost-effective. It is a lot of hassle for a 12-minute procedure. I had two days of down time. I spent a day doing the prep; two hours waiting in pre-op; another hour in recovery; and was restricted from driving for another 12 hours. There should be identifiable risk factors to justify the procedure.

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I am a founding member

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Thanks. I've had two (because that first polyp.) No cancer so far, and I will be skeptical if advised to get another without good cause.

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I had a laparoscopy done to remove my appendix. Just a few hours later, I was bleeding internally and needed two transfusions. 10 days later I was diagnosed with sepsis. While my family was planning my funeral, it was discovered there was nothing wrong with my appendix. I am so glad there is a God.

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Three years ago, my colonoscopy revealed that I had a large benign tumor in a bad location, the junction of the large and small intestines. Several weeks later, I had it surgically removed. Had I not known about it, it would have continued to grow, and would have caused serious problems as it choked off that passageway. An at-home cancer screening test would not have picked it up. Everyone needs to do their own risk/benefit analysis, but in my case it was worth it.

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i avoided having a colonoscopy for years. i have a large adenoma polyp that has to be removed. it is slow growing, but will be a cancerous tumor if i do nothing. use caution in avoiding this screening tool.

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The doctors are to be trusted unconditionally. Good people. Just because most of them advocate for the Covid shots which can only do you harm (proven to be very unsafe and not at all effective) should give you no pause in taking their word about anything.

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I never understood how seeking out cancer via these routine procedures are counted as "prevention". In my simple mind, I would've thought it to be eating a balanced diet void of processed foods, exercising, reducing stress...but what do I know?

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I had a colonoscopy in 2011 and found rectal cancer. If I knew then what I learned afterwards, I would have walked away. That started my journey into distrusting oncologists. I got a pneumothorax when medport was put in, returned to ER and ended up admitted and getting chest tube. Biopsy "apparently" didn't get enough margin so had to have much bigger surgery than needed. Had severe reaction to chemo and quit after being admitted into hospital with severe mucositis. Radiation cause damage to abdomen. Had temporary ileostomy after surgery which led to intestinal blockage in hospital and 3x since. My body rejected the internal staples from the surgery and they worked down causing horrible pain and had to be removed. Had chronic digestive issues since surgery. So, needless to say.... learn what you can and maintain health to prevent this mess. I have no doubt mine was caused by chronic intense stress going through a divorce and back in school having to get 4.0 GPA to get into nursing school. It wasn't worth it.

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I do coffee enemas and insert the tip maximum of 1-1.5 inches into my bottom. I can't imagine going further AND have a stranger doing that to you, while you're awake. That's a form of rape/invasion of boundaries/private space. Even internal exams by an OB I don't like.

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