Dr. Tenpenny, could you comment on hfmd outbreak suspected due to polio vaccine?

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Thank you, Dr. T!!! Excellent work, as always!!!

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I got the Virus and Vaccine book Dr. TenPenny recommended. Could not put it down.Try and find a copy.You will gain so much insight into the polio vaccine(Truly OMG)and the surreal world of medical research and government. It is absolutely a book that you can share with someone who is unquestioning about vaccines .

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Thanks for the feed back, AJ. As I said, it reads like a suspense thriller - but it' factual and extremely well referenced. Its available through most used book sites and inexpensive. If you find it for a few dollars, suggest buying several copies to give your many friends!

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Dr.TenPenny, Can you comment on the safety of Rhogam shots, for both moms and unborn babies, since the Jabs have been deployed? I know it is a blood product derived from 100s of donors. I would love to hear what you know? Thank you and May God Bless you!

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i always wondered if Rhogam was a vaccine. I took two as a teen and suddenly developed all sorts of severe allergies etc that I'd never had before. 1985.

I had baby shots in the mid60s. then no more until 2000s when i took tetanus (tdap) and was vaccine injured. so wondered if Rhogam was a vaccine since i had such weird immune issues afterwards.

if i had it to do over i would have waited to see if my daughter was Rh- first before allowing an injection. I wasn't comfortable with it but my mom almost died when she was a baby bc she was Rh+ and my grandma was Rh- they just scared me enough to take it. I refused all the vaccines for myself and my baby. I was so clueless and young but it just seemed weird to me to take a Hep B shot for example. I asked the nurses, can my baby get hep B if I don't have it? (i didn't know what it was lol)

Of course they said "no". So I asked why they wanted to give it to her and I don't recall specifically the words but I remember it sounded stupid. So I said no thanks. The only jab she got was PKU test they said was mandatory by the state.

Actually if I had it to do over again i would have had her at home and never gone near a hospital.

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Not mentioned here was:

(1) How many of us saw the disastrous results of the vaccine back in the fifties (children on display in iron lungs).

(2) The warnings we parents got about our vaccinated children in the 70's. That is, that we could contract polio from our children's feces.

(3) The 2023 outbreak, WHICH TRACED BACK TO THE VACCINE.

(4) Where all that Jerry Lewis Telethon money went (e.g., big pharma profits at every turn.

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Thanks for that Dr. T. I am thinking I should apply for a cancer research grant I think I figured out the cure to cancer, 'Stop Causing Cancer with shots and spraying things on us and our food!' Where's my billion $?

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Thanks Dr. T. Terrifying to see that even as far back as 1950's this evil wickedness has been going on. Endorsed & covered up by the very entities supposedly in charge of guarding our health.

Now after this current scamdemic. No health regulatory body on earth gives a monkey's toss about our health. It's all along been about avarice, greed, corruption & EVIL.

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Somehow I didn't know about this book, I will add it to my reading list. I did read Moth in the Iron Lung and enjoyed it.

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This is where you shine, Dr. Tenpenny. This is how I first learned about you. Took immense courage (and still does) to do what you do. I remember when the list of "100 dead scientists" came out. The timing and how they were found (embarrassing death scene set-ups, etc., mainly to deter the families from questioning anything) and then all the holistic doctors "found dead" - reminds me of the Clinton Arkancide lists.

I remember when the polio vaccines on sugar cubes were introduced, (way before the internet). My Dad took us kids and we got the first 2 but then he found out kids were getting polio from the vaccines. My dad, God bless him, didn't have much of an education but he loved and cared about his kids and said, "no way, no more, not taking any chances with my kids". My Dad knew something was wrong.

So much is known now about thimerisol and all these man made created viruses and chemicals with AI are being added, for "your health". Again, I remember my mom telling us not to touch the patio thermometer should it ever break because it had mercury (aka thimerisol) in it. So now we are supposed to believe it is "good" for us because it's being added to our vaccines. hmmmm. Sounds fishy, doesn't it?

Trust God, not sCiEnCe. These are the times we were warned of and told were coming. God bless us to wake up - this is a spiritual experience and there are only TWO sides. Choose wisely, it's only your Soul they are after. Thank you, Dr. Tenpenny.

As the father of medicine once said, long ago, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. - Hippocrates

Time for us all to wake up to the Reality of Life. God bless us all.

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thank you so much!

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My previously healthy child became autistic within days after getting an MMR injection at age 3. The immediate, knee-jerk reaction of the medical community was that the chemical injected into my child just days before could not possibly have anything to do with the sudden change in health and behavior. Prior to this, I had always assumed that vaccines were a healthcare miracle. But after seeing the vaccine injury and the stonewalling by the medical community, I grew suspicious of every vaccine. And I learned that many other families had experienced the same thing, both injury and stonewalling. I suppose a "silver lining" is that I knew not to take the Covid jabs.

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do research on reversing autism. there are cures reportedly out there. Dr. Judy Mikovits is also one who speaks out. just don't stop searching. use brave as your search engine.


Read the articles on Chlorine Dioxide.

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Thanks, Sherri, for alerting me to this book. Ugh, it seems the Powers That Shouldn’t Be, did ahead to Eddy what they later did to Duesberg. Stay safe and free.

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GOD bless you Dr. T - your dedication & commitment to being a Medical TRUTH Warrior gives me HOPE. I deeply thank you & believe our Creator is the wind beneath your beautiful wings ...

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Polio isn't caused by some "virus". This has NEVER been proven.

Polio was caused by DDT spraying on crops.

70% of "cases" of "polio" world-wide are caused BY THE 'VACCINE'.

The rest come from countries that still use DDT.

May I suggest "The Moth in the Iron Lung" by Forrest Maready?

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Not mentioned was, it was called the summer virus. It's thought, based on facts no less sound than the scum follow, much of the poison washed into the lakes. Of course, kids swam in the lakes. Following that information, it's known Teddy Rosevelt spent a lot of time in a lake thought to be a hot spot for this problem.

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My understanding is Teddy Roosevelt developed polio after swimming in a farm pond contaminated with runoff from the fields.

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A lake by any other name, but, that seems more accurate. It's been years since I came across the information.

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DDT definitely contributed to the paralysis. this course has all ALL that stats: https://learning4you.org/courses/what-about-polio/

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what i don't understand is how, if DDT poisoning/toxicity caused or contributed to symptoms labeled "polio", how do children now get polio and/or acute flaccid paralysis from polio vaccines. whether by direct injection, or fecal shedding--there's no DDT involved and theoretically there's a "virus" involved. There's something missing in the info... unless adjuvants are causing the "polio"

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I hope you don't mind my little 2 cents here. As well, all this, "gluten intolerance" (aka diet industry profits) is actually caused by what is in Roundup. It's called, "*Glyphosate". It is sprayed on all wheat crops, oats, etc. for "drying purposes". Look it up if you don't believe me. OF COURSE THEY DON'T WANT THAT KNOWN so they can keep doing it. Causes inflammation, it's a poison and pesticide, like DDT was/is. Satan never sleeps, people. Wakey, wakey.

(*for more info on glyphosate - search using, "brave" as your search engine, (not google or bing).


and here;


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I thought I was going to google into this and validate my thought that this claim was ridiculous. WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK. Me going down another damn scientifically validated/plausible rabbit hole.

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Stephanie Seneff has some good papers on this

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If I may make a suggestion, Yandex is a much better search engine than Google could ever be.

Neither DuckDuckGo nor Brave give search results like Yandex. I suggest doing a search result comparison between the 4. Start with something obviously heavily censored...something like "truth about the holocaust". That's a great term to do a search result comparison with. You will find Brave and DDG to nearly mirror Google identically, with only Yandex giving pertinent results in a far more unfiltered fashion.

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Thanks for the lead. I note results from Brave are not much different than Google. There are a few things I know to be fact, but a search from them required me to get creative and go very deep for the information I sought.

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I will also try, "yandex" but I do like to use brave (sometimes duckduckgo or even startpage) but NEVER USE GOOGLE NOR BING. thanks, we all need to share what we find out. This is how we will win. God or the good is always more powerful than evil. United we stand, One Nation Under God.

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Freespoke seems pretty uncensored also. Brings up propaganda articles to buy doesn't seem to filter correct information either.

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take in the HISTORY. in this book about hype of how the poliovaccine was made and the HISTORY of what happened

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Operation Paperclip, the Bayer corporation, et al. So much will come out, hopefully.

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Thank-you for passing this information forward, Dr. Tenpenny. There are days that I think I cannot bear learning one more dispicable thing our government has done to our citizens or citizens of countries around the world. Then I read the acts perpetrated and I'm glad to know. It allows me to plan ahead for myself and to understand why so much of the world hates our country. God bless and keep you, Doctor. 🙏

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You're welcome. Historical context is really important, now more than ever.

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That is very, very true.

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Bottom line is NOTHING can be be trusted from the Government!!!

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We are too infiltrated. If you knew how many are, "dual passported" which is treasonous, you would see. Z***ism is communism which is godless. Wakey, wakey. I started questioning things when 9/11 happened, now I know it was holograms and thermite. (hope this gets past the censors).

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Thank you for sharing. I’m a recovering nurse of repeating “safe and effective” and complete trust in the medical community. Heart breaking

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I met a pediatric neuro surgeon from Russia (who now lives here) who regretted all the vaccines he gave by rote. He questioned and questioned, "but what is in them?" and never getting any answers. Now he realizes and regrets what he did but at least he learned. Sometimes that is how it is, we do learn by wisdom or suffering. At least you woke up. You learned and that is what is important. Now you can help others to wake up. Safe to question authority! God bless you.

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