Perhaps they get stem cells from those healthy appendixes.

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One can only imagine the "vaccines" that are required as well...

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Wow, that required appendix surgery is right up there with women (some famous, like A. Joli) had their breasts surgically removed to "prevent breast cancer." We truly live in some crazy times…

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In 1963 when I came home after school with my younger brother when my mother announced that my brother and I would be “having our adenoids and tonsils removed in the hospital the following week” When I asked “why ? I don’t feel sick.” “ Mother’s response:” The doctor said that you “don’t need them and it would be better to take them out before they become infected.” In addition, a few friends were also going in the same day to have their tonsils and adenoids removed and we would “have a big party”. I was only 8 years old but logically realized that this made little sense . However, as a child you simply did what you were instructed to do. Needless to say it was one of the worse things that ever happened to me in my life. Not only was I in severe pain and suffering from nausea , I continued to vomit blood! I couldn’t even eat the ice cream that was promised!

I am now 70 years old and still have always wondered why doctors urged parents to voluntarily remove organs , which today we understand are in your body for a purpose !

Was it all about the almighty dollar💸💸💸? How were parents duped into doing as they were told by their doctors? I suppose it’s no different than today with vaccines, is it? 😭🥺

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I still have mine 😊

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It seems like they're asking people to exchange an organ as payment to them for a place to live. Yeah, nope.......

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I am surprised they don’t remove one kidney and sell it on the black market. This way they can sustain their community.

Let’s face it this it’s a screening test to see if you qualify as an idiot. Jim Jones any one?

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Dr Sherri,

Can you look into the “sustainable food” the WEF talks about? It is fake and full of plastic which is toxic to us. Or the food rots from the inside out. They are doing it with melons, cantaloupes, eggs, blueberries, cucumbers- even labeled organic from fresh Tyme. It is very disturbing. Bill Gates and Katy Perry bought Briggs vinegar and changed the formula of this very awesome product. It seems that anything that could help us stay well is under attack.

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I used Bragg vinegar for years. I don't anymore..I make my own

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It reminds me of the controlled environment experiment of the of the “biosphere” whatever came of that? How much taxpayer money was wasted on that? What was the outcome? What did we learn.

How much could have been utilized to prevent and treat our fellow human beings in famines and other disasters! Also monies sent to foreign countries to promote gender studies when their cultures are sacrosanct. Teach a man to fish so he/she can become self sufficient.

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There are 2 American cities that agreed to the 15 minute city concept. I always loved the area surrounding Chattanoga, TN. It is really beautiful country, but when I read they agreed to adopt the WEF concept it saddened me.


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Wow...the WEF has already taken over..!!!

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The irony is that there is treatment for appendicitis. Removal is not the only option. But since there is no help for this by any medical professional…

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The homeopathic remedy Bryonia will cure a goodly percentage of them. I had a cured case years ago in a young girl, classmate of my daughter.

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