My husband and I both got hit by the fog...we have had respiratory illness since Dec 27...any suggestions on how to heal from it?

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Ken Caldera, a geoengineer who worked for DARPA at the Livermore National Labs out in the fields of Livermore, CA, has been recorded saying that they used to sit around and talk about all of the ways that they could thwart an enemy, such as causing a tsunami (Fukushima, Banda Aceh), or put pathogens in clouds and let it rain down on "the enemy." But, of course, they decided it would just be a whole lot more efficient to simply bomb "the enemy," unless, of course, "The Enemy" are a bunch of Useless Eaters, a.k.a. We The People.. Oh, and Bill Gates has called Caldera his "greatest teacher..." TIME TO WAKE UP, KIDDIES!!

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Thank you for this .

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I grew up in Arizona. A new family moved in next door to us, a family named Brown. Mrs Brown was a widow. The husband/father was an Air Force pilot killed in an accident out of Davis Monthan AFB while seeding clouds circa 1950. We have been doing this for AT LEAST 75 years and are probably very "good" at it. US Air Force at war with OUR people? STOP it NOW!

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Our murderous criminal govt is at war with us, not with them. The brainwashed sheeple have no freaking clue what's going on.

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They really started spraying us heavily this week. We went from a mild above freezing forecast next week, to 4 daze in low 20’s with snow and ice Tuesday. As they punched a hole through the jet stream to freeze us.

Hope RFK jr follows through with his promise to ban it. And we don’t have all the silly Fluoride Resistance to bans.

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It’s not only the US where these strange weather patterns have cropped up.

I’m in western Canada in central Alberta and we are experiencing much the same, overcast, cloudy skies, fog….. snow, rain

It’s January which s/b depth of our winter. Although we still get snow and some colder temps, we often experience warming trends….. rain followed by freezing temps, snow creating treacherous 👣👣👣 🚗🚗🚑 conditions. Not to mention a huge increase of respiratory illnesses.

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Check ;out all the work DANE WIGINGTON from GEOENGINEERINGWATCH.org..................

He has a documentary entitled ..."THE DIMMING"...CHECK it out...

The powers to be are spraying metals into our atmosphere......say what???? WHY?????

These are called CHEMTRAILS.......NOT "CON" trails which are vapor trails from planes

and dissipate quickly..the CHEMTRAILS DIM the SUNLIGHT and leave behind metals.........

..It has been reported that in this spray are at least 49 heavy metals...

aluminum, barium strontium, magnesium..........etc. NOT TO MENTION NANOPARTICLES!!!!!!

RObert KENNEDY JR...has stated HE will work to BAN these CHEMTRAILS.......as a federal ban!!!!

PLEASE please PLEASE do IT...............................!!! NOW!!!!!!

Why do you think people are so chronically ILL???????? it is not rocket science....!!!!!

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When is this madness going to end? I just can't believe this is all really happening. God help us.

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All this madness will end when the fake dollar crashes and the globalists/DS lose their power. And it will happen hopefully this year.

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