As of December 23, 2024, during the 118th United States Congress (2023-2024), over 19,000 bills have been introduced. This total includes various types of legislative proposals, such as bills, resolutions, and concurrent resolutions. It's important to note that not all introduced bills are actively under consideration; many may be in committee, awaiting further action, or have been tabled.
We can divide this number by two to get the annual work load and multiply that by 1000 to get a close idea about the number of pages and multiply that by sixty to get the number of lines and that again by twelve to get the number of words that the members of the USA Congress actually do vote on.
We can see that Congress votes on 200 thousand pages of Law every day they are in session. They are in session two hundred days per year.
In the past year, 2024, the Congress voted into Law some 82 significant legislative actions.
Not one person elected to Congressional office claims to have read any of it.
Reality is2often a shifting & subjective thing these days. Perhaps it's more beneficial2focus on individual awareness & responsibility as the more we build a sound foundation individually the more we can ascend outwardly2effect real change collectively. The more we each awaken the more we can help awaken others. In my view u can't fix others or theSystem as Eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized-Owned But we Can adjust our thinking2include space4 Soul Growth and Compassionate Progression. It's said that the key is2be in it but not of it. It's my view that we r Spiritual Beings xperiencing a physical xistence. Perhaps the ineptness & madness of government is an opportunity & invitation 2seek peace & answers elsewhere?
This is a letter I like to send out. You can try it too!
Dear Mr. / Madam Trustee
I write to you today in a sincere effort to help you accomplish your noble reasons for seeking this office.
That is to help you facilitate the betterment of the education we all hope to provide to our children and young people.
To do this, I ask you to make the Board meeting agenda questions and the data points behind them available to me as well as all of the other taxpayers in our district.
With a few simple clicks you can upload the stack to a server where I and the rest of the concerned parents and taxpayers can read, ratify and or annul the elements after log on.
In a perfect world each sentence/paragraph/concept being evaluated will have at least four possible answers: agree, disagree, no opinion at this time, other (one hundred words or less).
Just imagine it, in a matter of just a few minutes, your constituents, the thousands of concerned parents you solemnly stood before when asking for their vote of confidence can now evaluate and report back to you the most complicated and vexing situations you will ever face in this capacity.
Direct democracy is a growing trend, and many companies offer these services:
hosting, voter receipts, and a running tally of totals for everyone to see.
In this way Madam Trustee, you are assured that you will always have the great strength of the community with you when putting into play the programs and policies that really do affect the lives of our people and community.
I hope I live to see Fauci handcuffed and jail time. He is so deceitful. I hope his ‘yes-men’ examine their consciences and come clean to the truths.🙏🙏🙏 All they have to say is, “We made a mistake.”
Adam and Eve were deceived into sin… that’s no excuse in the eyes of God… the most high authority. That’s the true message that should be taken from the Adam and Eve story… even if one is an atheist who tries their best to maintain some high standard of morality. Allowing oneself to be lead on by deceptive and dangerous intentions about things you cannot confirm or deny, like what’s really in that pill or vial… Deception leads to destruction. Not moral, even by the humanistic standards of all the atheists who think they are better than anyone who follows the book containing the Adam and Eve story.
Well written about here as well.
Thank you Doctor Tenpenny for clearly and fully explaining how dangerous and, frankly l evil these “clot shots” really are!
Wow 😳. What an eye opener. Thanks Dr Tenpenny.
They are here to kill you, secretly. You useless eaters.
But of course! It's always been their unenlightened, diabolical Plan But their own evil will consume them.
Reality is the only thing that matters.
According to ChatGPT:
As of December 23, 2024, during the 118th United States Congress (2023-2024), over 19,000 bills have been introduced. This total includes various types of legislative proposals, such as bills, resolutions, and concurrent resolutions. It's important to note that not all introduced bills are actively under consideration; many may be in committee, awaiting further action, or have been tabled.
We can divide this number by two to get the annual work load and multiply that by 1000 to get a close idea about the number of pages and multiply that by sixty to get the number of lines and that again by twelve to get the number of words that the members of the USA Congress actually do vote on.
We can see that Congress votes on 200 thousand pages of Law every day they are in session. They are in session two hundred days per year.
In the past year, 2024, the Congress voted into Law some 82 significant legislative actions.
Not one person elected to Congressional office claims to have read any of it.
How do you propose we move forward from here?
Reality is2often a shifting & subjective thing these days. Perhaps it's more beneficial2focus on individual awareness & responsibility as the more we build a sound foundation individually the more we can ascend outwardly2effect real change collectively. The more we each awaken the more we can help awaken others. In my view u can't fix others or theSystem as Eyes R Useless When the Mind is Blind-Hypnotized-Owned But we Can adjust our thinking2include space4 Soul Growth and Compassionate Progression. It's said that the key is2be in it but not of it. It's my view that we r Spiritual Beings xperiencing a physical xistence. Perhaps the ineptness & madness of government is an opportunity & invitation 2seek peace & answers elsewhere?
This is a letter I like to send out. You can try it too!
Dear Mr. / Madam Trustee
I write to you today in a sincere effort to help you accomplish your noble reasons for seeking this office.
That is to help you facilitate the betterment of the education we all hope to provide to our children and young people.
To do this, I ask you to make the Board meeting agenda questions and the data points behind them available to me as well as all of the other taxpayers in our district.
With a few simple clicks you can upload the stack to a server where I and the rest of the concerned parents and taxpayers can read, ratify and or annul the elements after log on.
In a perfect world each sentence/paragraph/concept being evaluated will have at least four possible answers: agree, disagree, no opinion at this time, other (one hundred words or less).
Just imagine it, in a matter of just a few minutes, your constituents, the thousands of concerned parents you solemnly stood before when asking for their vote of confidence can now evaluate and report back to you the most complicated and vexing situations you will ever face in this capacity.
Direct democracy is a growing trend, and many companies offer these services:
hosting, voter receipts, and a running tally of totals for everyone to see.
In this way Madam Trustee, you are assured that you will always have the great strength of the community with you when putting into play the programs and policies that really do affect the lives of our people and community.
Helpful Taxpayer Citizen
Hosting Companies:
😭no words left for these reports😭
Explains the turbo cancers developing in the jabbed as well as having two different types of cancer developing in some jabbed at the same time.
Tragically, the cdc, fda, nih, niaid, who, un, congress & both presidents, USSC….were/are complicit. What about their e.v.i.l. ?
I hope I live to see Fauci handcuffed and jail time. He is so deceitful. I hope his ‘yes-men’ examine their consciences and come clean to the truths.🙏🙏🙏 All they have to say is, “We made a mistake.”
“Fauci lied; people died.”
Their evil will b their downfall as evil tends2eat itself👊
Adam and Eve were deceived into sin… that’s no excuse in the eyes of God… the most high authority. That’s the true message that should be taken from the Adam and Eve story… even if one is an atheist who tries their best to maintain some high standard of morality. Allowing oneself to be lead on by deceptive and dangerous intentions about things you cannot confirm or deny, like what’s really in that pill or vial… Deception leads to destruction. Not moral, even by the humanistic standards of all the atheists who think they are better than anyone who follows the book containing the Adam and Eve story.
Amen! Thank you for saying *both* presidents.
A good friend of mine died 2-3 weeks after taking his covid booster.