It is said that a small amount of inexpensive chlorine dioxide given in the chicken's water eliminates bird flu with no need to slaughter the chickens. If true this could help alleviate all these needless fears that are being promoted. Personally the only chicken I eat is pasture raised organic chicken raised on small regenerative farms. I wouldn't even consider eating chicken from this large factory farms. Too dangerous in so many ways.

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Buy locally farmed chicken. A little more expensive but if you have access to a Farmers Market, the chickens are marvelous.

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Agreed. I do not recall if you wrote about the "bird flu bailout" previously. But that was an

economic windfall for over 27 factory and large/medium poultry businesses. Americans handed out almost $1 Billion (handed out from 2022 onward) to these corporate businesses, because the USDA stated their birds were "contaminated".

Amazingly, the poultry these corporations produced were surely polluted with antibiotics and other drugs, as well as having eaten chicken "litter" (poo, pee, straw, and dead polutry) in their GMO feed.

I am a whole food vegan now for many years and do not eat Impossible or Beyond products. When I ate animals, had no idea that crap was part of their diet, nor that they were fed rendered proteins, or given drugs and even steroids. Most consumers are in the dark. The only choice, if one chooses to eat animals, is to buy from small natural farmers. Otherwise its' a chemical soup.

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This has got to stop. We've only just seen the beginning of the ramifications of the murdering of millions of birds and ducks over this *fake* "pandemic". Eggs are insanely priced (it used to be that a poor person could at least afford a dozen eggs to sustain them... not anymore) and there are eggs in dozens and dozens of things we eat. The price of eggs is going to start showing up in many other products as well. This has got to stop. *We* decide what we want to eat. And, to my knowledge, if there is any "bird flu" in an egg... well, cook the darn thing and it should kill any "virus". Nah... this is all about taking away our choice to eat eggs, meat and dairy. Why should we believe anything different? The dystopian engineers have flatly told us we will not be eating anything but bugs and lab grown meat when it's all said and done. And it's for "climate change". Nope. I'm not going along with this grift. Support your local egg producers and remind them they do *not* have to let anyone with a sewn-on badge, a Q-tip and a clipboard on their property to "test" their birds unless they are a major producer. We MUST learn to say, "um... NO!" and be willing to accept the consequences.

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Yes, I would love to join your Book Launch Team and will gladly write a review when the time comes. I write reviews on Goodreads, NetGalley, LibraryThing, and Amazon, among a few other smaller sites. Do you plan to provide any ARC's? I am assuming your book will be paper-and-ink.

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"Bird Flu" - another scam to 1/ destroy our food supply and 2/ to further poison those who still refuse to see with yet another (worse actually) mRNA shot. Sadly, those of us who see clearly will need to be even more careful to not get close to those who get this new jab, as "Replicon" is designed to be more readily shed to others. 😡 I intend to stand firm on my faith in God. Jesus is my personal Savior and I believe the promises of God in the Bible - my victory is in my faith, I am safe in Christ, He who is in me is greater and more powerful than He who is in the world. Remember, the Hebrews in Goshen were kept by God from being harmed by the worst of the plagues of Exodus. 🙏🏻

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CA, I have had a bit of a revelation recently. Hebrews Chapter 11 is amazing. We have nothing to fear. Even if everything goes to "hell in a handbasket" the promise remains the same! Enjoyed your comment very much. :)

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God has really been strengthening me spiritually. He led me to a new church this mid-summer and I am about to become a member. The sermons are focused on our relationship with Christ and who we are to be in Christ and that we are safe under the shadow of His wings, no matter what happens. Our ultimate home is the New Jerusalem as we are already a part of the heavenly realm. "God has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of His beloved Son." Past tense. It is done. If only more Christians remembered that while the spiritual war is raging, the victory has already been won on the cross, we are a part of His righteous kingdom. "We may be hard pressed on all sides, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed." Just these two verses alone can bring comfort and inner peace. Blessings to you, Rob D.

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What new church?? Name? Denomination?

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They need to teach the TRUTH.

So few "churches" do.

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Moderna is FauXi’s money laundering front for Pharma pay outs to Congress and DoD yahoos. Notice ALL States Atty lawsuits are against Pfizer only.

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Isn't the Transnational captured CDC in Atlanta?

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Going to be fun watching the way the new administration handles this. Hopefully as much anger now as fear the last time they tried this crap.. Holding big Pharma executives for crimes against humanity would flip things in a hurry

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Hopefully this payout to Moderna will be cut off when new leadership is announced

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