It's too bad

I really liked Bernie Sanders

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"Bernie Sanders, Raphael Warnock, Liz “Pocahontas” Warren. They are the top 3 takers from Big Pharma!" Not accurate. The top individual takers from Big Pharma are Biden and Harris. Fact!

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I have seen something showing that as well. I wish we could post screenshots to substack.

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Could someone please provide the FACTS! Anyone can make a statement but cannot write them on it with hearsay.

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The negative reports about some of RFK, Jr.'s responses in the hearing have been confusing and disappointing, but your continuing endorsement of RFK, Jr., along with Dr. McCullough's, make me more confident that RFK, Jr. will prove to be a true force for good.

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Time will tell if he’s for real if confirmed. I’m hoping he’s just saying whatever he has to to get confirmed.

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TODAY it is a well-known and easily demonstrable fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not read, evaluate or debate any of the particulars of the Legislation they vote on.

They cannot read or debate the issues because, on average, NINE THOUSAND new bills are introduced each year at a rate of fifty-five per day and each Bill can approach 2000 pages of content or more.

Since no one can evaluate ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND pages of Law Speak per day, the elected representative is forced to vote “as per the suggestion of staff”.

Our Constitutions call for ‘representative government of the people, by the people and for the people’. They do not call for ‘government by staff recommendation’.


In order to remedy the UNCONSTITUTIONAL WORKING OF THE GOVERNMENT, it is time to use the available technology of computers for the distribution of the text, and artificial intelligence (AI) for the aggregation of the decisions of up to FIFTY THOUSAND interested, responsible and qualified Citizens per Congressional district, herein referred to as AMPLIFIED VOTERS (AV) to give The People and all of Humanity the opportunity to solve their Governmental problems.


A Constitutional Amendment to Accommodate at Least 10 Thousand Citizen Representatives per Congressional District Who Will Actually Read and Evaluate the Existing and Proposed Laws for the Purpose of Ratification or Annulment of Each and Every Line of Law and the Accompanying Enabling Legislation for the Purpose of Perfecting The Law for and in Behalf of The Citizens of the Country.

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Yes! The screaming from these two monsters spoke volumes. I've never seen anything like it. Their defensiveness only proved their guilt. *Again, you politicians are always giving us "advice" whenever you implement some new tyranny upon us... it's time for you to take your own advice for once, and that is: "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about." Right?

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Boy, it is about time to clean house. There is no time to waste, we have to begin and boot them all out. I say enough is enough. The more unhinged they get, the more they expose themselves.

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Absolutely right Dr. Tenpenny, they're all criminals. I'm glad the Dems got unhinged and showed their true colors for all to see.

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Why are they putting Jim O’Neil in as Under Secretary? Isn’t he a Bog Pharma guy?

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First, some background. Humphrey’s Executor is the key Supreme Court case addressing the following question: Can the President fire anybody and everybody in the federal bureaucracy whom he wants to fire, effective immediately, no questions asked?

Answer: Only if you are a Deep State Loyalist. Lawfare by Lawyers has been Crucifying Truth since the Daze of Scribes and Pharisees, you see? Even though it’s not fair. Tyranny is never “fair” by definition.

Currently, we broke the Lawyer Lawfare monopoly in moneyWashing-tonne DC.

Pre Trump, moral relativist lawyers owned 100% Judicial and Executive. And 85+% of Legislative. After Trump liberated the Executive Branch, he is attempting to liberate the Judicial by going after Schumer for intimidating SCoTuS. And

un🌽stitutional anchor babies, etc. Dismantling the Cheney-Brennan Deep State Cabal with Kash, Tulsi, RFK Jr, Pete, etc.


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Interesting. Still want to know what your opinion is on the Trump appointed new chief of staff that will report to the HHS secretary, Robert F Kennedy. She was part of 45 Administration as the senior advisor to the then HHS secretary. You know the team that called the first pandemic a national emergency. Not to mention Miss Heather is an attorney and her clients are big Pharma. I just don't understand this. Please share with your audience what you think about this. Seem to be happening in the background while we are all focused on these hearings and other catastrophes in the news unfortunately

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Dr T, Check out the REAL amounts - A Midwestern Doctor’s substack - when you add in the other participants in the medical-industrial complex blob. Ugh

Eg. $23 million for Bernie

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Grifter Bernie Sanders tried to muddy RFK’s revelations of Bernie big pharma bribes by shouting about his Presidential campaign ‘worker’ donors. Like the vaxx, it didn’t work.

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Grifter Bernie Sanders tried to muddy RFK’s revelations of Bernie big pharma bribes by shouting about his Presidential campaign ‘worker’ donors. Like the vaxx, it didn’t work.

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Bought and paid for. Bring on term limits.

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And....... public funding for all elections. No lobby $$$.

All election campaigns to be done in a 2 month window.

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And bring on NO revolving door!

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Bernie, not good, goodbye!

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