I had a very serious side effect from a flu shot back in 2008 - I knew then I couldn't have any more vaccinations. It probably saved me from the COVID-19 shot!

But nobody mentioned the VAERS system. I only heard that there was a way to report vaccine side effects with the COVID debacle.

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I just watched this video today... absolutely crazy, and should be grounds for a lawsuit! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMvPm5hrLrY

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Thank you for sharing, as always.

DRUG companies are in cahoots with the FDA, it's a cozy relation$hip.

Veterinary DRUG companies are also cozy with the FDA, and Monsanto

(now Bayer), loves the FDA. I am vegan, but humans eating conventional

animal ag products are ingesting a disgusting chemical soup. When I

grew up eating animal stuff, I never knew they were fed chicken crap

(and more). God bless you and have a happy Christmas.

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This is the database used by researchers to aggregate data showing the significant incidence in ALS for those taking statins (ALL of them). I know 5 people personally outside the "usual" age range for ALS who have died - including my spouse. Statins kill...

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Here’s some reporting on the mind poisoning of our children from birth. This is a Must Read and a Must Share doctor:


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Thank you for sharing. Sadly, it is not surprising. The sexualizing of children started

many years ago, including the addition of drugs and steroids into farm animals,

lowering the ages of childrens pre-puberty, menstruation, etcetera. god bless the children

growing up in the past 25 years.

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that article is very disturbing... but a reality of what is happening to our youngest children. How much longer will God tarry before He crushes forever those doing these things to His gifts.

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Yes very disturbing, and God is certainly waiting in the wings to rend their assailants asunder, but He is also doubtless waiting to see how we will rise to meet this challenge to protect and defend the most vulnerable in their time of need.

This author has worked tirelessly over the past couple of weeks to spread the knowledge of these horrific agendas so that we may build an army to come to their rescue, and I am failing at every turn.

Dr. Tenpenny, I respect your work to make the world a better place, and thank you for it. If there is anything that you can do to help get this information out there, civilization, and God Himself, will surely thank you for your advocacy.

Problems can only be solved when a critical mass is aware of them, and very few even know about these abhorrent problems. Please help!

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Excellent!! We must have accountability, and we the People will!!

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What ever they are spraying us with now is making everyone sneeze and eyes water. Even the pets.

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They seem to change the chemical soup recipe all the time. I pray they receive

justice for this treasonous crime. Amazing that many humans refuse to believe

this is happening.

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Check out Dr. Stillwagon's Substack for information related to the jabs in general and especially on our professional pilot community. The medical safety of our pilots was put on the sacrificial alter of keeping jobs and pensions by the complicit FAA. Every pilot that took the jab did so contrary to the law governing the certification of airmen (and air ladies). However, it was more important to follow the dictates of a rogue entity controlling our government than to ask questions and resist evil. I pray America wakes up to the evil behind the evolving authoritarian darkness at the principality level. We took a cheap shot, now awaken and expect and be prepared for the next one and believe me, it's going to be easy to see this time, but will take divine integrity to resist and reject.

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Thank you Dr Tenpenny for highlighting this extremely important info! While I’m certain that RFKjr and others will be appointed and reform healthcare going forward, I hope and pray the killed and injured are acknowledged and those responsible are held accountable.

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Thank you, Dr. T! I am currently putting my mom back on lisinprol, because it was the only one she could tolerate at all, but I still don't like it. I am weaning her off carvedilol that she was put on last year because of an afib incident (reaction to doxycyline she didn't tell me about until I had to call 911) and to address her blood pressure. It's so nasty and I am having to wean off of it. Her doctor and a pharmacist said to just "QUIT" it!!! I know better. She has several of the worse side effects of that drug!!! I've tried to keep her on the lowest of doses but at 93 her BP is like a roller coaster. I've reduced all her drugs as much as possible for the last 15 years, and I had to do the same with my dad. He got dementia from the statins they put him on for a moderate cholesterol level. I stopped it and it didn't get worse, but it destroyed his magnificent brain. Glad to have someone like you we can trust! Most doctors just keep pushing drugs and don't flinch when you tell them the side effects!! People must do their own research on these. It will save your life.

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I had a reaction to lisinopril but had no idea there was a reporting site for it. Also its sister bp med losartan.

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I hope and pray so

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I was injured after my one and only pfizer shot April 8 2021. It was a terrifying nightmare. I get so angry that Pfizer’s own 38 page list of adverse effects was collected and printed in February 2021. I did not know about this lengthy list before getting the shot. No informed consent. There was so much fear pumped out on a daily basis. We heard two shots would end the pandemic. What I don’t understand is why all governments around the world are staying silent about the injuries and still promoting them. There’s enough noise out there that they are aware but refuse to address it. Canada has paid out 73 million so far to the vaccine injured. The onus is on you the injured to prove it. Without a diagnostic test widely available, how does one prove it. Dr. Phillip Buckhaults has a test he’s used in his lab to confirm contaminated plasmid DNA in the tissue samples he received. He even posted how to do it on X. It costs money. Not many scientists can do this test independently without funding. My family doctor is frustrated that there has been no guidance for the injured. Mostly every doctor I’ve seen is aware of the injuries because they see it. The ENT said he believes the injuries are neurological but admits he can do nothing. This is all so insane. The governments failure to address the injuries let alone acknowledge them is abusive and criminal. And so many aren’t even connecting the dots. Never in my life in a two year period have I known 9 people with a cancer diagnosis, 5 have since died. My husband was out for dinner with some other men who haven’t gotten together since covid. 4 of the men have had a cancer diagnosis. All of what I’ve shared (and there’s more) is just in my circle of life. The injuries are not rare.

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I still to this day can not fathom anyone getting a vaccine or shot/jab for a supposed virus that was not serious. Getting supposed COVID was 99% not lethal, so what was up with anyone going out to get jabbed for it?

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FEAR was effectively created and many humans acted like willing sheep.

The images of humans dropping dead in the street in China, helped.

Yet, they were reacting to the 5G technology taking air out of their lungs.

I STILL see some humans today wearing face diapers.

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Me too.

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Yes! I totally agree! THIS.IS.CRIMINAL. There must be accountability! Please everyone continue to push back and demand it!

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I understand and applaud the existence of this reporting system and database. But it raises a question I wish to ask, especially because of my personal situation. I am 71 and am a very allergic person. I have had a wide variety of food and environmental allergies since the age of 2, although most have diminished or disappeared completely over time. Despite having taken a good many medications as a child, I did not have any drug reactions until I was 27, although that first one was a whopper: I developed Stevens-Johnson Syndrome from a sulfa-based antibiotic. I almost died. Since that time, I have had reactions to several other drugs, varying from mild to very serious. So my question concerns the reporting of such reactions. In my case, it would appear that most of my reactions were allergic reactions, meaning unique to me, specific to MY body. If a reaction to a drug is clearly allergic, should it still be reported? Anyone can have an allergic reaction to ANY drug, but that doesn't diminishethe drug's potential value to everyone else. So should I have reported those reactions when they were clearly just allergic reactions?

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I’m so sorry for your past suffering! Very interesting question you present on the distinction between an allergic reaction vs an adverse one. Imo report EVERY reaction even the allergic ones especially when the drug is new. How do we know if a significant number aren’t also suffering the same effect? Some drugs come with warnings about possible allergic reactions because they are well known to cause one - how do we know if no one reports? But does it matter if we report anyway?! The red flag has been waving in VAERS for the covid jab and no one appears accountable for ignoring it!🤬 Who is responsible for that?!🤬

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