Hello. Are all these information applicable to Europe? Is ECP in Europe too?

Thanx. Veronika from Slovakia

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What is ECP?? It doesn't get explained!

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I talk about it all the time. Go to www.TenpennyECP.com to learn more.

BTW, I appreciate your participation and your comments! :)

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Duck Duck go cannot open the webmpage you asked us to utilize to stop digital I’d.

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Hi Dr. Tenpenny, I am trying to decide if I'm going to college and what I would be going for. Would you ever encourage a young, Christian, conservative, anti-vaxxer to be a doctor or is it a lost cause? If so, is there a medical school you would recommend?

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I would not recommend medical school to anyone right now for a very very long list of reasons. For one, when you get out in 8 years, you'll be >$500k in debt and many physicians will be replaced by robotics and AI. We're already seeing it. Also, you will be REQUIRED to be fully vaccinated and get the flu shot (and maybe covid shot) every year.

If you've set on health care, I'd consider looking into acupuncture or chiropractic

Sorry to disappoint...

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Thank you very much for the response. I'm not really disappointed. I kind of expected an answer like that from you, I just wanted to actually know your thoughts on the subject. I have another question. Would you encourage girls like me to be stay-at-home moms and homesteaders? I think I'm more cut out for a life like that, but my mother often expresses regret about not finishing college and getting a job that could have helped people in the covid fiasco. I hesitate to say "I'm not going to college," mostly for that reason.

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I just looked up the tuition cost for my med school alma mater, AT Still University (ATSU) - about $64k/year. And that doesn't include housing, books, food, transportation, etc. https://www.atsu.edu/finance/tuition/kcom#doctor-of-osteopathic-medicine

I'm sure that's a the low end of fees.

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Thats pretty expensive, Thanks for the info.

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Follow your heart. My stepson was heavily pressured by his brothers and his mom to go to college. He told us he was not a "school kind of guy" and wanted to work in the woods with his grandfather's logging company. He did that for a couple of years and then decided he wanted to become a fireman. They were very hard on him, and he took a lot of heat for standing his ground on "I'm not going to college."

Another thing is that COLLEGE is always there and available, at any age. I interviewed Wally Long, author of "Why Me, Lord?" for my Happy Hour podcast. He was a correction officer for 20 years and went back to Seminary school in his 50s to graduate from college.

We have conditioned young people to think that college is a "must do" right after high school. It isn't true. Take your time. Take a few years to work in the real world. Do some volunteer or apprentice work with various professions to find out what you REALLY want to spend the rest of your life doing. Don't go $100k+ into debt to figure it out.

Here are some suggestions that work for girls, too. I could tell you LOTS of stories of very successful 20-somethings who did not go to college. If you Google it, you'll find more ideas. College isn't for everyone. Much has been written about the prison of debt the four-year liberal indoctrination leads to.


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Thank you again for taking the time to respond. I have several successful cousins with new families and great spouses who didn't go to college. My dad was debt free his first year, then he worked construction and married my mom. After a few years he went back to college and finished. He's taught Math and Science 13 years. He payed off his student loans 3 years ago.

I'm leaning on not going to college. I don't graduate till 26, so I still have time to decide. I'm very fortunate to be going to a small Christian school that has partnerships with some Christian universities. I know I will have several scholarship opportunities. My school also has a College Credit Plus program where we can take college classes without having to pay for them. I have already taken a class through Cedarville University. My friend's older sister took enough classes in high school that she graduated college after only 1 year on campus; Now she's a biologist at The Ark. There are several things I could do to have significantly less debt after college. I'm trying my best to weigh the pros and cons.

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Sounds like you've already thought this through and have a good head on your shoulders! Yea! LET ME KNOW if there is anything else I can do to help. God Bless.

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Thanks, I will contact you if I think of anything. I'm very glad we were able to have this discussion.

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Gp ahead and get your AA degree, focusing on chemistry, biological science, and excell at anatomy and physiology, then get your L.Ac. studying for years with an old-fashioned Chinese acupuncturist. You CAN do this.

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Thanks for the advice, that is what I am considering studying. I am currently taking an Anatomy and Physiology class at my school. I go to a small, mostly rural Christian school. My Anatomy and Physiology teacher is a local Chiropractor, who used to teach A and P at Palmer College. I'm doing well in the class and actually really enjoying it. Thanks so much, for the encouragement.

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1hr/day X 5days X 7wks is a big commitment for ECP. To really get anyone to go through a course, the treatment center has to be nearby to the client & easily accessible.

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most people do 2 tx/day. some do 3 tx/day

we have discounted hotel rates at places across the street for those who come from oout of town

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Went to the anti-digital site and made a comment as anonymous. I really don't care if they know I made it. Tyrants must be defeated face to face. We are bolder then they are because they are usually hiding in the weeds since they are spineless cowards.

The UN, WHO, CDC, FDA...and many others are nothing but organizations for the cowardly, weak and fearful to hide behind. Yes, these control freaks fear us more than we fear them because they need complete control to survive.

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I’m trying to get info on how to use the micronic silver products. I bought the bundle and sent an email about a month ago to admin@micronicsilver.com for testimonials from customers as Jeff Adams said we could do. No response yet. Please help! Thank you!

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I sent your comment directly to Jeff. LET ME KNOW if he doesn't answer in the next 24-48 hours.

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Dr. Tenpenny, this alert on signing the Stop the Real ID act is so important, just like when you tried to give everyone the head's up on what to expect if they took the "v" in 3-6 months. Same thing, same importance, same emergency priority to stop and think, then act. I will share this, "Amazing Polly" *she is a Canadian journalist who has been *banned a long time ago from YT for speaking out - but is on Rumble and Bitchute now. *(her website is www.amazingpolly.net and the 2nd channel is morepolly on Bitchute) Her name is Polly St. George. I remember her talking about the "China credit system" that has already been implemented in China against the Chinese people, "social credits given" for turning in your neighbor, *communism at it's finest, if you cross the street outside the lines (or anything else they deem "wrong" or "inappropriate") your bank accounts automatically are to be extracted for whatever the fine is they impose, you can never speak out, you have to obey, you have Big Brother watching everything you do and what you say, etc. We need to protect and maintain our National Sovereignty, as ONE NATION UNDER GOD, we need to stand for FREEDOM and our right to SELF GOVERN. We are a Republic. God bless America and may we turn back to God soon. Thank you, am sharing and I signed.

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I went to the comment section on Stopping the Real ID. Wanted to comment but you cannot comment anonymously. They want your name, address, etc. Frankly, I’m afraid to give all that. Figure eventually they’ll come after me for complaining about it.

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I just did it. Click on the anonymous button and its submitted

BTW there is NO privacy. they know where you are and who you are anyway.

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They have you anyway, my dear, no one can hide any more it is 1984, and I did not intend to make a ryhyme. My friend in another state is in the militia and reminds me that I am " on the list" because I am his friend. So get used to it, mind your p's and q's and be ready to suffer for the truth.

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you can still put your comment in and choose "anonymous" there are 3 choices! I picked the anonymous one as well due to their asking for my address, bra size, waist measurements, gender, etc., (just kidding but I balk and back away from that) so I did choose "anonymous" and got a confirmation *choose that to confirm, in my email. please, share!

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I have my mug!

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thank you!

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