Thank you for the detail. I'm 71 and my teeth are full of fillings. Could it have been the ten years between dentist visits when I was a young man struggling to get on my feet? Flouride didn't help much then. A dentist I was seeing in the early 80's suggested a mouthwash consisting of 1/3 hydrogen peroxide, 1/3 mouthwash, and 1/3 water to help with my budding gum disease. I have used it since then and had few problems with my gums or teeth.

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We live in Vancouver, BC Canada. Does anyone know if fluoride is added to the water supply in Canada?

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In Ohio it's law to fluoridate water to 0.8-1.3mg/l to water source suppliers to 5,000+ persons. I've written my Ohio legislators to rescind this law. I encourage others to do the same if it's written into your own respective state laws.

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When you circle back, take them a copy of this judge's ruling. Did you read it? Sometimes, a judge's decisions are written with too much legalese (like medical things with too much medical jargon for the layperson to understand), and I don't understand what they are trying to say, but this one is clearly written and easy to understand.

Local folks may not know what the ruling is about. it's a helpful tool for education. Thanks for taking this on!

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I hope all is well with you Dr. Tenpenny.

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Why would it be preferable to remove fluorine from the body instead of preventing it from entering through water filtration?

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How do we get rid of fluoride from our bodies, anyway?

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How do you get rid of the bullet that is killing you?

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After completing a master’s degree in biochemistry in 1982, I entered dental school. Naturally , the benefits of topical and systemic fluoride were hammered into us. My prior training made me question this dogma. I knew that fluoride is classified as a non-specific enzyme inhibitor and thus a poison. It is also a waste product of aluminum refining. It was ALCOA chemists that “discovered” fluoride in the water system. Now they would have a reason to recover it instead of dumping it into the environment .

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Fluorine isn't dumped into the environment. Fluorine is dumped into the water "purification" process. It is easy to remove from the "purified" water by resin and/or reverse osmosis filtration.

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agree with your comments, but we live in a very toxic world. Any way we can pull the forever toxic exposure out of our body, IMHO, is a good thing.

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Efforts to avoid putting toxins into our bodies are usually more productive than those to remove them. Ignorance of both is the primary reason neither are applied. Fortunately, the LD50 of most toxins allows their removal.

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Thank you for your exposure of the jab hoax as well as waking people up to our satanic government that wants us dead.

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Oops,Forgot to include reference to your work on fluoride! Excellent outcome.

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Dr tenpenny ,I thank you for sharing this bit of good news to dispel some of the “doom and gloom “ that has been hanging over us .we pray for all of you fighting bravely in this era of censorship.🙏🏻🌻

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