This is so great! Understand this, you are no accident! Apostle Paul, started out as Saul, persecuting followers of Christ, strongly believing he was on the correct path! He got redirected, rudely, supernaturally with great results. He was left with no doubt as to the veracity of the instructions. We today rarely experience such clarity in our personal revelations from our creator. It’s important not to buy into popular fables and lies about our origins. In Colossians Paul makes clear about Christ. He is before all things, I BELIEVE ( matter ) and in HIM all things consist, or hold together. Nuclear physics make clear matter and energy are to some degree two different forms of something else likely in my opinion, God’s creative work. I was bought with a price, the precious blood of Jesus the Christ. So were you! Won’t you ask Him into your own heart and life, to stay today? He designed you, He suffered, suffered greatly for us all, praise HIS Holy name!!

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What is so sad is that most people want to be part of the so called winning team!

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Love Ya Sis!

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