Someone from the other side of the world to the US made this comment on X a while back, which highlights how stupid and weak the US looked with all its wokeness: "As I’ve said many times, the Russians, Chinese and Middle East insurgent groups are not worried. When the invasion comes, they’ll be over the Mississippi before the US Military has finished doing its hair and make-up and double checked everyone’s pronouns."

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Not to mention, those "transgenders" that want cosmetic surgery (which is what this surgery is) to make themselves "feel" more like the gender they think they should be require months and months and MONTHS of followup care, and more than likely they joined specifically for the "free" surgery rather than because they had a heartfelt desire to serve their country. I'm not saying all of them, but most.

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Stop normalizing mental illness .

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This is all an anti-Christ agenda, to put down the righteous and lift up the unrighteous, and unrighteous then, is defined by anti-God, anti-Truth, anti-Family, anti-Social, anti-Responsibility, anti-Biblical, and anti-Natural Law. Period.

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Transgender people have some deadly serious thoughts and ideas, along with mental health issues that need psychiatric therapy and care. Military personnel charged with critical decision making, with being deployed to Muslim countries that persecute and kill transgenders should not be representative of America. Asking Americans to pay for their surgical transgender fantasies is an insulting joke!!

These past several years of all this politically mandated “woke” ideology are sad and misguided. It has allowed and encouraged the development of a society full of divisiveness and hatred with few, if any, moral values. Christian beliefs are ridiculed and attacked.

Americans spoke to this degenerate set of ideological beliefs with the largest landslide election victory in history, that of President Trump. It is beyond refreshing to see the highly intelligent folks that he has brought into an administration that has immediately begun to return the US to its former #1 country in the world!

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These 8000 trans military members need terminated immediately. They can play pretend on their own time and their own dime, not ours.

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IMO-Transgendered people; Do Not Belong in our Military!!!!! If they want to change their Sex Orientation, They should Pay for it!!! Not citizens of USA! Grow up and take responsibility for your own personal Wants in life! Just like everyone else does, if they want something, they pay for it🙏🇺🇸

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Honestly this is one of the most unnecessary parts of the trump agenda. Transgender people are just trying to live their lives. Yes there shouldn’t be transgender surgeries for children, women’s sports is for biological women. Many men fake their transgenderism to get into women’s jails.

BUT most trans people have hard lives and just want to live as they believe they should. Why do you want to censor and malign them? It’s close minded and cruel.

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Agree! These people deserve compassion. If Trump wants to save $$, stop using military aircraft to transport immigrants. Its $800,000 per trip. If this media hungry fool would do the logical thing (never!), a chartered jet is $200,000. But no media value of course.

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No, this is the ruse. It is a satanic agenda that corrupts "woman" and "man." The fruits of it are anti-family, anti-culture and anti-science. XX does not and can not be XY. Ever.

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Nature does somethings that are literally unbelieveable. Decades ago, I saw two hermaphrodite pigs in college. They had balls the size of grapefruits--and cunts. I did NOT believe my eyes, nor did any other student in that class. As this subject has come up recently, I looked up on the web whether hermaphrodites have ever given birth, or fathered children. Yes, they have, although only one kind of gonad--testis or ovary--can function at a time. I also learned of at least two XY women born looking female and who gave birth. Maybe the XY was some laboratory error.

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Because it's been forced on the population, on the children especially in schools. They've crossed the red line with all this transgender BS and I'm so sick of it. I don't care if this is what they want, but keep us out of it. Don't force it on us as if it's normal - it's not!!

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Like many other world stage people, the Trumps appear to be one of those families who are raised as the opposite sex right from birth. It's Anatomy 101, they aren't hiding it.

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Anyone who joins the military to kill people are mentaly ill and a slave.

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Best not to have mentally ill people in any kind of leadership role.

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What would you call trump and current cabinet picks?? Scary. We’ll have tv personality running FBI.

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You’re no Angel

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They need to have their hormones balanced and a safe detox protocol. Mental health therapy as well to address issues they have. That is the far better use of momey.

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Thank you for this great news! I never agreed With the mentality of having a mental ill soldier on the front line, it just scary as hell! And I've come from a family that my daddy served in Korea! And he always said women should never be in war either! So yes, I feel like transgenders are a threat to our Nation in the military! And yes, I feel like women should not be in wars. We weren't made for that. God didn't make us that way! We have tender hearts! I'm sure God has called some women to be military type because he does that. He's God! But as a general rule, we should protect our women against the sins of war! They realities of war is not for women's heart! But that's my opinion. I don't see that biblically, I don't see that legally, but my daddy raised me that way! And he served in war. He served willingly! And his heart was always sad that women were in wars before he died in 90"s .. Oh, he would be ashamed of the military for accepting transgender. Oh, he would not have liked that at all!

Welcome to the Golden age of the Trump 4 years! Welcome to our father. God taking care of us and seeing that Trump is the man that could do it this term! We need to be praying for the next president! Do not delayed and praying for Godly men and women to come up in the government steps. 🙏🙌👑🙌🦋💜

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

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We need to stop this insanity...

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