Check out this article about weaponizing weather. Everything is manipulated and not for our benefit.

It is time to srtop this #@&* treason and take out power back. WE have free-will and do not consent: https://jonfleetwood.substack.com/p/nexrad-frequency-pulses-keep-hurricane?publication_id=520511&post_id=149935727&isFreemail=false&r=3ixjjv&triedRedirect=true

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Thank you, all understood, a horrible deliberate planned event. Just like 9/11, Covid,

Lahaina, GMO's, and so on. The beings that do these things care nothing for human

lives. They feed off fear, violence, terror, greed, and power They have no soul or compassion,

and view us as either slaves or cattle to be slaughtered.

One goal was to devastate the mountain areas, depopulate, and to take over LITHIUM MINING.

DEW, direct energy weapons, manipulate weather by accellerating

it with a laser. DEW's caused the fires in California, as well as making hurricanes WORSE.

Please take a look at Michael's video. He helps us to focus on our power, not on fear.

We have free-will and can change things, even hurricanes. We are not victims, not helpless.

We can work together to counter the evil intentions around us. And yes, alter storms.

LOVE is the answer. Love to everyone and God bless, rachel


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I'm questioning these numbers. Although I sympathize with the point you are making, but the National debt is $34 trillion... $34,000,000,000. Your examples appear to be off by 1000x

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God Bless You & Your Efforts! 🙏

And God Bless America!

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I'm not sure about that amount Dr. T. K. Harris stated in her FEMA briefing that each person affected by Helene will get $750.00. there is fine print to that contracted money. It's a loan and if they don't pay it back, the government comes in and seizes their property. All this has been done by design. That area has the purest quartz in the world along with the largest deposit of lithium. The residents in that area were opposing the lithium mines being reopened. This is just another example of our corrupt evil government weaponizing the weather thru HAARP to obliterate the opposition to take over the natural resources for their corporate wealth and power expansion. It lines up nicely with their "green agenda".

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Another case of misplaced priorities and lack of accountability.

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There is another story going on as well here with this administration. Lithium and the obsession of electric vehicles. 2 sites of lithium mines that the locals were protesting. Let the local population die and government takes control of the land, no more problem. This is an evil administration and all those appointed.


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Everything you wrote has been breaking my heart and leading me to tears since it happened. I sent support to Samaritans Purse and as a quilter, I am trying to get some ready to send as I have a contact. Your prayer is beautiful. I am going to print it out and keep it in front of me. If I was bodily able, I would be down there helping. Thank you for writing the truth that so many ignore and gaslight. Thank you.

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thank you for your kind words. this is a spiritual war and God's angels need to move the human hearts of those working for FEMA. They can't all be bad people and God was willing to save the huge cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of 10 good people.

(Gen. 18:32)

Can we start with 10 "good Christian people" who work for FEMA?

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Beautiful prayer I recited along with you. Amen

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Thank you especially for your prayer, that the hearts of the FEMA workers be softened. I have been in close contact with my cousin who lives nearby. The horror stories you are hearing about FEMA are sadly true. At one location they actually refused entrance to residents wanting to return home because they couldnt show ID. These people have lost EVERYTHING.

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Oct 7Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

In that note, the hearsay is that if the pittance of “qualified” aid is not repaid within the specified time(1yr.), it’s said the recipient will be penalized. Forfeiture of property! What? That’s is insane. It smacks of maniacal and tyrannical. Can anyone prove this claim?

Site a reference.

If it’s true it needs to be to be broadcast as well as punished. If it’s untrue, well there is already enough propaganda in the efforts to diminish the reports of actual devastation to the American people.

Lives are at stake! There is no time to humor bureaucratic bullies.

By the way, residents are already reporting denial of said emergency funds. One man, reported, because they happened to carry homeowners insurance they were immediately denied. Talk about deplorable! Well I guess it takes one to know one, huh?

As a matter of fact, to the point, what are the disqualifiers precisely?

By all means, Let’s be “transparent”. No redactions, no inflated misleading assurances, just straight up-no chaser!

Resilience is in the heart of mankind. Hope is only good if it’s not tethered.

Really, to the Biden administration, inquiring minds want to know! What are the disqualfiers? What about the immediate victims? What about the desperation of need?

Don’t give us your stooges with praise reports.

How about some real dignity and compassionate charity, not sanctimonious pity!

How about comprehensive sign up stations to mobilize volunteers & funds appropriately. How about swift action in constant waves of progress until the rebuilding is complete. How about funds to bury the dead with dignity. How about heated shelters for the living. It is forecasted to be 40° temps and only going to get colder. How about water, food, clothing, cots, hygiene and medical care, porta pots, mobile shower houses, generators, gasoline, saws, shovels, transportation, ATVs, backpacks, first aid kits, excavators, building materials, protection from looters, protection from opportunistic land grab vultures. If you can afford to leave billions in military equipment on enemy soil, surely you can afford true humanitarian aid.

Ya know, REAL problem solving without the tie or stilettos.

Furthermore, how about bringing immediate voting opportunities to them.l without your red tape.

How about volunteers sacrificing their showers time for the actual victims, who has had their entire lives turned upside down. Bear in mind you’ll be relieved soon. They on the other hand, will be picking up the pieces physically, mentally, and spiritually for years to come.

It’s revolting to think people are being blockaded from being a Good Samaritan, humane, or neighborly. People need people! They will need hugs, smiles, listening ears, helping hands, eager feet…for them.

To be shamed and stifled for extending a hand is an antagonistic stance. Shut up and get out of the way of real progress if that’s what you’re bringing to the table. Really, put your titles, degrees, your acronyms, and self promoting badges aside and wear a heart, give dignity and use common sense.

Encourage those who have come to help, especially when they actually have an invested interest, because they live there. Discerning they will have best likeminded understanding of the cultural needs and abilities of the citizenry. Be a service to them not the hindrance. Who needs people in uniforms looking all official, yet cold as ice with their arrogant, “let the experts do their job” or your “protocol excuses/dismissal” BS. Roll up your sleeves, join in WITH the communities to assist, don’t be an additional obstinate obstacle, kicking them when they’re down.

Be the government you are hired to be instead of smhucks!

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All of the cleared property should become Hurricane National Park to prevent it being rebuilt yet again.

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It really appears our government for and by the people is not doing their mandated duty. Ignoring & neglecting our own citizens is now the standard, especially in the present administration. Are they not tasked to promote the general welfare of people of THIS nation? That's written in the Constitution's preamble. Nowhere is it written we are to support and encourage illegals. Nowhere is it written to give aid and comfort to foreign governments.

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Elitists don't care about rules or law, they make the laws to oppress us.

They are too "superior" to bow down to laws.

They are also not human and intensely dislike us.

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Possible land grab by the government. Lithium and quartz mines .

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planned years ago, far more than "possible".

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