Dr. Tenpenny, I am so thankful that you are recovering from your stroke.

In one of your podcasts you mentioned that you have MTHFR. I also have MTHFR. I am curious if you think that had something to do with your stroke. Was your homocysteine high at the time? Also, is your d-dimer elevated? I have an elevated d-dimer and my doctor says that people with MTHFR are more sensitive to jab shedding. What are your thoughts on this?

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I've been taking mFolate for a long time and homocysteine runs about 5 so I don't think that was it. If I could guess, it was the "perfect storm" of a combination of things + maybe shedding from someone on the airplane (which is where the sx first started)

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Dr. Tenpenny, please read this doctor’s article on MTHFR. Maybe your homocysteine is too low.


Also this one.

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Was your d-dimer ever tested?

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I have had 3 young members of my family die shortly after the COVID19 shots, I wrote the Canadian health branch that keeps saying ( safe & effective ) & told them about the 3 members of my household that died young. All they responded was ( were sorry for your loss ) There are no real people who care when someones heart is broken, it is all AI now. God is more real then anything man can conger up here on this planet! I trust my SAVIOUR NOW, NOT MERE MAN, and I know I will see my lost loved ones again in heaven some sweet day, Christians must know that man can fail you every time! This earth is not our home, so get ready for the rapture, its coming very soon, only those with a ready heart will go, AMEN

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Dr Tenpenny I see a video being shared on lioness of Judah Ministry of you speaking on what took place over the weekend in NYC, UN assembly meeting on the pact for the future. I just need to confirm that this is actually your video and that you did share this. Thank you!

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After you buy a couple of pieces of .999 silver and three "9 volt" batteries, silver therapeutics is experiential.

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