I knew that Dr. Tenpenny and thank you so much for your quick response. 🥰What is the Rhogam for? I vaguely remember something about that, but will they try to coerce that also?

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Thank you so much for this information.

God bless you for all that you are doing to bring truth and light into this dark world🥰

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I have a question about TDap vaccination during pregnant? It used to be that you don’t give a pregnant women anything, why are they saying you should get a TDap vac in your 3 rd trimester????

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No vaccines should be given to pregnant women, EVER. This was started 10-15 years ago to be given at the 28-week check-up with the flu shot and at the same time as the first dose of RHOgam (in Rh women). Women are told not to have a glass of wine or take a Tylenol when pregnant, but the OB-GYNs think injecting them with poison - now including the COVID19 jab - is "safe and effective."

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It is so difficult to trust anything the medical community is telling you or trying to do to you anymore. I have such little trust In them. It is so sad.

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In the Reagan movie, his speechwriter was a big part of his success. 👏👏

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