Thank you so much for this sad but critical information!

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The title of this article is:

More on Carcinogenic Nitrosamines in Drugs (Part 2)

I am not finding Carcinogenic Nitrosamines in Drugs (Part 1)

Where is the link?

I am MOST distressed now taking Olemsartan and have been for about 2 yrs.

Trying my best to control diet and the intake of allopathic drugs.

Taking also alternatives like supplements.

My only other BP med is Carvididol (generic for Coreg) for about 4 yrs.

Is this a BIG mistake also taking Carvididol?

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Olmesartan (typo)

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God bless you Dr. Sherri!

Two words for us to concentrate on in 2025 given to us look. up Scripture:



Thank you for taking time out to answer.

I discontinued taking Olmesartan yesterday and will go back to just Carvedilol 25 MG Tab 1 tablet twice daily.

My major challenge is I also have POTs.

It is difficult to balance the high BP with low diastolic #.

Previously had 10 stents, a 5 way bypass, and May 24 #11 stent on left coronary bypass 90% blocked.

POTS probably caused by contracting the cold from h- from my husband's criminal court jury duty in Dec of 19.

Last Nov of 23 I was diagnosed with intrusive right breast carcinoma and after two lumpectomy surgeries in Jan of 24 had clean margins.

Other complications are diverticulosis and now too high potassium level (was taking MD prescribed potassium) now off for at least the next 2 weeks awaiting re-test.

Have done all I can on diet, exercise (previous to POTS complication), and supplementation.

I refuse to go on Ranolazine and Repatha as the "last resort."

The black box warnings are ominous!

I do NOT trust any injectables as mRNA is being added to formulations.

Hope someday your clinic can be expanded in the Knoxville, TN area.

Would love to try the ECP Therapy.

After my 5 way while still in the heart unit experienced ECP and believe it really helped me get out of the hospital earlier previous to going to cardio-rehab.

Thank you again for all that you do for us.

Keep these 2 words in your heart and covet them: MIRACLE FAITH.


Serving I AM with you, Mabe

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For the New Year of 2025, I was given two words to concentrate on with the deepest of Holy Spiritual import for the journey ahead.




This gift of words was confirmed for me today as I watched a Movie 🎥 taped on my DVR for The Advent Season that was aired on BYU TV 📺

“ I Can Only Imagine “

The end of this touching true story of redemption and forgiveness by Mercy Me listed this site:

Chat About FAITH


Serving I AM with you

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Thanks for all the info. There is nothing good about deli meat, I gave it up while ago. (It sure is yummy though.)

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Thank you Dr. Tenpenny. I would like you to know that I was following you prior to the "pandemic" and it was your being censored that contributed to my waking up to the scam. I am very grateful to you for influencing my decision to say NO! to the C19 Vaccine.

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Great information.

Also keep in mind a marketing ploy:

Hot dog packages declaring no sodium nitrite has been added are not nitrite-free, because they get around it by applying special bacteria to celery juice -- bacteria which converts celery nitrate to nitrite.


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Good information. Thank you.

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I was prescribed a low dose of losartanback in August. Doc says it’s a “benign” med no big deal. Is it still an issue( latest reports back to 2019?). How to determine from bottle where it’s manufactured? I would much prefer a natural product but allopathic dr will never prescribe. Looking for suggestions. Thx!

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Losartan stopped working for me when I couldn’t get made in the USA Hyzaar. Now made in India with possible ingredients from China. Switched to naturopath that does biofeedback and my BP is sort of under control. Not going back to Pharma. I take potassium, multivitamin, liposomal vitamin C, resveratrol, & omega 3s & D with K.

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Find yourself a doctor of Naturopathy and stay clear of allopathic docs who are licenced drug pushers! I’ve doctored with a Naturopath for most of my life, am long retired, enjoy all the activities of younger years, and take no prescription drugs whatsoever! As I look around at folks my age that rely on several prescription drugs to “keep going”, I find it hard to understand why they rely on an allopathic physician.

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Thank you for this. My md wanted to get me on BP meds following a flu that raised my BP, but I am sensitive to chemicals and found I could not tolerate various side effects, including from “sartan” meds. One sartan gave me a perpetual cough, which the doctor said was a “minor” side effect if it helped deal with high BP. This seemed like a “brush off” as if I should be happy to experiment with drugs regardless of whether or not they might harm more than help my health. I decided to stop using BP meds and am focusing on a more active healthy lifestyle.

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