Loving these comments! Shows that many are "independent thinkers" instead of sheep! Be sure to share these columns. Keep your friends and family informed -- and not wearing a mask!

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How timely?? Article is only 2 years old!

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And (apologies if it has been said already)... isn't the bird flu "virus" killed if we cook the eggs before we eat them? Some Californians are paying upwards of 11$ for a dozen eggs. Nah... this is agenda driven bull pucky. Please everyone, support your local egg producers and raw milk producers. If we let them do this to us *we* are the ones who will lose. I have no intention of stopping my consumption of dairy, eggs, or meat of whatever kind I want. We must "vote with our dollars" and refuse to eliminate things we *know* are good for us from our diets. Even though it's expensive, I will do without something I don't need (like Netflix and other "programming" or entertainment) to make sure I can afford to support the food I know my body needs. I am NOT planning to eat bugs and lab grown food. Let's put these monsters out of business by saying NO to their products... no matter what!

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Remember the “swine flu” propaganda? Bird flu is the same lame crap.

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Been raising chickens for 15 years. They do get sick sometimes. Never had any of them tested. They usually recover. Pretty awesome from birds that typically live 5-6 years, though I’ve had many live longer.

Could it be, the governments are trying to take away our ability to raise our own food again?🤔

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Bingo. It's "for the earth" and the "zero carbon" agenda. I am not having it!

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Thank you. Your last paragraph is the best. Fear is a very powerful weapon and they’ve been using it all along. I’m so very tired of being gaslighted. My faith and anger must be stronger than my fear.

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Thank you for this great history on this subject matter.

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"Just because a ‘viral particle’ can be identified, it doesn’t mean it is the cause of an illness".

For example; HIV and AIDS

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Bird flu is utter quackery.

(Yes, I went there). lol

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I need to add a remarkable aside. No one in my family was tested for histoplasmosis! Neither Mom, Dad, and 3 siblings. Hello! The original occurrence of my sister and I was 1956. Sooo… more added naysaying for me with this latest scare tactic. I think farmers have cleaner habits than then also. They have learned a lot. Give them credit and don’t destroy their livelihoods!

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Dr. Tenpenny, thank you for your excellent post. Reading about the “bird flu scare/scam” brought back memories I seldom think about from nursing school days in 1968. As student nurses, we had to go to a TB Sanatorium for 4 weeks to learn about TB and how to take care of the patients. We also had a chest X-Ray prior to being on the units. Well, the good radiologist saw something suspicious on mine. So questions asked and questions answered, I had to have a histoplasmin skin test. It came back positive and the good Dr told me I probably had a light case of histoplasmosis as a child. Natural immunity now I think!!

The story goes over to my sister who is 9.5 years younger. She was probably a baby to a year old when we lived on this particular farm in KY. As an adult years later, she had a chest X-ray which showed cavities in her lungs. So my favorite pulmonologist saw her and told her “never let them open your chest. You don’t have TB.” He knew our history.

Soooo with all this “bird flu” stuff, whatever happened to histoplasmosis?

This is not to scare anyone but it got me to thinking about all that’s happening and they are blaming the chickens for it when there is a more serious infection that can happen! We weren’t the farmers. Our dad was a minister and we lived on that farm for about a year. Of course, Dad pastored country churches so we were exposed to a lot of farming people. I was just wondering. I didn’t look up on the internet. I have a 1983 “Diseases” book I always look everything up in!

Folks, keep your chickens! I’m just curious about what happened in our life years ago. I think farming is great to grow your own! Fresh eggs! I just got to thinking. This makes the bird flu scare more a scam to me!

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Sadly I live out in Commifornia. Governor Newscum declared a a ‘State of Emergency’ surrounding the phony Bird Flu a few weeks ago!

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Forgive my bluntness: *F* their "emergencies"! I'm sick of them.

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I suggest reading Chapter 7 of Virus Mania "H5N1: Avian Flu and Not a Glimmer of Proof"

No evidence of any virus. They go into what really causes poultry to fall ill.

From 1997 to about 2004 there was considerable corruption involving high ranking politicians and the bird flu "antiviral" Tamiflu at $100 per bottle which made millions for Gilead and Roche and in particular a nice nest egg for the chairman of Gilead's board by the name of D. Rumsfeld. His buddy G. Schultz also made a tidy profit (a Gilead director). This poison is till around.

Tamiflu (oseltamivir) caused hallucinations, suicides, encephalitis (brain swelling), vomiting, diarrhoea, bronchitis, headaches, dizziness and hepatitis...but these were said to be "coincidence" or "complications".

The latter raises the issue of how sinister euphemisms are used in bioscience. When someone dies of cyanide poisoning do we call it an "adverse event", a "complication" or a "side effect"? Normal people would call that poisoning - because that's what it is.

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And everyone who takes that sh!t is peeing it out into the water supply, where it is not being filtered out. Lots of pharma meds getting into our water supply, better get a home water filter if you want clean drinking water.

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And now China is at it again with HMPV outbreak. Showing similar love of ppl/children lined up to be getting swabbed. Smh, this is tiresome. If the menaces worldwide would put as much effort into making the world a better place, imagine how awesome it would be. Ugh.

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