God IS listening, and watching. He is not mocked.

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Amen to that

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I've been asking this question ever since Trans raised their heads in women's sport, in girl's locker rooms, toilets and wherever else they can trans-gress! Make it stop!

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Feminism is one of the greatest scams perpetrated on women. If only they realised!

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Yup, it is a wrecking ball to society. A communist wrecking ball. The feminists are being pushed aside for trans, so there that.

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The militant feminist are mostly communist and a part lesbian recruits. What a scam.

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Thank you for sharing. The women work very hard to train and compete against other women.

It is unfair for a woman to compete against men, who compete as women. It is truly

ruining women's sports; high school, college, or olympics. . Men, especially in boxing and

wrestling, can severly hurt women with their strength. The average male is 2x as strong as a woman.

Even if a male, transitioned, there will always be large amounts of testosterone remaining.

I do not trust the integrity of some of these sports authorities, such as the IOC, who allowed

these humans to compete against women. They are a complete joke.

Matina Navratilova spoke out against males competing against women, and was severely

criticized for it.

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They should give Testosterone blood tests and reject those men as drugged.

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This needs to STOP NOW❗️it’s criminal to fraudulently claim to be a woman when you are clearly NOT a woman in women’s sports! Just get over it and stop trying to appease the mentally deranged and confused individuals instead of the honest, legitimate contestants!

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This all is a very complex issue, no doubt. I’m all for girls and grown women doing things for themselves within their physical abilities. For example, we can work jobs traditionally pegged as a man’s type of work, as with carpentry or other types of building. But challenging those limits in sports for women against men- is not only unfair when considering the physical strength required. It places the added burden of going beyond one’s physical limits to withstand brutal strains, ie: a woman getting punched by a man is NEVER going to be the same as another woman doing the hitting. As for homosexuality and transgender issues, I could never judge what anyone wants to do with their bodies in a sexual relationship, as long as it is between consenting adults. The agenda of pushing transgender-ism-, especially in schools for young children- entirely ignores the rights of parents to raise their kids respectfully and as they see fit. If anyone doesn’t comprehend what that means in depth, I suggest researching the acts of brainwashing (our children especially!) to destabilize society for a fascist takeover. It’s only one way (huge impactful means of control) of losing one’s rights to do anything at will.

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There are legitimate humans who feel wrong in their birth gender. I do not judge anyone

for that and have met more than one human who felt that and changed. I am comfy in my

birth gender, but there is a small % of the population who do not. However, I agree

that the darkness is pushing trangenderism on children, confusing them. Satan likes to do

everything the opposite of God, and switching sexes is one example.

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This requires mental health counseling before surgical intervention. Many of the confused are due to sexual or physical abuse. Rule that out first. It’s all sad.

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I understand mental health counselling is required. Years ago I believe there was

a long wait period, years, based on all of the psychological interventions involved.

There are still, a few select humans, who have gone through the counselling, etcetera, and still regret transitioning. The sad thing is, pushing trans on children.

They are very vulnerable to influences.

Another topic...Several years ago I had a friend who had trouble losing weight, and she was 126 pounds overweight. She had both hips replaced years before, and when I knew her she had both knees replaced (she did not eat healthy foods). So, she tried to get gastric bypass surgery. She had to go for psychological evaluation to get approved, because it is a HUGE change after the operation. I was so relieved when the shrink, who talked to her for several hours, did NOT approve her for the surgery. She got really upset and angry at the shrink. I knew she had a temper and would not do well after the operation.

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Well said

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Monty Python brilliantly expressed the absurdity of this movement in 1979's "The Life of Brian". Behold Stan as Loretta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFBOQzSk14c

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Men wearing a bra, panties AA slip and a dress do not magically become women!

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It is embarassing to see men with boobies bigger than mine. And, they do not

want them. Many doctors are paid to do gynecomastia surgeries.

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True, nor do the many men now sprouting man boobs, moobs...estrogen dominance.

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PS. Bra burners? you know why Women's Lib was created, right? Feminism Was Created To Destabilize Society, Tax Women and set up the NWO - Aaron Russo *(look on YT, if you can find it). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCpjmvaIgNA

Half the population wasn't being taxed and it was to get women into the work force AND to create latch key kids, to more easily get mom out of the home and to destroy the family unit. look up Aaron Russo.......if you can find the videos/talks by him, he was an amazing man who gave his life to try to wake America up, like so many others have done as well. David Rockefeller tried to include him in his elitist world and Aaron said he liked David but then he realized how the elites actually viewed mankind *ants to be squashed and eliminated so there's more for them, and David told him why "feminism" was created. I believe it, because look at how it's all turned out. NWO, anyone? Use "yandex.com" as your search engine because YT won't have it. look up, "Aaron Russo" on Rumble, so worth your time, it's an education.

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I am afraid that this isn’t going to stop until every single athlete stands up and declares.

Women compete against women and men compete against men. Until that happens none of us are going to compete at all.

No competition, no sponsors, no advertising, no fans, no money then game over.

I may be wrong but if the athletes don’t stand up for themselves no one else will.

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Great answer

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There hasn't been "gender testing" allowed in tennis for a long, long time - we are now all about "equality and acceptance". Renee Richards was the first in 1976 and then for those who pay attention, there are the famous brothers...................whose dad wanted to become rich so he adopted two boys out of an orphanage and taught them to play at women's tennis to be able to beat women in the game of tennis more easily than playing against their own sex, which would be men. So it's been going on a long, long time. It's transhumanism, people, it's satan trying to win at the game of humanity, always rebelling against the natural order of things. God wins in the end and I wish He'd hurry up with His Divine Reset......I'm really ready. Sorry these women are getting hurt and being beaten up by these cowardly men who can't win against their own biological sex. Losers. God bless the good.

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There are only 2 teams - God’s team and Satan’s team. There are many useful idiots on Satan’s team. Those who are silent today in the face of these outrages, and those who protested in the past, are by and large on the same team. They may have been right for the wrong reasons then. Their silence is wrong for the wrong reasons today

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Take ‘em out

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