Great information about lectins, Dr. Sherri. I've recently become familiar with lectins and complications that come with them, but I'm wondering what research has been done on cultures who eat these particular foods such as Latino regions, where legumes (beans) are a dietary staple. Another example would be soy. It has become one of the most vilified food sources, yet how do we explain the unprecedented longevity of the Asian population, again, where soy has always been a mainstay?

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Thanks for sharing, Dr. Tenpenny!! God bless you and thank you for all that you do!! 🙏

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Thank you for explaining what Lectins are where they come from and how to work around them.

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I highly encourage you to listen to this short podcast on lectins by Sue Becker, a Christian and food scientist who has been freshly milling her own grains for over 31 years and sharing the health benefits of doing so. She gives a different perspective and reveals that the lectin studies used uncooked bean and wheat flour in the studies, which is not how beans and wheat are eaten. Beans and whole grains are actually some of the most nutrient-dense foods designed by God.


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Thank you for introducing us to BreadBeckers. Maybe her knowledge reflects my own intuition about food. This type of common sense, real world experience was passed down from my family.

BreadBeckers explained in detail what people who farm the land have always known.

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It may not be the products but the toxins used to grow them. Per Dr Gundrey people who go to home to their home land such Italy, while there they eat all of these same foods with no problem that they experience here in US. Choosing US organic may make a difference in how we are effected by these foods.🕊️

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I can just imagine how chemically-laden the soil is on these large farms controlled by big agricultural business.

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Also, the archaic grains found in certain areas are less hybridized and our bodies are evolved enough to process them.

My doctor says that certain patients can consume bread in Europe that gives them endocrine problems here. Eincorn anyone?

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Your good intentions are appreciated, but taking a pill to "prevent" food cravings, etc., is unnecessary and not an advantage to your overall system. Your mental and emotional systems thrive on the practice of will.

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Dr. Steven Gundry is the lectin pointman.

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Menopause wise there's a difference between Asian countries and western and it's thought that due to their consumption of plants with higher estrogen and progesteron level they do not suffer from same effects of the change of same.. so... there are bad - and good things I suppose.

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There's a lot of distortion in that information (not from you, but from the source). They eat fermented soy, but only in small amounts, not as a dietary staple.

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It might be me who got it wrong and not the source. Thank you for correcting 🙂

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Fermentation fixes the problems of non-GMO soy.

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Geez, thank you ! My friend and myself have been discussing lectins (off and on) for a few days. With everything - balance.

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Dr. Eric Berg is a go-to for a wealth of health/“diet” information. YouTube started censoring his content so that tells US🇺🇸he’s truthful.

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Truth ! Thank you….

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Read Gundry’s Plant Paradox. He was one of the first more than a decade ago to talk about the harms of lectins.

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You are referenced. I am writing a book on this subject and would like a quote.


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To be clear: my license was *suspended* for "failure to cooperate with an investigation", which is a false accusation. My license was NOT revoked. Big difference. We're still fighting the overlords. in fact, I would appreciate any support here: http://www.drtenpenny.com/defenddrt

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Edited as Attack on these doctors by suspension or loss of medical licence. Dr. Trozzi, Dr. Nass, Dr. Cole, Dr. Tenpenny with please support Dr. Tenpenny's fight at: http://www.drtenpenny.com/defenddrt

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