This information about antibodies needs to be more widely known. Vaccine effectiveness is basically judged on how many antibodies are created against the antigen. However, antibodies do not prove anyone is protected. It is all based on a false premise that antibodies confer immunity. This is a myth. Please see my article Vaccines and the Antibody Myth


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Apr 21·edited Apr 21

It's usually IgE antibodies for food issues and that makes elimination much easier.

Anyone testing + for IgE, automatically needs to eliminate gluten and dairy(animal) immediately to calm inflammation.

Then the target can get more specific.

These changes in diet are permanent and that's the part most physicians tend to not tell their clients.

IgD is still a unknown marker.

Vibrant labs is the best place to order comprehensive testing after the Ig panel is known.(IMO)

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The excipients also contain many Manufactured free Glutamate (MfG's) such as Monosodium Glutamate and Citric Acid, which are Neurotoxins.

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Also, I appreciate the connection to PubMed.

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Can we develop IgG for activated HERV’s? For example Rett syndrome?

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So so glad you explained igG. I love when you give us lessons on basic biology. Please do it more❣️

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Excellent and in our n=2 experience - this has confused things greatly.

I would like to know more about IgE and ramifications of being is high 1000’s consistently.

Also could not open the link - “especially IgG antibodies, which can represent so many things. Look at this list.” safari says server not found :(

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Much gratitude for the information. Since childhood I had EBV and my numbers were extremely high so I did several sessions with Ozone with UV Therapy and now EBV is no longer detected in my blood but I lost the ability to stand. I’m already dealing with an autoimmune. Listening to this message, now I’m drawn to adding B-cell Therapy.

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Thank you for this article, very informative. But what does it mean when your Igg1 and Igg2 are low?

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Thank you for your wisdom, clarity and sound thinking!

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Thanks for the clarification, Dr. Tenpenny! Great article. I always was told igg, is immunity. It’s an inflammatory marker…interesting. I appreciate you, as always, I appreciate your mind! Love always, Lee

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deletedApr 21
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