Dr Exley speculates that even the lighting device itself can act as source of aluminum and wonders if all these alternative forms of smoking still increase the aluminum burden of those that partake

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But think of the financial benefits the Medical Industrial Complex gathers in from more sick people.

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...just imagine all the poor oncologists who wouldn't be able to make another boat payment if there was a "cure" for "cancer" (in reality "cancer" is a catch-all term for a wide variety of out-of-control growth, kinda like The Plan for Planet Earth since we got The Memo back in the Book of Genesis (..hmmm.... on that particular subject, bad advice, I'd say...)

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But those billions of people resulting from fruitlessly multiplying made Gates, Soros, Buffet, Bezos, Musk, Zuck, and the rest of the population hating WEF people filthy rich. Some of them want us all to croak!

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Well I'm old enough to notice that They made piles of moolah as our numbers increased and when the increase threatened to bankrupt the pensions, They started dreaming up ways to "reduce the life expectancy." Check out Catherine Austin Fitts' blog post from 2009, titled "Swine flu: What I Believe."

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Interesting, and scary. Thanks for posting. All those chemicals remind me of another off-topic hazard to our health - fracking. As much as we need energy independence in our country, I can’t get on board with a myriad of chemicals pumped into our earth. It would be so blessed to respect our bodies and the earth that God gave us.

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EPA Report, Dec 2016: “...found scientific evidence that activities in the hydraulic fracturing water cycle can impact drinking water…

“of the 1606 considered, 173 chemicals (11%) have chronic toxicity values that can be used for human health risk assessment.

Read: we have no idea about the other 89%. That’s mainly because ingredients are withheld from the EPA for “proprietary reasons”.

One of you substackers might want to research this and provide us an update. “What Really Makes You Ill” pg 254 is a great start (2019)

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SO grateful for you and your research.

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A common fallacy is that "The poison is in the dose". Often attributed to a Swiss doctor Paracelsus in the 16th century. That's the chap who recommended mercury for syphillis. This theory forms the basis of the idea that toxic substances are suitable for use as medicines and injections or even to be inhaled. Very tiny quantities of poisons can be harmful especially if they accumulate or interact with other compounds. We don't know what these levels are in many cases. Tiny amounts of certain metals, whether "heavy" like mercury & lead or "light" per aluminum can accumulate over time. Fluoride is a known very potent poison but they get away with saying 0.5 mg/L water is healthy. .. there is actually no control of the "dose". Who really knows where it accumulates? Some now speculate that a whole range of poisons can accumulate (especially those that the body did not evolve to deal with over millennia) and that if you can't excrete them via the gut, kidneys or sweat, vomiting etc, then the body's response is to sequester these poisons into what we call "tumors".

Back to the topic... for metals and organic compounds inhaled via vaping it's not the amount per vape; it's how much accumulates & where the body puts it (and interactions) that should be considered.

There is no evidence my body is suffering from a deficiency in any of the poisons Dr. Tenpenny so carefully and eloquently listed, therefore I don't find it necessary to inhale fumes from smouldering plants, whether or not they are organic or gluten free! For more on Paracelsus see "What Really Makes You Ill". Pg 9. Thanks for putting up with my rantings. Cheers

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Well written and thank you. I remember years are looking for the exact dose of snake venom and brown recluse spider venom that could kill uou. You’re correct about cumulative tiny bits too!

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Thankyou for the compliment....& Let's not forget TICK venom. So much misery from a few protein molecules .

"Many tick salivary protein families are homologous to proteins found in scorpion, spider, snake, platypus and bee venoms".


But $billions are spent each year on poisonous drugs, books, YouTube videos and international conferences blaming "germs" for "Lyme disease" for which there is no scientific proof. Even Burgdorfer seemed embarrassed - he suggested in an interview that we need to go back to the beginning to figure out the etiology of tick related illness!

Perhaps some of the herbs and medications could be acting as antidotes to the venom? - a very different mechanism to anti-bacterials!

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There was a formatting issues with this table even after adjusting.

The first number is cigarettes per year versus 2nd number the average life expectancy "

South Korea 1,667 V 63

Germany 1,600 V 82

Japan 1,583 V 85

Tunisia 1,580 V 75

Croatia 1,579. V 79

Azerbaijan 1,526 V 74

Spain 1,499. V 57

This selection shows some countries with very similar cigarette use to Japan.

If only Spaniards could smoke more cigarettes, they would live as long as....South Koreans!

R2 for life expectancy by country is 0.1442. (A good correlation would be 1) so studying smoking effects by country is not a good use of an epidemiologists time. References used.

Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobacco_consumption_by_country

worldometer. https://www.worldometers.info/demographics/life-expectancy/

I had to remove some countries because of slight mismatches in the countries listed

I ended up with 201 countries for the coefficient of determination calculation.

There is a study on Pubmed showing that Japanese men would live longer if they didn't smoke. But this effect is very similar for all countries and not a surprise to most of us.

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Why the drive to smoke in the first place?

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Good question! I’ll play the victim until it becomes less fashionable. I DO love my vape. I have very specific blends and brands. I’m convinced the health damages can mitigated via a little research. That’s my story and I’m sticking w it!

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I LOVE my vape. It’s almost like I’m miserable without it...they should make a word for that.

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Thankyou, Dr. Sherri. I was a teen in the early 70's and remember the whole controversy over cigarettes. I didn't have my head in that world, since my family and most of our social circles did not smoke. So I lost track of developments after absorbing the advertising message that e-cigarettes would help a smoker gradually quit smoking. I did not know that vaping was the use of e-cigarettes, and did not know why there was a rise in all these vaping shops everywhere. I feel educated now. Thank you for that!

But I would not recommend seeking health benefits from any kind of smoking, as I do know what happens to women in particular, probably to men as well. Wrinkled facial skin--major. And "smoker's cough/voice change" In women, the voice becomes very husky and masculine sounding (drops low), usually accompanied by the occasional rattling cough. I know when I'm talking to a former smoker by those signs. Also, usually almost underweight. How much smoking of natural tobacco happens before these damages begin? There are so many other better (safer, cleaner) healthy foods/drinks. Why take chances? By the way, cigarette smoke stinks to high heaven. Smokers leave terrible smells behind in their cars, motel rooms, and houses/apartments. Rooms have to be repainted. Is that only the chemicals or the smoke or both?

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I grew up in a family of smokers and hated the damn stinking things.

Everywhere we went it was a house full or automobile full of stinking smoke.

None of the kids in my family's generation smoked except one and he also used illegal pot. I noticed a lot of illegal pot users used regular cigarettes as a cover of sorts.

I have a brother in law that smokes and there must be some awful chemicals in his cigarettes because they stink worse than any I ever smelled before.

When my parents finally both gave up cigarettes they couldn't stand to be around smokers. My mom always felt sorry for what they put us through growing up.

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Stinky sums it up!! I smoked for a short time in medical school (to keep from constantly eating, and the combo of nicotine/caffeine was definitely a stimulant for long, sleepless nights) but I stopped when a guy I was dating at the time (a non-smoker) said when he kissed me, it was like eating an ashtray!

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Sheesh, I thought we already fought this ridiculous battle and WON it from The Smokers, now here we go again. BTW: It's been very well-noted that the COVID industry borrowed Big Tobacco's playbook when setting out to hoodwink Uhmerukunz that somehow, COVID shots are GOOD for you: "Four out of Five Doctors Smoke Chesterfields," or somethin' like that. Well, FIVE out of FIVE doctors line their pockets with the money they get from jabbing every patient with what was originally described in FDA approvals as a gene therapy medication. Grok that, kids ;-)

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This is a direct quote from Aluminium researcher Dr Chris Exley.

NOV. 29, 2019. Science

RE: An unnoticed issue with e cigarettes

CHRISTOPHER EXLEY Scientists Keele University

While research focuses upon myriad e liquids used in vaping less emphasis is placed upon the instrument that delivers the liquid as a vapour. We have reported that significant amounts of aluminium are released by heating elements used in many e devices ( https://tobaccocontrol.bmj.com/content/27/4/359.responses ). Serious quantities of aluminium deposited in lung tissue must represent a cause for concern.

The problem of release of aluminium from heating elements was recently highlighted in a paper in the journal Anaethesia ( https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/anae.14673 ). The release of aluminium from heating elements is an as yet unrecognised serious issue in human exposure to aluminium ( https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2013/em/c3em00374d#!divAb... ).

If anyone is future interested in the levels measured I can find that for you. Good luck

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Popcorn-lung for the win.

Also, we love you. That is all.

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PG = propylene glycol

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What about these Cannabis oil Vape pens the kids are using these days?

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I think cigars and pipes are better, but vaping is okay if you pick the right vaping solution to use.

There are many benefits for a little nicotine and there are other compounds in tobacco that are very protective.

Nicotine increases testosterone in men, and people who smoke are far less likely to get Parkinson’s, just a few possible benefits to this 100% vilified substance.

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The high aluminium content of lungs after vaping is a concern. There is a strong association between aluminium, measured in the brain and Alzheimers, Parkinsons, MS and Autism. Possibly ALS too. Since we don't know if there is a direct connection between this metal in the lungs and the brain I cannot say you are wrong - but perhaps people who smoke die of many other diseases before they have a chance to be diagnosed with Parkinsons? "Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom" is a strange title of a small book that is vital reading. The author is heavily suppressed for using the V words. So he's obviously on to something.

I lost my two grandads to smoking-related diseases before I got to know them well. The only benefit I have seen from smoking is the high dividends from holding tobacco stocks.

Good luck.

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No, that is wrong. The amount of metals that will be inhaled is negligible unless a person is an incredibly heavy user.

Occasional smoking or vaping can have benefits and isn’t to be just vilified. Occasional and light consumption of tobacco products carries known benefit.

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Including these?

There are approximately 600 ingredients in cigarettes. When burned, cigarettes create more than 7,000 chemicals. At least 69 of these chemicals are known to cause cancer, and many others are toxic.

You may be referring to naturally grown tobacco plants/leaves, as in what American Indians and others smoke.

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Yes I am referring to more naturally grown tobacco, which is why I mentioned cigars and pipes, where you have a better choice of safer tobacco.

One of my health researchers convinced me that there is ammonia that is dangerous in cigarettes. If you roll your own you can get low ammonia tobacco.

I’m not advocating heavy smoking but a few cigarettes a day, or a few vapes, can be very safe and provide health benefits.

Japan has a male population that is two thirds smokers, and they have the longest lifespan in the Western world. Heavy smoking or even moderate smoking is harmful, no doubt.


Ammonia levels, at the upper levels during smoking, cause throat irritation (400 ppm), increase the breathing rate (500 ppm), and induce cough (1700 ppm) (Silverman et al., 1949). Human inhalation studies with ammonia exposure periods varying from 6 h/day during 6 weeks to 3 h/day for 2–3 years showed that ammonia at a level of 29 ppm produces mild irritations in the eyes, nose and throat (Anonymous, 1979, Brautbar et al., 2003, Issley et al., 2004, USDHHS, 1990, WHO, 1986). Epidemiological studies

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beyond being uncool, vaping remains a potential vector for all kinds of unknown substances...including substances which cause covid-like symptoms.

this happened in 2019


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This world targets anyone and everything. Makes you feel ill sometimes.

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Willful ignorance exacerbates targeting.

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what does that mean?

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Which of the words do you not understand?

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Willful targeting exacerbates ignorance -> public education

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Willfulness is always an individual thing.

The individual has to decide to remain ignorant.

Given the Internet, it is not easy to choose to remain ignorant.

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Au contraire, with so many choices of "reality," it's easier than ever to remain ignorant, and not by choice. Nothing you write here makes any sense. ANOTHER "professional" Troll.

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Thanks for untangling, now it's making sense at last ;-)

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