I live in northern Ohio and my heart is saddened and angry with the whole administration! After the spill in East Palestine I keep thinking WHY do you produce SO many chemicals? What is their purpose besides profit and making us sick? Why hasn’t this question been asked?

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I need to look at the references in FOWL: Bird Flu, It’s Not What You Think!

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Thank you for this post. Hopefully a Wake up Call to Humanity. Profound & Terrifying.

Waking up humanity might be tricky.

A Silent Spring by Rachel Carson, should have been the Sirens Screaming & Flashing Red Light warning, screaming about environmental chemical poisoning,

Yes POISONING not that almost warm, fuzzy by now word, POLLUTION.

The additional tragedy for all of your important & profound observations & writings is.........

Every single Regulatory Authority, Body, Office; are all useless, ineffective & dangerously neglectful.

They are all part of, all nations contaminated, poisoned, bought & sold Govtards.

Every single Politicotard has long forgotten that they are Public Servants. There role in protecting society & us the inhabitants has been long forgotten.

Thank you Dr. Tenpenny for reminding us all. To watch over our & our children's lives in all that we eat, clean, wash & look after ourselves.

You are an Angel. We are all blessed to walk the same earth, at the same time as you.

Heartfelt thanks for all of your posts & work in waking us all up.

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Don’t forget the spraying that goes on from the skies. Chemtrails are real.

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This is tremendously important, and only scratches the surface of the chemical calamity we have created for ourselves. I often wonder about the tsunami of hormones urinated by people taking contraceptives, thinking about its survival to the next public water intake, and ask if there might be any connection to the explosion in gender confusion.

I thought our "friends" on the left were very concerned about having a clean environment. This issue is going to be a struggle for them.

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thanks - I will be writing more on this soon!!

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everything is gaslighting until proven otherwise, even friends' posts

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Fully 10 million new compounds are being unleashed each year

Look I'm sorry. This has to be fear porn nonsense.

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Yes, I must say that this number made me cock an eyebrow. That's extraordinary, to say the least. I remain skeptical, though not of the issue at large.

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Good one, Dr Yoho ;)!

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GOD bless you Dr. Tenpenny - you're one of my favorites. Thank you for being a dedicated & committed TRUTH Warrior. I believe GOD is the wind beneath your wings ...

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I'm 74....in "so-so health"... and really can't believe I'm still alive to read this article!! The evil around us everywhere is astounding !! It's another good reason we should follow believers long before our time who "Prayed without ceasing" !!

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Thank you Dr T!!!

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This is actually brilliant. I sent this to my Covid vaxxed son and daughter in law. Because you know not being shunned from society was so important. 🙄 And he read it because the pollution aspect interests him. But he also got info on those stupid shots he may never would have. I’m sure he had no idea about the problems in newborns. Maybe this is how we get them to wake up?

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Thanks for the comments- and thanks for the share! (And thanks for the good idea for future substacks!!) ;)

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Thank you for posting the information and all your work in this area.

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I have heard this before. Every time I hear it again I am first terrified and then angry, so angry, that our sick sick sick society has done this in the name of what? Money, most likely. Possibly convenience. I recently saw an interview with a scientist who studied the problem with shrinking sperm count and how it goes back to chemical exposure, even through the mother. Horrible horrible horrible.

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Thank you for this article, helpful reminders, and all your hard work.

Cleaning, painting, and hygiene/beauty products are other chemical sources that also come to mind.

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Oh sorry! By the time I got to the end of the post I had forgotten these were the first things you mentioned lol

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