The information about INEFFECTIVE and OUTDATED culling practices needs to be known everywhere. Please share and help spread the word. Thank you.

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Culling is so stupid! Food birds have a short lifespan anyway, and are "culled" at "harvest" time. But their purpose is not nullified out of mindless fear mongering.

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Any population that is not allowed to deal with infective agents never develop immunity, and eventually when they do come in contact with it they die off! The policy should be that the animals in one "farm" should be quarantined, while the disease runs its course, and then the survivors used to spread the disease resistance to all other heards, or flocks.

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Can’t RFK get a task force on this and stop the killing? Also who is reporting on him folding over Measles!?

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Thank you, Dr. Tenpenny, for writing this column. I wonder if you have heard of the situation in British Columbia, Canada where a flock of 400 ostriches is fighting for their lives. The CFIA, (Canadian Food Inspection Agency) wants to cull the entire flock and the case is currently before the courts. These birds are not used for food and currently all 400 ostriches are healthy and do not have the bird flu virus. They are providing unique information about antibodies against viruses.

The antibodies are contained in their eggs. A doctor in Japan is overseeing the research studies. Dr. Steven Pelech has spoken on the value of the research. For more information here are some sites to go to: https://bcrising.ca/save-our-ostriches/ and https://www.rebelnews.com/scientist_sounds_alarm_over_canada_s_decision_to_kill_ostriches_likely_to_have_herd_immunity.

A judge has temporarily stayed the culling until more is heard from lawyers so there is still time to get the word out. The CFIA is pushing hard to have the birds culled. It would be great to have more publicity shared to shine a light on these birds who are helping humanity by participating in research to produce antibodies against viruses such as the SARS CoV 2 virus.

I wonder if the Japanese doctor would be willing to be interviewed on his research results? There is currently research work being done in the USA using ostrich antibodies. Here is a link that describes one site: https://www.biospace.com/ostrich-pharma-usa-produces-antibodies-to-block-the-virus-that-causes-covid-19#:~:text=Dr.,were%20purified%20from%20their%20eggs.

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In addition to culling being Ineffective and Outdated it is also INHUMANE. Normally it's done by closing off the building and either pumping in Carbon Dioxide, or by covering the birds with foam and suffocating them. The, even though they tell you the meat is safe to eat, do they actually process the meat & IDK, freeze it? The answer is NO, they dump it in fields to rot. The lies they are telling us about this are beyond stupid.

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The problem is the way these poor creatures are typically raised by greedsters. MRNA has made the egg a target on multiple levels. Eggs used to be the vaccine solution. They've redesigned the model, and seek to redesign your protein - still. The adventure of lies and government cabal continues.

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I'd be tickled to get eggs for 5$ a dozen. In our little town they are 10$. I'll say it again, I come from 4 generations of farming and ranching and we NEVER killed all of our animals if one or even a few got sick. We quarantined and cared for ill animals to see if they would recover first (which 99.9% of the time they did). This bird flu hoax is just that, a hoax. This is just a reason to push more poisonous mRNA shots on the world. I hate to say it, but we must advocate for chickens and other animals now. NO mRNA for humans OR livestock!!!

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In my neighborhood, eggs cost 10 bucks or more. I ordered four eggs that hatched and survived a three-day transit and ate yolk. They will need a brooder set up for at least six weeks before being in a hen house. Plants should start growing so they can eat to keep them healthy. The USDA slaughter practices are awful; then euthanized animals, cancer animals and anything else, even ill animals, along with their tags melted down for our pet food no wonder our cats and dogs are dying they are all cooked down and tossed into the animal feed or even livestock.

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Every crisis we are in currently has been created and orchestrated to instill fear, panic and ultimately to control the masses. Egg shortage is no different. Eggs are the most perfect food. And of course they don't want us to have easy access to them. This is the same dog and pony show they played out with effective treatments for Covid. Wash, rinse and repeat. I will not comply with their fear mongering. And I will continue to support local organic farmers who sell delicious eggs, from chickens who are pastured raised and fed organic feed. The eggs I buy still have the "Bloom" on them. My family of 3 goes through about 2-3 dozen eggs a week and no plans to slow down. Thank you Dr. Tenpenny for shinning a light on this issue.

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I agree with everything you have said here. I buy eggs from a local farmer weekly, they sit on my counter because they haven’t been previously washed. I also buy raw milk from another farmer nearby. My family is healthy,, 🌟💃🏼 There a lots of us showing the way out here.. each one teach one to not live in fear of food. Thank you, thank you Dr. Tenpenny-

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Apparently there is a 2021 study that shows antibodies in chicken eggs stop the spike protein from attaching to ACE2 receptors.

There is a huge battle with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency in Edgewood BC right now where the govt wants to cull over 400 healthy ostriches who are NOT destined for the food supply but are being studied for antibodies. Go figure. See saveourostriches.com


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Lord God, I come before you pray that you would help us with our chickens, our cows, our livestock, and our grocery prices! Please take all of the toxins and horrible things that are in our food, air, and water. I pray we will see the new day we’ve been hearing about, and that you would heal our land. Please keep us from government overstepping, so our land is healed, and Your Hand is upon us as in Jeremiah 17. We need you now God and we need your miracles. Please come precious Savior, and Jesus name I pray.

Please join me in prayer, so we see miracles to come and disclosure that God desires to come. Prayer works!

The prayers of the righteous availeth much!

James 5

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I just read somewhere that H5N1 cannot be transfered through consumption of infected animals.

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That blows out the entire "public health" narrative. Let the disease runs its course like it has always done and some percentage of animals will die and the remaining will be resistant. Those deaths won't approach 150 million+ culled and humans will rarely if ever be affected. But disease transmission isn't the game. Human control and culling is the real plan.

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Here is the problem as I see it.

1. Viruses DO NOT EXIST!

2. People have been lied to about disease.

3. Many doctors claim that all disease is caused by toxins.

Toxins include such things as required nutrients in excess. The body needs mercury, but too much will cause illness. The body needs oxygen but too high of a concentration will kill you.

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I appreciate all of the research that you put into every article. The culling of flocks and herds is criminal. I pray that that policy is overturned and common sense prevails.

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