Thank you for all that you do, Dr. Tenpenny.

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Thank you, Dr. Tenpenny, for your decades-long research and educating of parents and medical workers who have "ears to hear." Praying for your health--may you rally 100% in the strength of the Lord!

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Thank you Dr Tenpenny. Praying for your health and safety.

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Thank you Dr. Tenpenney, is it true that Polysorbate 80 enables ingredients in crossing the blood brain barrier?

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Yes that’s one of its specific uses

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This is so wild, last night as I was using my essential oil mouthwash (Melaleuca brand) i noticed it has Polysorbate 80 in it!! And just 2 days ago I heard Dr Judy Mikovits talking in an interview about all the different polysorbates.... I had never heard of them before. And now this morning you share this information!! My daughter has Down Syndrome and Autism and we are trying to find the right supplements and diet (a long journey but we are getting there!) and I’ve been using this essential oil mouthwash because we love it but No more!!! And it’s supposed to be a healthy clean company!! I am just overwhelmed sometimes by everything. We just recently learned that we’ve probably been eating pork treated with MRNA for the last 3 years without even knowing. We try our best to eat non gmo and organic but it’s honestly overwhelming. Just feeling discouraged

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These chemicals are not just in vaccines but also in health & beauty products. Pervasive in our daily lives...i am so tired of reading labels.

My husband bought bread at a Publix bakery...at the bottom of ingredients: bioengineered! apparently from cultured wheat! From a bakery! Sick culture.. producers do anything to reduce costs to beef up profits!!!

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Thanks for reminding me why I have not had any vaccinations in over 50 years except maybe a tetanus shot once or twice but never again. But with that crap so prevalent, I have probably had a good dose here and there.

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This is like having to prove innocence in court. I found that Dial soap with Triclosan was the only product that controlled my teenage acne, which was severe. As a result of years of triclosan exposure, I have no allergies or sensitivities to anything. I obviously disagree with the FDA to ban its use in virtually all OTC products.

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Keep healing Dr Tenpenny. We love you and you’re kept in my prayers. You are a warrior and a hero from the start of this vax issue. 💕🌸

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GOD bless you Dr. T - deeply grateful for your commitment in being a true Medical TRUTH Warrior. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil ...

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I used to think that pharmaceutical companies were held (and held themselves) to the highest ethical and quality control standards. Now when pharma is mentioned, what comes to mind is a sleazy meth addict cooking up a batch in a dirty garbage can over an open fire. "I sit here tending the fire, drinking beer and throwing the empty cans into the mix. When they quit dissolving, I know the batch is done."

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His "true capitalism" is simply a Utopian ideal - imo. Yes, "markets" have many benefits - allocation, selection, incentives, etc. But, if you read Lenin's "Imperialism" for example - or simply observe the world - I think you'll see that in REALITY Capitalism ALWAYS and EVERYWHERE leads to the accumulation of fantastic fortunes at one pole - despair and poverty at the other - and yes indeed, to Fascism.

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The amount of crap in Haccines isn’t surprising however the severe toxicities is overwhelming! Revealing these things is crucial to the American people. I pray every day that something occurs to stop this money making business of hurting People. Thank you for revealing so many things that we have blindly let occur because the MM and professional literature continues the Big Scam! God bless you

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Oleic acid, or anything made from it, has always been a good thing to avoid putting in the human body.

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I lost my career and was forced to resign under duress because I refused to poison my body. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for opening your substack. I have followed you since 2006 with your first book. Then, lost you and reconnected when the plandemic was kicked off. God bless you and restore your health 100%.

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