No virus has EVER been ISOLATED. EVER.

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Sooo... when is Pfizer going to be put under the microscope in the UK? It will not be anyone from the corrupt USA!

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Thanks for bringing a clear picture of what’s wrong with the various jabs. The jab overlords need to be fined double the amount they profited and that money should be distributed to the injured and future generations of victims! They are criminals in white cloaks working for rich fat cats!

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The easy "conspiracy theory" analysis of this is simple: Astra-Zenca withdrew theirs, and J&J some time earlier, "proving" that the FDA and related watchdogs are doing their jobs of being good watchdogs and assuring the safety of vaccines. Meanwhile, billions of mRNA doses dispensed and more on the way. The excess death rate is down a bit from its 20%+ (or more) peak of 2021, but it's still running in the mid-teens at least here in FL. And no one seems to want to ask why.

Just the usual smoke and mirrors to deceive the masses, a version of a limited hangout, if you will.

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I have to question the 80.6 % of Americans that took at least one jab.

Rasmussen did a poll of just over 1,000 people in 2022 that indicated 69% took at least one jab.

They just did another in April and found that it was just over 68% that took one jab.

Everyone I know in other countries took Pfizer vaccines as they thought it was the "gold standard" LOL!

We have no idea what was in the MODeRNA vaccine to this day(proprietary information).

Still, the vaccine remains EUA and on the schedule of childhood recommended vaccinations for children with the first one at 6 mos.

I believe that right now, they are releasing a weaponized version of H5N1 that will wreak havoc upon those that took the shot(finish them off so to speak)

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Only GOD has the power to end this EVIL by the players on top of this murderous plot. They will not stop themselves. The money, the greed, the power to control life and death, gets these pricks off!

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Jun 2·edited Jun 3

The Doctors and Pharmacist and Nurses and Hospitals and businesses and anyone who received cash, like Governors and Congress and the Senate who excused themselves from a harmful substance because they knew it was poison, must all be held accountable. ALL VACCINES mandated must be abolished. NOTHING has changed. I havent heard one sitting Ohio Politician condemn this. Government jobs require jabs. No hire unless you do. 80K BOUNTY to hospitals in OHIO for every COVID DEATH was reported by Flashpoint. Not a peep from a sitting CONGRESS man/woman or SENATOR. Every member of the D Congress in 2019 co-signed HB6666. Who actually paid these bounties? Our government? No Doctors have lost their licenses, no hospital shut down? Noone informed patients that they had a BOUNTY on their heads when they came through the ER doors and never left alive (Claimed Nurses who have come forward to tell their stories to Thomas Renz LAW FIRM). GOD HELP all who conspired for CASH! "DO NO HARM" was replaced with "GET THAT CASH". Bill Gates boast publicly "THE END WILL COME" with a smirk on his face 💩. Now they've changed course suddenly, and its SEX CHANGES on Children for CASH in our hospitals. Entire wards being dedicated to that evil CASH! PRAY for the vulnerable children in the system being sacrificed so that someone can make millions. Lifer RINO Gov DeWine vetoed the bill to stop this. Its like having Garland and Fauci in one little man. Its full steam ahead..$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ChoooChoooo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ with this next evil plan to destroy children.

This "natural Flavors" now on every food product by FEMA regulators is also unexplained hidden chemicals? Can someone out there investigate this? What was once poison hidden in sugar is now hidden in this label and sugar coated with a nice word "Natural". https://www.femaflavor.org/ Who voted for "FEMAFLAVOR" to put their unnatural SECRET ingredient into every food?

The planes over our head spraying us with God Only Knows. We are under attack every day and NO ONE in power is stopping it. Everyone is getting paid for their silence while millions die. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/

History repeated itself with the "KILLING NURSES":


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Jun 2Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Public Hangings after a fast trial.

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Jun 2Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

1 in 79 in the placebo group suffering a SAE means that placebo was the furthest thing from inert. Terrible farces for trials

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Jun 2Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

I was going to say the same. How often is saline actually used?! My guess is near zero.

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I'd like to connect a few dots about the Astra Zeneca jabs:

(1) The Astra Zeneca/Oxford jab is made from chimpanzee poop.


(2) Can chimpanzees carry/get infected with monkeypox?" Answer: YES! Chimpanzees DO get monkeypox. Don't believe me? Just google it yourself.

(3) It would ONLY take a couple of batches of Oxford/Astra Zeneca jabs contaminated accidentally (or intentionally) with monkeypox to seed monkeypox virus in the Covid-jabbed population, who then would spread it to others, especially at times and places when their resistance to disease is lowered, like at a series of "rave" parties with lots of random sexual hook-ups.

(4) It is interesting that the Astra Zeneca/Oxford jab was predominantly used in Europe more so than in the United States. And where did the monkeypox cases first start appearing? Yes, you guessed it ... in EUROPEAN tourists at the gay rave parties in the Canary Islands.

Conclusion: I tend to blame the Astra Zeneca/Oxford jabs for seeding monkeypox into the human population, and then, of course, the casual sex with multiple partners caused monkeypox to spread around even more so.

And please also NOTE that AstraZeneca drugmaker is pulling its Covid-19 shot from all markets citing declining demand (not citing the disastrous side effects, LMAO).

"AstraZeneca to withdraw Covid shot"


WARNING: So REMEMBER ALWAYS: If you let someone inject you with a jab derived from ANY animal, DO NOT BE SURPRISED if you subsequently contract an animal disease, as "vaccination" is one of the routes for animal diseases to "jump" into humans ... And IMHO this is also why VETERINARIANS always seem to understand what is happening so much sooner than M.D.s whenever a new disease first appears in humans!

Fortunately most straight AND gay Europeans do not attend orgiastic rave parties in the Canary Islands which, for Bill Gates, Matt Hancock and Fauci, must have been a devastatingly huge disappointment.


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The two with least relative issues are removed first.

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After the global fertility rate in 2022 came in lower than was expected, the UN had to revise their population estimates downwards. A job well done.

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Depopulation is their goal. mRNA modifying spike proteins creating turbo cancers and major clotting is one weapon being used.

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Now go after Pfizer and Moderna - same drug, same problem.

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2

They are on to pushing their weight loss stomach paralysis weekly jab and a new gel for erectile dysfunction already approved for the mkt that causes strokes. Both venom Gila monster venom "Ozempic" and another venom for erection. Have they killed testosterone in young males by sneaking in female hormones into the 60 required vaccines to age 18???? and now they have a cure. Testosterone in American boys is so low, no wonder they feel like girls and dont have any voice changes. See Dr Ardis report, and now while lawsuits are happening with the stomach paralysis, they continue to push the drugs anyway. They cause the issues and then kill you with the cure. $$$$$$$ Big Money and no responsibility because they protected themselves from being charged for murder.

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The drug companies are robbing the global population; they are not good neighbors.

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When Canada introduced the vaccine compensation fund in 2021 it was all over for safe vaccines in Canada. The UK lawsuits while not sufficient to stop bad products are certainly better than taxpayer funded injury compensation leaving pharmaceutical companies free and clear.

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My heart is heavy reading the statistics of how many people have been jabbed with this Death Jab. There is no way to bring justice to these companies. Pray!

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