It seems that so many of you only care about spelling errors—which have been corrected—or fast responses on my phone that may leave out a word.

Good grief - please stop. Keeping up this work schedule is hard enough without constant knit pickers. I'm doing the best I can at all times.

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How awful that you had to write such a response. I am sorry you've had that weight put on your shoulders as well and would like to thank you for everything you are managing to put out there for us to read, contemplate and learn from.

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Don't listen to the idiots..I used to do deliberate spelling mistakes to draw out the fools who ego's are way to big..block them.

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Haha - it’s ´nitpickers’!

Ohhhh I’m sorry - couldn’t resist!

Ignore it! Everyone appreciates your work. We all make typos!

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Of course you're doing the best that you can on such a work schedule. What perhaps you don't understand is that many of us like to forward your substacks to our family and friends, and if the title itself has a glaring grammatical error, then I, for one, will not forward it on (especially to my sister, a retired editor), until if and when it is corrected.

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Get a life.

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So angry you are! Had a bad day, eh?

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No, just responding to your dumbass comment.

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It's hard to imagine a more sophomoric comment than "Get a life".

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I wouldn't have expected such a stuck up snob to have much of an imagination. Dr. Tenpenny puts out information, free of charge, to try to help people and you have the gall to demand that she edit her text so that it might be deemed acceptable by you to “…forward to family and friends”. Who in the hell do you think you are, you bloody ingrate? How dare you try to admonish her with your expectations: "...if the title itself has a glaring grammatical error, then I, for one, will not forward it on (especially to my sister, a retired editor), until if and when it is corrected," as if she is your personal charge, deserving of some stern reprimand? Do you honestly think that she, or anyone else, gives a damn whether you forward her comments or not? How does someone as ill breed as you even manage to live with themselves?

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I get it. People are trying to be helpful, but spelling cops feel like my third-grade, knuckle-smacking teacher to me. Sorry if I offended anyone

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it's because it reminded you of that teacher, right? but don't worry, Dr. Tenpenny......no one is perfect and you can always re-read your stuff after you write it, this is what I do because as careful and as good as I try to be, sometimes I go back and see where I can fix something that I missed. God bless you, don't worry, most of us appreciate what you do, unfortunately you are right and it's painful now to watch people around us learning the hard way...............suffering the consequences of not listening.........but being coerced and lied to in getting the "v". take care. you do good, Dr. Tenpenny.........

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Any recommendations on good quality suramin tea? Thanks 😊

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Dr. Tenpenny - do you know anything about this new pandemic to help us be proactive in prevention and alternative treatments? Could it be ivermectin again. What have they done to make this so fatal this time. This could be the black horse in Revelation.

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So many people I’ve told say “I will just do what my Doctor says.” When you continue to explain, they simply shut you down or look at you like you’re crazy.

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Of course they are. BigPharma has to make a living.

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Yes, all those too fearful to walk across the street should run right out and get shot up with some more totally unnecessary toxins because a bunch of extremely wealthy liars say you should! That way, when they tell you to drink this delicious kool-aid, you will have no problem with that either!

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Only the sheep will line up for these death jabs!!!!!

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I will never take another so called vaccine again. That includes the worthless flu shot. I'm not hesitant, I am convinced that these people are truly evil.

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Not another quacks for me or mine again!!!

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It's amazing that so many people give credence to whatever Elon Musk has to say regardless of the subject matter (outside his businesses, of course). As far as I know he has no medical training, so who care's what he has to say on the subject? If he has information to bring forward, great, but if it's just his opinion I don't know why anybody bothers to quote him. The same can be said of Bill Gates.

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Someone posted a photo of a box for the C19 jab and it was dated as having been put out in 2018. So, not surprised the new fake flu "pandemic" has a ready-made-years-ago jab. No thanks! I trusted God the first go around and will continue to trust in Him and only Him.

Mercy, grace and peace from the Lord our Savoir be with you, Dr. Tenpenny. 🙏🏻

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Hi Dr. Tenpenny. didn't know where to post this....still don't but it's more recent and on the jabbyjab so I will post this here. yesterday I ran into a "used to be friend" who had basically kicked me out of his house *(we had been friends for years or so I thought) any who...........he didn't appreciate at the time that I would not go along with his pushing the "V" and had organized drives of some of the neighbors who didn't drive to all go for their first and second "jabbyjab". it was all "free" of course, notice how all this is "free"......*(this is sarcasm). so, I ran into him, it's been a couple years since "covid" and the hysteria with masks and 6 foot distancing and recordings played loud in stores about going only one way in aisles and "get your free covid shot" blah blah blah. so I say, "Hi" and he says, "stay over there, I have "covid"! so I said, "oh you mean the flu?" and so we began talking like normal humans, he didn't contradict me and I was not trying to wake him up as it's been a couple years and I no longer try to "inform" anyone, by now it's all a done deal, right? so he starts to update me on the neighbors *all the ones who took the "jabbyjab" but he didn't mention that part but I knew who did what to themselves so I listened. he mentioned one had developed mental issues and died, another was in a wheelchair and is also having mental issues, another neighbor kept developing leg blood clots, was repeatedly hospitalized and is now on hospice waiting to die. I personally know from this guy's wife that he's developed various cancers (?) but I never act like I know and now he says he has, "covid". but he never mentioned any one of those that were vaxxed having complications from that, only that they developed these symptoms and were in various stages of demise. I didn't say anything of course, why argue at this point? I don't need to be "right" - it's horrible that this has happened and maybe it's all a big "coincidence" that these things have happened in this two year time span since they were all give the "free injections". then I know others who struggle walking because they had a huge stroke at 52 but worked in the hospital and dutifully took the "v" and absolutely does not relate any of her health issues to that at all, so I do not mention it. her body is a mess though. another neighbor died recently, I am sure she was vaxxed at this time as well, she went quick though mercifully and one of my roommates was immobile within 2 months of the "v" and then died soon afterwards *(within 2 months of hospitalization, he couldn't walk so he never left the hospital). I hate to say this but all who have done this, I look at them and wonder if it's soon for them...........I remember Dr. Tenpenny's video on forbiddenknowledge.tv *check it out - she did try to tell people what was coming within 3-6 months and I did pay attention. I know God has every soul in His care and loves them but I am sorry for these people who still don't seem to want to believe it's related, I guess it's fear...........fear made them take it, fear made them line up for more and now I think if they do think at all, they are afraid to think about the consequences. IF THEY THINK AT ALL. poor people. God gives us courage to face Life if we would but turn to Him in the first place. I too have learned the hard way at times, this is how it is, we learn by wisdom or suffering. Most choose the hard way but we don't have to, we can learn to trust God instead. Apologize for the length, just an update. God bless all who read this.

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One of my business associates has attended 178 funerals of friends or business associates (or their spouses) since 2021. They were all jabbed, so I know it's real. The disabilities are real too.

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horrible, horrible, horrible. hi Dr. Tenpenny. my neighbor's 42 year old son just suddenly "turned purple" and said he couldn't breathe and then just died, surprise to everyone but he was a policeman and I am totally sure they made him take the "v" as they make the military, you don't have a choice......*(gee wonder why - again sarcasm here)........it's apparent they want the military and the police weakened and dead so these "other countries" can step in and take over, as it's so much easier if you do this. this is what it's about anyway.........*anyone look up Yuri Bezmenov yet? use "yandex" if you can't find his videos. he told us what his job was as a Soviet spy when he came here, he defected and then spent the rest of his time trying to wake America up. 45 Goals of Communism is right online for everyone to see. God bless our Country, we need to turn back.

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Yandex? That’s a new one to me. Thanks 🙏

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Why are the doctors still doing this?

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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...........shall I go on?

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I realize the insensitive, but was just hoping more Doctors were better than this. Humanity is farther down the shitter than I’d hoped.

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people are human, most are greedy and self serving and afraid so when you bribe people to “look the other way” and give them “incentives” *like $39,000 for each patient you “ventilate” and more $$$$$ if you follow their other little suggestions, you can retire early. plus those who DO speak out, have had their careers ruined, licenses revoked and banned from practicing medicine altogether. there are even lists of scientists and holistic practitioners and doctors who have “died” mysteriously, so most will go along. probably all got vaxxed too though.

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Some did it/do it to keep their jobs. They just keep their mouths shut. hopefully justice is coming for all who were complicit

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