I agree with what Brien has said, but this is going to be a complicated endeavor. We all know many are here to work and support a family. Then voluntarily go out and come back legally. Make use of whatever resources needed to rid the criminal and terrorists numbers that we know are here. They will not be that difficult to find, never are. We have a lot of work to do with our American people and that is to instill a work ethic in our upcoming generations. I believe in technical schools that teach and enable skilled occupations on completion. They need to understand what we are building here. It is their futures at stake. But it means a lot of re-education and ambition. So where do we begin? Where we left off many years ago, believing in the goodness and greatness of this country. Deport those that do not belong here. I worked as a 911 dispatcher in the 1990's through 2010. We had a great rapport with Border Agents and ICE. If their record was clear, they were held till transport arrived. If their record was not clear or they had warrants, they were held for legal judication and transport by LE to where they needed to go. Yes this was years ago, But we can face this head on and get the job done. Hiring more Border agents is a given.
if this was directed towards me, my landscaper bring the Mexicans into the country with work visas. They are moving toward full green card status, but that takes time. the make good money from April to November and return home when the season is complete.
That’s the proper, legal way to do it. What is wrong is allowing undocumented, illegals to come in at the rate of 3,500 per day without vetting, establishing bonafides, and giving them benefits your Gardners do not have. This must stop. 🙏🏻🌻
ALL immigration should be done legally. Period! My family and I waited in displaced camps in Germany after the war. We had to be immunized, checked, sponsored and only then were we granted the right to come to the US. Big difference: we were not a drain on any taxpayer, got jobs, worked hard and most importantly, ASSIMILATED! We did not demand this country accept our ways. 🌻
Let us hope Trump gets plenty of wise counsel here. This topic and this initiative are fraught with peril, for his administration and for the nation. Not because this isn’t, prima facile, the right thing to do if done right. Rather because it might not be the wise thing to do. The victory, if any, could be a Pyrrhic one. First of all, the challenges in execution will be enormous and incredibly disruptive to the nation. Just to bring this down to ground level, in the past year I have remodeled 2 homes and sold four in different parts of the country. All of this required a great deal of contract labor. All of the contract labor, 100% of it, was foreign born, mostly Hispanic but also from places such as Russia and Romania. Universally they were skilled, hard working and did a good job. Universally they spoke very little English, most just enough to get by. Most were under 40, average age around 30. I had concluded from this that none of them had been in the country more than a few years although I admit this is an unknown. I also concluded that most of them were probably here illegally. Not certainly, but probably. So if you use your imagination and multiply this little story by your telephone number you might come to grasp what I am getting at here. Yes we want the criminals and terrorists out of our country, legal or illegal for that matter. But taking this project on in a “one size fits all” approach using the sclerotic and uncooperative resources of the government sounds like a recipe for disaster to me, for many hardworking immigrants and for the nation.
I agree and thanks for your comment. I have a good friend who has a team of Mexicans that come to the US every summer to work in his very large landscaping company. Under Biden the “lottery system” for his long time help was a disaster. He didn’t “win” the lottery last year and it almost folded his business
He tried to hire/train Americans; they quit in a few days, saying the work was too hard.
His Mexican crew has done work at my house. They were hard working polite and spoke very little English but always smiling and happy.
The criminal illegals have to go. Updated LEGAL immigration policies need to be implemented
Glad you re-posted your "Hooplah" article. I remember reading it. 5 Stars!
I agree with what Brien has said, but this is going to be a complicated endeavor. We all know many are here to work and support a family. Then voluntarily go out and come back legally. Make use of whatever resources needed to rid the criminal and terrorists numbers that we know are here. They will not be that difficult to find, never are. We have a lot of work to do with our American people and that is to instill a work ethic in our upcoming generations. I believe in technical schools that teach and enable skilled occupations on completion. They need to understand what we are building here. It is their futures at stake. But it means a lot of re-education and ambition. So where do we begin? Where we left off many years ago, believing in the goodness and greatness of this country. Deport those that do not belong here. I worked as a 911 dispatcher in the 1990's through 2010. We had a great rapport with Border Agents and ICE. If their record was clear, they were held till transport arrived. If their record was not clear or they had warrants, they were held for legal judication and transport by LE to where they needed to go. Yes this was years ago, But we can face this head on and get the job done. Hiring more Border agents is a given.
Thank you Sherry :)
Very useful information to share with some of my “progressive” acquaintances. (Not that I have many) ;)
I’m confused , the Mexican people that work for you are all legal immigrants ? If not , are you exploiting illegals because they’re cheaper?
if this was directed towards me, my landscaper bring the Mexicans into the country with work visas. They are moving toward full green card status, but that takes time. the make good money from April to November and return home when the season is complete.
That’s the proper, legal way to do it. What is wrong is allowing undocumented, illegals to come in at the rate of 3,500 per day without vetting, establishing bonafides, and giving them benefits your Gardners do not have. This must stop. 🙏🏻🌻
ALL immigration should be done legally. Period! My family and I waited in displaced camps in Germany after the war. We had to be immunized, checked, sponsored and only then were we granted the right to come to the US. Big difference: we were not a drain on any taxpayer, got jobs, worked hard and most importantly, ASSIMILATED! We did not demand this country accept our ways. 🌻
Let us hope Trump gets plenty of wise counsel here. This topic and this initiative are fraught with peril, for his administration and for the nation. Not because this isn’t, prima facile, the right thing to do if done right. Rather because it might not be the wise thing to do. The victory, if any, could be a Pyrrhic one. First of all, the challenges in execution will be enormous and incredibly disruptive to the nation. Just to bring this down to ground level, in the past year I have remodeled 2 homes and sold four in different parts of the country. All of this required a great deal of contract labor. All of the contract labor, 100% of it, was foreign born, mostly Hispanic but also from places such as Russia and Romania. Universally they were skilled, hard working and did a good job. Universally they spoke very little English, most just enough to get by. Most were under 40, average age around 30. I had concluded from this that none of them had been in the country more than a few years although I admit this is an unknown. I also concluded that most of them were probably here illegally. Not certainly, but probably. So if you use your imagination and multiply this little story by your telephone number you might come to grasp what I am getting at here. Yes we want the criminals and terrorists out of our country, legal or illegal for that matter. But taking this project on in a “one size fits all” approach using the sclerotic and uncooperative resources of the government sounds like a recipe for disaster to me, for many hardworking immigrants and for the nation.
I agree and thanks for your comment. I have a good friend who has a team of Mexicans that come to the US every summer to work in his very large landscaping company. Under Biden the “lottery system” for his long time help was a disaster. He didn’t “win” the lottery last year and it almost folded his business
He tried to hire/train Americans; they quit in a few days, saying the work was too hard.
His Mexican crew has done work at my house. They were hard working polite and spoke very little English but always smiling and happy.
The criminal illegals have to go. Updated LEGAL immigration policies need to be implemented
Good, they should leave and come back legally, but, only if they do not have a criminal background.
Thank you for your research. Good information! Also, under President Eisenhower, there was mass deportation, known as “Operation Wetback”.
Thank you for the list of presidents and the information. I think it would behoove Trump to speak about this.