Good article. In clear and simple summary it gives us some tools for talking to people for whom this kind of information really rattles the long inculcated and held beliefs. Always important to note the history of systemic abuse against those who raise questions. What is missing is how that same narrow thinking and vile reactions are still the mode of control of public thinking and industry procedures. Covid was a perfect example of how the medical industry with its control of politics and govt regulatory agencies go after and destroy all who raise questions. Many holistic practitioners, many MDs themselves have disappeared/shown up dead when they speak out.

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Twisted Psycho Marketing/Sales for the Transhumanist Techno-Feudal Fascists.

Not worth the time to listen to beyond the warning to allow the world to receive the message.

Forewarned is forearmed.

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this ends when more learn virus are not contagious! Easy action mini flyers from www.VirusTruth.NET on cars, tape to gas pump screens, leave in baby isle at stores! every person has power to do something! get creative! flyers are easy! We must reach beyond the chior!

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When did this pervert give this statement? Is it recent?

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Yes 🙋‍♀️I am using the Covid lies that were told in 2020 and still to this day, on purpose, to Reject more poison shots! I will stand firm and tell as many as possible to stand against the lies! 😤 It’s over for me! I’ll be dead soon anyway the first set of poison is slowly destroying my body. I’m heaven bound so I hope they don’t pull these out on my death bed! I will refuse there too. The only sanity I have is knowing God will hold each wicked influencer of these accountable! And it does not bring me joy at all for anyone, except if dr evil “ F “ goes to hell, that’s his consequence. Oh LORD have mercy on us!

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Ive been fighting back everyday with putting mini flyers/tickets from www.VirusTruth.NET on cars, slip into convid test kits or diaper boxes, tape to gas pump screens, where ever I go, hospital parking lots to reach workers..etc we need more activists doing small actions!

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It’s clear to me now that the another reason why vaccines are so heavily pushed is not only the money but that they ARE the population reduction strategy. Otherwise if germs and “viruses” were so deadly, why would they care (except for $$$) the germs would be killing us - that’s the goal. Global elites want us dead.

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Bill Gates said it clearly in a lecture on a YouTube video. When people tell you the truth, listen!

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of course they do! www.VirusTruth.NET

I put mini flyers on cars and leave everywhere I go daily, and still hand the one called LuckyDay to masked souls!

Join me! I call them my FU WHO tickets!

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I also think they also have interest in monitoring and controlling the human body via injectable nano tech. They have done considerable research in this area. Given the direction we are going, with technology being used for the ever expanding surveillance and control system, i assume Bio nanotechnology is an extension of the same system. Perhaps that is why normalizing vaccine mandates is such an important goal for Gates Foundation and governments.

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reject as much tech as you can, reject facial recognition etc at airports if you fly, return to using CASH which they are trying to end for digital currency! reject on line banking and apps that connect to your bank account, reject 5g , etc.

and learn why virus dont even exist! www.VirusTruth.NET book Contagion Myth by Dr Cowan md

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Dr. T: You need to subscribe to Meryl Nass's substack. She has the most up-to-date news on the progress of the pandemic treaty and while I am NOT saying to get complacent and stop keeping an eye on these mass-murdering criminals, it truly appears that no one wants to go along with it. It could very well be dead by May of 2025. Please do NOT spread hysterical prognostications that "medical tyranny is coming," as if that is the Gospel Truth.

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When your enemies tell you their plan, you do well to listen. The treaty would be a done deal was it not for pushback - and this did not organically create itself in a whisper. It took a LOT of sounding out to catch people’s attention. This is not the first ‘antivaxer’ rant this nazi is pushing and he will keep pushing until “needles go in every arm”. There is nothing sensationalistic about this warning. It is fair information. You mute people into ‘keeping an eye’ citing your perception of appearance? Where I live people are as tuned out and ignorant as rocks lying on the beach and eagerly participated in social segregation and policing via VACCINE PASSPORTS. So, Troll, stick an antivaxer star on your sleeve and come on in, it’ll get right chummy as soon as they crank the heat back up in here and call it an e m e r g e n c y.

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1. "The treaty would be a done deal if it weren't for pushback." Duh- as if getting traction by pushback and noncompliance is some kind of one-off "miracle" of Mankind that could never possibly occur, seeing as we all have NO will of our own so we're all just going to lay down and die, or at least take your unimaginative negative missive as more "Gospel Truth"-- not ;-).

2. "This is not the first "antivaxer" rant this nazi (sic) [presumably Tedros] is pushing (Duh-- again)...

3. and he will keep pushing until "needles go in every arm." Oh, so YOU KNOW that?

Here's some more actual truth, after correcting your news "reporting:"

4. I HAVEN'T "MUTED" ANYONE. YOU'RE CLEARLY LYING-- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?? YOU can't, or don't, read. AND YOu're hysterical.

Here's some more truth for you kiddies: Spreading hysteria like it's A Done Deal Gospel T-R-U-T-H isn't going to, NEVER did, and WON'T help anyone.

After what's happened the past four years I seriously doubt "everyone" is going to go willingly to the slaughter as so many did, four years ago, at this point. I live in a very blue state... I talk to people. Lots of people whom I don't even know... Many of these now see the Plandemic as the hoax for control that it was. None of the Hispanics are going to take even one more shot. Oh-- and I voted against Harris ;-) So, KIDDO, let's you and I and everyone else keep at least an eye on Trump. And more than that, hold his feet, and everyone else, for that matter, to the fire, for God's sake. And STOP attacking people who are on the AGAINST side of the vax bullshit, with your own personal brand of specious holier-than-thou hysterical bullshit. For God's sake.

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medical tyranny is already here! convid planet lockdown happened boosters still boosting for fake viruses! All shots are deadly medical tyranny forced to go to school.


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Except for bear attacks, train wrecks and plane crashes I no longer trust any of the Mad Doctors trained to serve allopathic Corporate "medicine," which ISN'T, by the way.

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I am a subscriber and Meryl and I are friends.

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Well in that case do us all a favor, get her on and interview HER here. I trust her more than anyone regarding the "planning" part of this insanity because she is absolutely on top of it. Thank God.

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All of them do. Some just work more quickly than others.

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When vaccine companies are made fully liable for all vaccine induced deaths and injuries including all medical bills for life why should anyone be forced to take any vaccine and especially no experimental vaccine unless they are restricted for every bad outcome

They have a license to kill which is not acceptable

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They don’t. The DOD does. The jabs are military counter measures. BARDA. BioWARFARE on its own citizens. Pharma only sell their labels to the military who holds the license to kill. So, vaccine companies will never be made ‘fully liable’ for killing you. And I would argue that murder is not even close to ‘acceptable’.

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Your correct.

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Oh I plan on it, Dr. Sherri.

So glad my friend could get my message to you about Jeff’s offer of today. I got a message to Ben Tapper too. Perhaps you “dirty dozen” (what an honor to be named 😄) all get together and have a nice chat with Jeff.

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And a cup of coffee too : )

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