Amen! Please hear our prayers for the nation and let our hearts return to you O MOST HIGH!! Holy Spirit convict so that Jesus may save and let all who will come to you come! Please Jesus. Amen

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Thank you for your wonderful words based on Scripture. America & her leaders truly need to repent and "lean into Jesus".

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False flag big time. No shots were fired at Trump. It’s all for show.

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The enemy is most certainly in charge of American information and our culture. Dual citizens control most of our media, entertainment, publishing, big tech, etc. It's also becoming widely known that AIPAC (Israel's Tyrannical Lobby) controls most of our Congress, and this is not a new problem. Look at how the dual citizen Mayorkas is handling the border. We'll likely have 20 million invaders in the country since he took over thanks to Bolshevik Biden. I didn't realize that our secret service answers to Mayorkas as well. If there was every a reason to remove dual citizens from government, Mayorkas' record is it.

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Sherri Tenpenny''s bible:

Nahum 3:13: "Look at your troops; they are weaklings. The gates of your land are wide open to your enemies; fire has consumed the bars of your gates."

The Holy Bible (The King James Bible - since 1611):

Nahum 3:13 "Behold, thy people in the midst of thee are women: the gates of thy land shall be set wide open unto thine enemies: the fire shall devour thy bars."

Someone doesn't like the idea of "women" being portrayed as being "weak"! Ah, Feminism taints everything it touches - even the Holy words of Good.

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Interesting. I used NIV version for this quote (should have noted that!)

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There are over 5000 word changes in the New Testament alone between the NIV & the Holy Bible. The NIV (& almost all new bible versions) use a totally different Greek Text (supported by just a few mss) than the King James Bible (which is supported by the vast majority of the existing mss). Mss = Manuscripts.

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Thank you Dr Tenpenny.

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Repent - daily. Thank you for the timely reminder for all of us, every day. Your post is much appreciated, thank you.

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Repent, Remorse for our sin, Return to Christ, Revival, Renewal! Thank you Dr.T!

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Dr. Ten Penny that was powerful!

Thank you.

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Excellent. Thank you. I went to Church hoping to hear something more than praise for the secret service from the priest at the pulpit, but no. Then I asked for a sign & God answered in the first reading of the prophet Amos. He prophesied in Bethel. Yesterday’s rally was in Bethel Park.

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Actually the event was in Butler, PA. 35 miles north of Pittsburgh; Bethel Park is in Pittsburgh. I believe the shooter is from Bethel Park.

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I don't know if you saw this. A former US Force Space Officer losing his retirement for speaking out against DEI, but Biden reinstating benefits for previous don't ask, don't tell offenders. The video isn't about the don't ask, don't tell offenders. I put that in.


What I find really interesting is what is happening worldwide right now. Due to Russia invading Ukraine, an organization in Israel went to Ukraine to bring the Jewish people there home. With the current outcome of French elections, the Jewish people are being recommended to go to Israel instead of staying in France. Prophecy is being fulfilled before our eyes.

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God is frequently reputed to help those who help themselves. We are being destroyed by the global scum (most definitely not 'elite' in any sense of the word I would use) and their Death Machine known most widely as the UN (which is nothing more than a country club, a club of countries).

If you are focused on WHO, you are misplacing your attention since it is merely a pimple on the ass of the monster. So, right now, today, you can help get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US by pounding peacefully and legally on Congress to demand that they pass the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR 6645/ S 3428).

That does the job completely.

That will take about 10 million people taking that action so the Natural Solutions Foundation, of which I am the Medical Director, has created the 10 Million Patriot Challenge. Here's how to take the Challenge:

1. Visit https://PreventGenocide2030.org and take the Actions on the Home Page pounding on Congress to vote for this Act and override the inevitable Oval Office sock puppet veto.

2. Take the Twitter Action there to send a Tweet to the X account of each of the Presidential Candidates asking 3 critical questions that they are simply not talking about

3. Share your participation in the 10 Million Patriot Challenge with everyone you can reach and invite them to take the same 3 simple, effective steps.

Unlike the DARPS-developed clot-and-kill shots, taking these steps really IS safe and effective and really WILL safeguard you and your family.

We have very little time left.

This is helping ourselves and humanity.

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Thank you, Rima

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Thank you. Everyday in prayer I am reminded after being grateful to repent and then repent again. If more in our country would truly repent, our country would be closer to restoration. Thank you for all you do.

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Well said. This is a tall order, though we pray for that country-wide repentance and God’s mercy on our republic.

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