After reading this entire thread (and several others), and in respect for my followers, "David" has been removed and permanently banned.

We can have lively debate and even loud disagreements, but insults and name calling will not be tolerated. Historical contexts are sometimes hard to get your head around and are often difficult to accept that "American Exceptionalism" may have very dark corners of truth. But taken in context - and discussed with respect - facing the ugly and uncomfortable part of our history leads to growth and important discourse. Thanks to everyone for the intelligent conversations and comments! ~~ DrT

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The movie was great!

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I have watched all three. As well as the Vaxxed videos. I know where I stand. It is hard to get others to watch or listen since they have limited time to spend watching these types of shows yet they will spend hours watching crappy TV movies.

Perhaps after they are stripped of all of their freedoms, individuality and privacy, they will wake up...far too late. Worse yet, they wake up after they are lying in their graves.

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Has ALL of the #FauciFiles‼️been released ❓


This article says it’s has vanished!



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Thanks Dr. T. The Great Awakening indeed a great movie!

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BREAKING: WHO, EU announce partnership creating ‘global system’ of digital vaccine passports The digital system 'will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics,' according to the WHO. https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-who-eu-announce-partnership-creating-global-system-of-digital-vaccine-passports/?utm_source=digest-freedom-2023-06-05&utm_medium=email

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Once again Dr Tenpenny is right on track.

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I don't know about anyone else but the link to sign up for the film never sent me a link and yes, Iooked in the spam/junk folder as well. I signed up for the newsletter but no link appeared anywhere. You might want to let them know? I am interested! Thanks Dr. Tenpenny. God bless you and those working with you to help us all.

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I get it. But (and I know I’m gonna get a bunch of flak for this) .. what is with the anti-China propaganda??

Because I have to say, that is not awakening it is playing right in the hands of those leading us to WW3.

BTW, it amazes me how Americans always confuse the two. Socialism (or social democracy) is NOT the same as Communism.

Communism is a flavor of totalitarianism as Griffen rightly says - sacrifice of the individual for the “benefit” of the collective. Socialism is the state providing a floor on minimum basic requirements for humans to survive (basic healthcare, limited unemployment insurance, high quality education including university, help for families with small children, etc.) - NOT sacrificing your freedoms, rights, or life for the state, opposite of what Communism demands.

An example of a successful socialist country is the former Yugoslavia (never part of the USSR) before NATO destroyed it. An example of a social democracy is Sweden before the current “woke” Is in the process of destroying it.

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I dated Freemason Vice President Gore's daughter 1994--1996. We discussed starting a family. The experience exposed me to ultra-privileged information about Deep State.

Nazis control the RNC, DNC, and Press. Alex Jones is a Nazi disseminating Nazi-propaganda. Alex Jones is covering up for the Nazis who are orchestrating the school shootings.

Deep State has made a point to reveal itself to me.

A daughter of Freemason Vice President Gore has confirmed to me that the USA is ruled dictatorially by a shadow-government installed undemocratically.

The USA is a Nazi-regime endangering the world. The barbaric Nazi-USA wrote biographies for Marilyn Monroe and me and then with Nazi-savagery made the biographies come “true”.

Nazis have hijacked the U.S. Government apparatus. Leon Panetta is a Nazi foreign-operative.

Americans pretend not to see the table in my docs comparing Marilyn Monroe and me. Americans pretend not to see the evidence that FBI-Nazis poisoned and murdered Marilyn Monroe and me. Americans pretend their eyes do not work.

The USA is a Nazi-regime menacing civilization.

-- elected student body president of “the smartest boarding school in America” (St. Albans in Washington D.C.);

-- won the physics prize at “the smartest boarding school in America”;

-- admitted early to Harvard and MIT;

-- my digitally signed Stanford transcript* (Phi Beta Kappa);

-- The 9th Circuit conceded this point of law I argued after they misrepresented the law. (The 9th Circuit is supposed to concede only to the Supreme Court.)

The USA is no place for intelligent people.

my docs, blacked out by Alex Jones and the rest of the Nazi-Press:


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Jun 5, 2023
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Nice deflection, FBI.

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Jun 5, 2023
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Nazis are the human traffickers controlling the "elites".

Nazis are unintelligent inbreds who target children.

Nazis targeted me when I was a child because jealous of me. That's the opposite of pride.

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Thank you, looking forward to the release!

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Loved seeing you again in person, Dr. T! Always kind and gracious. Many thanks again for your tireless work.

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Thank you for sharing this...THE GREAT AWAKENING...it’s not too late for us

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In the USA, some believe in a “deep state” conspiracy involving intelligence agencies, corrupt politicians, military industrial complex, Big Pharma agency capture, etc. Yet, they can’t explain how this “USA deep state” also works in synchronicity, within hundreds of countries, where there’s no FBI, CIA, HHS, etc. There’s no money trail and no favor-returning revolving-door linking USA with any other country’s deep state, yet all governments followed the same scripted injuring COVID-response. Clockwork coordination of COVID genocidal response proved the existence of a “global deep state”, despite there is no global government!

There are no political or economic structures “formally” supporting such global governance. Then, who could run a government in the shadows without no mainstream media exposing it? Who controls global media in order to guarantee global censorship? Who has the network to pay political parties and political careers in hundreds of countries to control global politics?

In all countries, worship still had restrictions when everything else was opened in full. Casinos were packed in Vegas while churches lock-downed. Why were churches the last to recover freedom in every single lockdowned country without any exception? Is there a secret war between the city of Satan or the civilization of God?

Most people still doubt that Freemasonry (which worships Lucifer) was behind the scenes. Why? masonic secrecy. Why do they need secrecy to the extent of murdering those who violate it? What do they need to hide? Good deeds or crimes? Not goodness but evil needs secrecy in order to grow unchecked!

All our efforts will be in vain if they are not turned into REAL POLITICAL change.

All freedom fighters in all countries should be focusing in few urgent 7 goals/laws (to understand the context, please read my substack ( https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/the-plan-revealed ):

1 - Exit the 2024 WHO Pandemic Treaty, which would indirectly ban all the following freedoms:

2 - Freedom of anonymous cash and barter, as an essential part of freedom of trade, either as law or, preferably, as a Constitutional Amendment. Ban the concept of "legal tender". Only allow asset backed currencies (gold, silver, flour, oil, soya, etc.):


3 - Freedom of bodily autonomy: no treatment should be coerced, not even indirectly (vax pass). Includes, right to medical privacy: no one has access to vaccination status or treatment follow-up, except case by case, freely decided by the person. Employers can't ask.

4 - Right to untainted food. Freedom of food production: no restraints on planting whatever seed (especially non-GMO) and selling it. No restraints in fertilizers (not even to "combat warming").

5 - Freedom of REACH. Forbid censorship in media and social media, even of false or mis/dis/mal information, even shadow-banning. No paper retraction without detailed reasons. Right of authors for redress of unreasonable retraction by the editor.

6 - Pro-democracy law (detailed below)

7 - Anti-conspiracy. Forced disclosure of membership to secret societies:



More here:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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For thousands of years an evil was driven underground and now arises to exterminate humanity by using greedy humans that desire money and power across the planet as a tool to get us all in chains. What these wealthy humans don't know is that they too will become victims when the field is cleared of all but the enslaved and the prison keepers.

Call this the devil or the Reptilian race that was here before modern man.

Those that haven't seen them far outnumber those of us that have.

They being multidimensional like the devil is said to be can move in our dimension or out of it.

In our dimension they reside inside in caverns deep inside the Earth.

Time itself only exists as an illusion. With GOD we are free of this illusion of time and this hologram of a life.

We the fearful prodigal children can all live free in peace forever with GOD or follow our EGO to stay on the reincarnation hoax not much different than the Matrix.

I pity those that will choose to return or the young that have years of hell on earth before they can escape.

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Thanks for the heads up, Dr T ❤️

Thanks so much for keeping us informed - for me, that started in the very beginning of 2021, before the bioweapon jabs were really getting going. You have been an invaluable resource and a courageous voice for truth ever since ❤️

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God Bless you, Dr. Tenpenny! I watched the livestream last night. Loved your interview --courage, confidence, expertise, humility. The corrupt are getting jittery...

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