Dear Sherry, Please get in touch with Dave Janda and ask him about olive leave extract. His story is quite unique. I have no knowledge, but could stroke have something to do with infections in the blood vessels? If that is so, this might be the thing. Love Susanne

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I t was some time ago now that I heard that it all had to do with wearing bras.

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Have you thought of the role iodine plays in breast wellness? Lugols iodine? Apparently receptors meant for iodine are often occupied by bromide/bromine which is used in fire retardants

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My beautiful mother died of metTNBC five years ago. It was horrific. Despite our wishes she chose chemo and it cost her her life and not one minute of it wasn’t torture. My husband and I were her caregivers and saw it all. There were a couple of absolute miracles along the way (truly the hand of God) and when she died we knew that it was her pre-appointed time.

Here are some things I learned that most people don’t think of (to keep this relatively brief I am not going into the details though I am happy to do so if it helps even one person):

1) before beginning any treatment do a series of colonics; your colon MUST be detoxified, clean of old built up fecal matter, reseeded with healthy bacteria, and functioning properly or nothing will work (we chased constant constipation and the recirculating of toxins until her death)

2) see a biologic dentist, have a CBT to check for cavitations and/or silent infections, and remove ALL root canals, mercury, and metals from the mouth (my mother had a mouth full of root canals which I 100% believe caused her cancer and then wouldn’t allow her body to overcome it)

3) identify deep-rooted/long-standing emotional issues…they will fuel cancer if not outfight be a catalyst for it (my mother was a Dutch WWII survivor whose father was part of the resistance…he was captured and murdered by the Nazis…my mom lived this every day of her life particularly in her sleep)

4) make quality sleep a top priority or, like the constipation/bowel issue, you will remain behind the 8 ball

5) walk…walk…walk every day…you HAVE to keep moving (lowers stress hormones, keeps lymphatic system moving {highly recommend a mini rebounder for daily use}, gets you out in the fresh air and sunshine)

6) ground every day no matter the weather

7) if you’re not in Christ Jesus then turn to Him and embrace Him as your Lord and Savior…the source of your strength…there’s no way forward in life or death without Him

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There is also an ongoing vitamin D study that is finding woman can reduce their risk of BC by 85% (!!!) by having a Vit D level of 60 and above. Most Americans are deficient with levels <20. Something MY doctors NEVER told me, but such a simple, protective thing we can all do.

Plus it’s Covid protective - one Asian country found no one died from Covid if their level was 40+.

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THIS is fascinating:


(having my zinc tested using hair analysis per his recommendation.

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Thank you, Dr T. I sent my resume to your office😊

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We have received many resumes in the last few weeks. We're going though them!!

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Awesome thank you!

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I'm on a high fat low carb diet which allows me to comfortably only eat 2 meals a day aka intermittent fasting. Does this help with prevention of cancer?

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As a woman who has had fiberous cysts my whole adult life and had three cysts removed using local anesthetic I submit that some "cysts" are actually parasitic in origin. I watched the reflection in my surgeons eye wear as he cut the cysts from my breast. They looked like a mass with tenticals. Is it possible that Ivermectin could be a treatment for them?

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Look into the FenBen protocol

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Being 90% carnivore (and not eating toxic not-foods) for 10 months has been so easy. I've lopped off 55lb of excess fat and at 71 yrs, I am healthier than I have been in my life. The weight came off w/o exercising but thanks to your posting this follow-up to the first article, I am super motivated to start doing more intentional exercising!

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Overly tight bras have been demonstrated to cause pre-cancerous cysts in breasts.

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And they restrict lymphatic drainage/flow. No bras.

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At least not overly restrictive ones. It would not be healthy for a well-endowed female to forgo a sport bra while jogging, which is highly stimulative of lymphatic flow.

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I’ve been diagnosed with breast cancer twice. Originally 14 years ago at stage 2, then in 2019 it came back as stage 4. I’m on a drug that is a low dose chemo and has worked to keep me clear, and I have no side effects from it except for some hair thinning. But I also started working out regularly with that last diagnosis. I hike daily for about a mile and a half, then either swim or stationary bike. I get my 8,000-10,000 steps in and work off the calories. I’m post menopausal so keeping active is so important. I also feel thst the second diagnosis was due to my emotional state. I totally believe our repressed anger or depression can lead to a cancer diagnosis. I rid myself of the stressors (sold a business) causing me to be angry and depressed and I feel fantastic! I firmly believe the cancer will not return. Attitude is key as well as gratitude.

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I wonder if the physical movement of exercise is possibly related to a lower incidence because of increased blood and lymph flow to/from breast tissue? 🤔

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Get rid of bras and use a mini rebounder daily

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Yes, clearing toxins. Probably another factor.

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Thank you for more great information. I have also noticed that my Mom and aunts that didn't have access to the birth control pill didn't get breast cancer. My mom and nearly all of my aunts were also addicted to cigarettes.

Another expert on cells has stated that about 1/3 of breast cancer is cause by fear and awareness of getting breast cancer.

I have a sneaking suspicion that the torture women today must endure for a mammogram also causes damage.

Couple this with the jab risk of turbo cancers and we have an epidemic unseen in past years.

Add to this the financial boost pharma gets from all illness and staying healthy isn't good for that cartel!

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No mamms…do breast thermography or ultrasounds (HerScan)

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I've always believed that aluminum laden (as well as other chemical) deodorants directly applied to shaven, ie. open pore, armpits/lymph nodes, are also contributory.

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Yes! Aluminum chlorohydrate in the antiperspirant has a double effect. Supplies aluminum to sensitive skin which can poison the nearby lymph nodes. This can lead to tumors in the nearby breast. By definition, acting against perspiration, it prevents removal of toxins via sweating. There is no point in “sweating it out” if you’re smothered with aluminum. More detail in “Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom”.

Recently also available in French. There is a table in Exley’s book showing strong associations between aluminum and many diseases of the modern toxic world. Most notably Alzheimer’s (the famous plaques form around the aluminum ion in glial cells) and autism.

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Yes, the antiperspirants are even worse! I don't even own an aluminum pot or pan. Kind of hypocritical of me bc I do use the disposable ones and foil when necessary. Maybe just lazy, I hate the cleanup. I don't own a microwave either, never have.

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I started using all natural deodorant maybe 45 yrs? ago. I had one I really loved, I'm sure it was bad tho. Who remembers Jean Naté? I think I still have my last half full spray bottle!

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I have spent a lot of time trying to sleuth out the metabolic factors that favor cancer. A key dynamic of cancer is the way cells slip from an oxygen-based method for producing energy to an low-oxygen backup mechanism with much less energy yield and changes in cell behavior. Aerobic vs. anaerobic metabolism.

One piece that I think a lot of people miss is that the benefits of exercise are not limited to fitness. A key benefit of movement is how it promotes the circulation of blood (bringing oxygen and nutrients, but a key is oxygen) and lymph (removing toxins and supporting the effectiveness of cancer-protective white blood cells which mature and serve an important role in hunting down cancer cells as they move through lymph nodes). A related element for breast cancer is the health effects of wearing tight fitting bras and especially those with heavy wire infrastructure, which restricts blood and lymphatic flow. My wife is a lymphatic therapy expert, and she advises her gals to shift to a camisole or something similar; still modest, but allowing for free movement of "the girls" which naturally promotes the flow of lymph. As she says, "jiggly things are meant to jiggle."

There is also a great awareness of how sedentary lifestyles affect longevity and a host of other physical ailments. Our bodies were designed to walk, lift, hunt, etc. The sedentary lifestyle is not what we are made for. Move it or lose it....

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Since most solid tumors are anaerobic, serious oxygenation will decimate them.

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