Many thanks for your post. You ask "Is he a Mother-Theresa-like figure helping the world’s poor, or is he one of the most hateful and dangerous people in medicine today?"

I have said this elsewhere but anagram of Peter Jay Hotez, his full name is 'ar he jeez potty'.

So I think we can safely say he is potty! Personally though I would prefer 'stark raving mad' myself but that's just me.

However, I have spotted another interesting anagram. 'pj ye threat Zoe'.

As Zoe means 'life' we can safely say Peter Hotez is both potty and a threat to life.

However, here's one more; 'pj yet hater Zoe'.

So let's go with "he is one of the most hateful and dangerous people in medicine today."

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RFK has clearly expressed that he is not an outspoken opponent to vaccines; he is an opponent of unsafe and ineffective vaccines, as I have come to understand from his written and spoken comments. This may be what was meant in the relevant comment above, but not what was said. I don't think one should throw the opposition any gratis bones.

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Thanks Dr. T. Hotez? Another evil devil's spawn mouthpiece.

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Nuremberg was also a fraud. They only prosecuted the lower level criminals. The highest were transferred to the US government via Operation Paperclip. It was just another fake show for the sheeple.

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Just another putz to be ignored. We are not winning anything until the 1986 vaccine laws are demolished...and that's just for starters.

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I’m amazed that people still listen to idiots like Hortez. He would be laughable if so many people didn’t fall for his BS. I can’t wait till those who have pushed such nonsense get tried for crimes against humanity.

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Just want to reiterate, never got vid. I have aspergillosis, which is fungus in my lungs. It never goes away, NIH, stopped funding for natural allergens like fungus and blk mold. It’s hard to find abstracts. But being a doctors experiment, she made all of her 450 patients take 800 mg of an anti fungal a day. I called the drug company, 300 mg min to 600 mg a day for 3 months. I was on it for a year. I am on it now, 200 mg for a year, or 2…no one knows🤣 gotta love the docs. Surviving 75 surgeries, I am bound to get something! But have to have good attitude.

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Love your article - really gets to the main issues - thank you!!

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Tired of these merchants of Death

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Baylor College of Medicine must be ashamed of Peter Hotez. He is afraid to have an honest debate with someone far more respected than he is. Robert Kennedy has made "vaccine safety" a life long interest and he is informed. Hotez is just a carnival barker/promoter. It's a shame because Texas Children's Hospital could use the +$2 million. I have been a patient and supporter of Baylor College of Medicine for many years - Peter Hotez is lazy, uninspiring, dishonest and needs to be exposed.

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Hotez will not debate because he is a religious fanatic who believes that he is superior to all those who question the inviolability of his science. In his world if you question anything he says, you are a heretic. And heretics must be burned at the stake!

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Not all. Skim a lot. I hone in on the best stuff. Download my BEST OF SUBSTACK VOLUME 1. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/best-of-substack-volume-1

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"Hotez is a paradox."

Oh come on. Stop with the faux agent provocateur lines, literary astroturfing.

He's an obvious pariah, a parasite, and a pernicious peddler of parenteral poison.

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Good arguments but it’s already too late. I notice how this has been dragged out for over 3 years while nothing is being done about the crimes against humanity. Meanwhile the bioweapon is doing its work as planned.

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As A Country

We Are Still Shitting Obama Out.

The Body Politic Will Recover.

And Our Immunity To His Kind Will Only Strengthen.

His, And Theirs, Is An Emotional World.

You Must Load Your Arrows To Bloody Their Emotions.

It's All They've Got. Understand That. It's All They Have.

'Lest They Have Your Emotions Too.


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the guy is a buffoon and would be demolished by anyone.

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