This is crazy considering the Latin word Vaca - which means cow, is the etymological root of the word vaccine

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After my youngest son received the MMR vaccine, he was literally destroyed. I look forward to the pharmaceutical industry getting precisely what they deserve!😡😡

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Note that these maniacs are recycling "waste" bovine matter into feed. Cattle are - or are supposed to be - vegetarians.

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Wait, you said the unwanted cows are made back into animal feed? Cows are not cannibals, they eat GRASS. Check one for NEVER taking these vaccines.

Check two. Vaccines are like a witches brew of biblically unclean creatures and insects and is the main reason I will NEVER take them.

So they violate two tenets of nature. One is from God and that's enough to tell me how WICKED these creators are and the delight they take in making you very sick and probably for another reason. ;)

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Thank you Dr Tenpenny. It's been since 1975, that I received a vaccine or tetanus shot.

I find it shocking which I learned during the pandemic, people are truly scared of diseases instead of believing in God. God gave us food and plants that can take care of our bodies naturally and so many people do the opposite and eat processed foods, seed oils, and sugar. Going back to local farms with grassfed beef and chicken makes me happy and healthy.

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Dr. T, thank you for your Substack. Seniors are strongly encouraged to get the shingles vaccine, because shingles is so horribly painful, and that's the "encouragement" physicians are using to get people to accept the injection.

We're at the age where we're hearing this "encouragement" more frequently. I see Zostavax is included in your list.

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I suggest you research the following adjuncts in this context:

Castor Oil

Hydrogen Peroxide


Olive Leaf Extract

Lemon Juice

Apple Cider Vinegar

The potential benefits of Castor Oil and Hydrogen Peroxide are delineated in many places.

Lauric Acid (with Monolaurin being its derivative) is a medium-chain triglyceride [MCT] particularly rich in Coconut Oil and Human Breast Milk (more so than in cow's milk or goat's milk); it functions to support the body's defenses. Cardiovascular Research (a.k.a. Ecological Formulas) brought "Monolaurin" onto the market decades ago. *

Olive Leaf was originally researched by Upjohn Pharmaceutical in 1969. Since they could not make a stable patented version, they abandoned it. East Park Research followed up, and marketed a natural extract as "d-Lenolate"; many other companies have followed suit with variations. *

Lemon Juice and Apple Cider Vinegar are both helpful in reducing systemic acidity, which many holistic practitioners consider to be a fundamental aspect of disease generally.

* I am in no way connected to the above companies (nor to any others) in the nutritional supplement industry.

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Remember we live in Vaccination Nation - and every vaccine is pushed ALL THE TIME, even if it has no efficacy, like the shingles vaccines. L-lysine 500mg 1 to 2 times /day and Vitamin C 3000mg/day is what you need. No shingles shot - also made with aborted fetal cells.

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I have been categorically anti-vaccine since 1993, when I researched the full history of vaccines, starting with Edward Jenner and those physicians and scientist who opposed him and his lethal smallpox vaccine. (I have been called "anti-science" many times over the decades.)

I have not consulted with a medical doctor since 1995. I became an autodidact in holistic nutrition instead. (Trauma alone would be an exception: If I break a limb, I will have it set.)

Punchline? I was a Biology major, with academic awards in all the sciences and in mathematics. I aspired to be a medical doctor. I withdrew for two reasons:

Doctors were making my own lifelong maladies only worse. I knew of no alternatives at the time. It was not until I suffered a complete collapse and nearly died at 32 from chronic malnutrition (anemia, hypoproteinemia) that I began my journey into health during my three-year convalescence. (My first big clue was that I had been eating a high animal protein diet, yet my impaired gut was not assimilating my food.)

Fellow upper-division pre-med students cared only about making enough money to buy a BMW, or showing off the latest surgical technique from Scientific American. Not one had what I would call a healer's mindset. And some of them were advocating in Genetics lab for compulsory sterilization of "genetically inferior" persons (e.g., Down's Syndrome, Spina Bifida) to protect the "gene pool"; the instructor smiled and nodded his approval. I was horrified, and I changed majors.

John Rockefeller and Abraham Flexner usurped control of medical schooling and licensing, to force patented petrochemical drugs and vaccines upon the public. Antoine Bechamp was more correct than Louis Pasteur, and Terrain Theory is more valid than Microbe Theory; however, Nature cannot be patented for profit.

Follow the money. Follow the power. Follow the control.

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Great thinking and good choice. Good for you

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Thank you so much, Dr. T. We're already taking 1500mg/day of Vitamin C, so that's a start. I'll go purchase L-lysine to add to our daily vitamins. Appreciate your reply!

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Holey Moley! I will never let anyone inject anything into my arm or elsewhere ever again. This is disgusting. It seems to me that God allowed the whole C19 scam to open our eyes to what has been the crime wave in medicine for decades. As much as I abhor all that is the C19 scam, I am glad to finally see just how corrupt the medical industry was and has become even worse. Thank you, Dr. Tenpenny, for all your hard work. Your substack is one of the best!

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thank you on both counts!

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My youngest almost 6 mo old grandson hasn’t gotten any vaccines. He’s very healthy and alert. Last week he discovered his dad’s reflection in the patio door & was wide eyed looking back & forth at real dad & reflection dad. Fascinating to watch.

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Well, vacca = cow. The small pox vaccine often contained serum (pus) from corpses of various animals including human. "Dissolving Illusions" has more information. Let's not forget the serum extraction business is part of the dairy industry which is linked to the meat industry. If you want to follow a more humane path, and eat more healthily, just don't participate. It's up to us - don't expect government to deal with this.

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Is this part of a series? Will you be also focusing on aborted human fetal cells? Talk about the root of all evil! Thank you for your work!

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All injections are "truly a shot of foreign matter into the arm or leg of its recipient."

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What is more frightening, how these shots are developed or the fact that people actually believe this is “healthcare” for people?

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Well said... this is why people need to know. I'm still hoping RFK Jr will nominate me for a vaccine education committee!

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What a nightmare. I would bet there is stuff in vaccines that they do not reveal because they are called "proprietary" ingredients. Even more frightful is that none of these vaccines given together have ever been in any efficacy and safety trials.

Another almost 300 vaccines in development tells us that they are far from through ramping up the vaccine schedules for every person on the planet. I cannot see any reason to ever get vaccinated for anything and I am quite willing to take my chances...partly because I am older and don't mind taking a few risks since I know I will not live forever.

They call this science and research? I call it demonic and evil to the core. Thanks for presenting this gruesome overview as it does need to be made known.

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Yes. Before running an efficacy trial you would have to prove that the disease can be transmitted without any intervention. Chapter 14 in 'Can You Catch a Cold?' is about the UK Common Cold Research Unit. Open 1946 to 1989. So what did they find in 43 years? No virus isolated, no proven transmission, no vaccine developed. But they did give us an image of an artifact (an error imparted by methodology) from electron microscopy which they called a "corona virus".

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…continued: all the truth bearing findings and writing. I am most grateful for people like yourself. Have a happy, restful weekend!

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Thank you very much Dr. T.! I’m grateful for your amazing work on this and all the truth bearing

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