I've been following Dr. Tenpenny since 2020. I am very edified by her knowledge, compassion and perseverance through all the crosses she has had to bear because of her tenacity to speak the truth. The inconvenient truth, but the truth none the less. She hasn't wavered, not an inch. I love that about her and the reason why I love listening to the wisdom she shares.

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Thank you Kelly. Much appreciated!!

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I dearly appreciate this discussion and all that you are doing for your brothers and sisters in Jesus. Dr.. Tenpenny, I totally agree with what your mother said about God pulling you down so that you take the time to look up (sorry forget the exact quote). The day of my near death accident changed the trajectory of my life. Jesus came to me during that time. Those few minutes are more precious to me than anything life offers and I did not want to come back.

My days, some of which are very challenging due to the injuries I sustained, are now spent in joy, gratitude and the knowing that our Heavenly Father is always with us.

Thank you and God Bless you dear sister for all that you do to enlighten people on their walk through this glorious life.

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Renz should learn more about fenbendazole for his wife. There are specific case reports germane to her situation that would help her. https://fenbendazole.substack.com Renz substacks are behind paywalls so no comments can be made. Maybe someone here can make sure he sees this.

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Fenbendazole combined with Ivermectin cures cancer.

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you might be able to still write him through substack or the contact form on his website

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I have been puzzled at the seeming lack of awareness between many who have joined the drive for truth. I suppose as a mom who was rudely awakened by the final blow to my son , ( 2 MMR hospitalizations complete with gaslighting and no report- I continue to be appalled by MOST who remain ignorant at this point only by deliberately avoiding it ) , I am also often saddened by the naivete of the nurses , docs , scientists who were surprised by their peers behavior after they were injured - " Welcome to the Club !"- and pray that the collective damage will finally spur a re examination of EVERYTHING they have claimed.

Dr Tenpenny was a light in my darkness long ago. I pray she becomes a supernova going forward as far as illuminating the utterly morally bankrupt industry.

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In addition to Dr. Tenpenny, Dr. Lee Merritt, Dr. Carrie Madej and the others in the 5 docs are excellent resources.

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Oh yes I know of them . I've been reading the science since 1998 , along with the Canary's in the coalmine who have sounded the alarm for decades.

What puzzles me is also the lack of awareness on some advocates parts , of many of the older sources that have BEEN sounding the alarm , as well as Dr David Martin and associates work

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