Because I am more aware now of the actuality of things, RFK Jr. didn't stand a chance of being president, no "outside 3rd party" would ever be elected and he was *has been, repeatedly denied Secret Service protection (gee, wonder why) so he joined up with Mr. T. Unfortunately, there are those who are still alive who suppressed the Truth of what went on in 1963 and I doubt this will come to light, remember records were sealed for 100 years? and Mr. T never came out with his promise to reveal the Truth when he was in office so let's remember who is actually running things. I hope RFK Jr. stays safe, the elites hate him too. And I like him even better than Trump because I know Trump bows to "those certain ones" that really run our government, because right now that's how the Game is played. Many people don't want to believe that but............there is evil in our gov't. running things. Mr. O is enjoying his 3rd term, and I doubt he wants Mr. T in the WH, as it might be a bit harder for the AC to emerge..........God wins in the end is all I gotta say. Pray and try to prepare for what is ahead, God is with us if we are with Him. America needs to put God first to heal as a Nation.

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I agree Dr. Sherri! Praying that Tucker and Alex interview Dr. Corsi. He spoke at the Ohio Freedom Fighters meeting 2 weeks ago in Medina.

I’m going to email Tucker. All of us should. Here is an email address for him:


Donation happily made to Dr. Corsi’s organization.

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If a person would be traveling say to someplace such as Africa whats your thought on having a couple vax before traveling

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I've been in 67 countries, including about 6 in Africa. Never had a vaccine. Never had a travel vaccine. Never will.

Either you think vaccines "protect," or you think they are "poison" and do nothing to keep you from getting sick. I choose the later and will not contaminate my body with their poison.

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Dr. Sherri, so glad you responded like that. some people say, "I don't do the V and never will" but then entertain other "V's" - which to me is still the same coin. Amazing, I don't know what they are smoking. What are they thinking? "no I believe I can't trust that one but maybe I can trust that one over there"? I have an acquaintance recently tell me just that, "no I didn't do the V but, I do the flu ones"............okaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. So disheartening because you can see their brain just shut off if you try to say anything. I quit honestly trying to change people's minds or to even expand their thinking. personally, for me, it's just so stupid so that I give up, I just say instead, "I wouldn't".

.....so there you have it.

One last little tidbit, another example of "selectively stupid"; I knew a young dad, 4 kids and a wife, I cautioned him about the "v" so he was aware (I thought) and when he took his kids to the doctor's office they tried to vaccinate everyone. My friend said, "Oh no, we know about that, no way". and the "good" doctor said, "oh, well, I understand and so we have this special batch of vaccines that we only give to our staff, so you can have those instead" and so the young dad agreed and let the "good" doctor vaccinate everyone. so, you can lead someone to water, but can you teach someone to think? my young friend, the dad, passed soon there after when he was killed unfortunately by some illegals in his backyard who were trespassing. Just so depressing.

God protect us from our own stupidity and ignorance, I just had to realize God gives everyone free will to make their own decisions and that most people learn thru suffering. It's the way it is....and God loves them more than we do.

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