Could you reply the website to buy gluco-control?

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Another fun fact about marcaine and lidocaine etc - these when used as dental anesthetics, have been examined by Dr Ana Mihalcea to contain mRNA nanoparticulates; and are actually advertised as having enhanced effectiveness due to this formulation.

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That is why I’m reluctant to go to the dentist these days.

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I’m also due for an eye exam and want to opt out of the drops to dilate my pupils. I know there is a laser alternative but have a hard time trusting that as well. Good thing I take such good care of myself!!

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Since the dilation is necessary to allow the interior of your eye to be examined from outside in a non-invasive way, eye surgery would be required alternately. No laser beam can image the target.

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Thanks for an informative video. I especially was interested in hip pain and tinnitus. I will consult my doctor referencing these options. I also suffer from tinnitus and it’s definitely a pain to deal with. It bothers me the most when I lie down for bed. 😩

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Sodas have fetal cells and gm ingredients. Are you really telling folks that they are ok?

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you didn't hear me correctly, and took what I said out of context.

I said that there are times, as in when traveling overseas in remote areas or where there is no possibility of clean water, that sometimes you have to make the best of the worst choices available. I did not say this was "ok" - gesh.

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Several years ago I did a personal evaluation of a MLM product called Asea, which claimed to be a redox messaging molecule. While attending a sales meeting for it with testimonials, I found that my experience that it reduced or eliminated tinnitus was a common claim, FWIW.

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