Dr Tenpenny, please tell me how to acces your Happy hour on Tuesday evenings. Or Could you please send me San email with a link every week?

Thank you in advance! You are the best!

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Hi Kathleen - thanks for your comment! If you go to DrTenpenny.com/JOIN - that will add you to our email list. Every monday we send an email with the events and links for the week. That's probably the most efficient way to join us!

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Ipso Facto:

If you were truly part of a depopulation agenda:

You would also be a part of a repopulation agenda in your likeness.

Once “practically everyone” was gone - or most people, you’d want to re-populate with your own DNA.

Jeffrey Epstein was a big banker of his sperm.

Give me a list of wealthy “insiders” that have banked significant volumes of their sperm, and I will show you the plotters.

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