I wonder if someone can explain what appears to be an inconsistency between what Dr. Nepute says in this interview about the government lawsuit and what has been reported by DOJ and various news outlets like Epoch Times. Around the 53:40 mark, Dr. Nepute explains the lawsuit and says he was completely vindicated. However, DOJ issued a press release on Aug. 3 saying Quickwork LLC agreed to pay a $1 million fine and Dr. Nepute agreed to pay an $80,000 fine to settle the case. I don't think it can be true that Dr. Nepute was both vindicated and that he paid an $80,000 fine. Here are links to the Epoch Times report and to the DOJ press release. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/missouri-chiropractor-agrees-to-pay-80000-fine-and-stop-promoting-vitamins-as-covid-19-treatment-5451737 and https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/permanent-injunctions-and-judgment-over-1-million-civil-penalties-entered-case-deceptive.

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I don't "have an issue." These days we the people need to know what kind of doctor we are learning from. Many preachers have the doctor title.

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Jill Biden has a doctorate for God’s sake

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How does Dr Eric Nepute feel about methylene blue, chlorine dioxide, ozone and oxygen therapy? I would like to know before I subscribe to his platform

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I really don't know how to answer that. I don't know what his office practices cover.

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I don’t understand these people drilling you! If they want all this additional information that’s on them to seek it out! Watch his videos! He is an excellent doctor and we’ve watched him many times!

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You can’t watch his videos without singing up financially for his website. I would like some questions answered prior to making that commitment

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I haven’t signed up with any financial commitment! Signup for his newsletter and it takes you to his videos.

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How do you feel about these treatments doctor? My functional doctor prescribes methylene blue and I began taking chlorine dioxide about a month ago and it is helping me immensely

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Dr. Eric Nepute

Doctorate of Chiropractic

I do not know what letters go after the doctor's name , but I think in discussing the mess our health care is in the USA due to the "pandemic", it is important and relevant to state whether the doctor is an M.D. or homeopath or some other natural medicine discipline.


Professional Credentials


Doctorate of Natural Medicine from Quantum University

Doctorate of Chiropractic from Logan University

Master’s in Clinical Nutrition from the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Bachelor’s in Chemistry from the University of Wisconsin-Madison


Licensed Primary Care Provider in the state of Missouri

Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine

Certified Nutrition Specialist

Certified Internal Health Specialist

Fellowship in Functional Neurology

Extensive experience in chiropractic and wellness care

Developer of the groundbreaking Wellness Wheel System

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He is a chiropractor and is brilliant. And very incredible in business. I don't understand your issue.

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Yes he is Dr. Sherri! We’ve been following him for some time! Since she is so adamant about his credentials, I suggest she watch the many videos he puts out on many health issues! I am with you in this!!!

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