Hello, my daughter was fully vaccinated when she was a baby, I feel so bad to know that I have damaged her, now she has a child ( Girl ) and she has given her many shots of C.O.I.VD shots. I tried to warn her of how dangerous they are, I even gave her your wed site to look up things. My gran child is bleeding heavily from her periods. She might have to have a hysterectomy & she is only 15 years old. Do you have any advice? She will not stop vaccinating her! I am afraid she will find her dead some morning

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You can never vaccinate yourself or your children to improved health. How did mankind survive for thousands of years without vaccinations? Living conditions were often more horrendous that they are today. Yet, without the implied wonders of drugs, people still survived quite well.

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By the Way BIG FAIL on EPOCH TIMES Part. Good they are somewhat indicating natural ways to handle "ADHD" a voted upon "diagnosis" lie all Psychiatric diagnoses, our children are being used as experiments in Psychiatry just as they are in Vaccines. Some of the Psychiatric drugs are Class 2 addicting drugs. Class 2 is where LSD sits. It's a criminal operation in my opinion and has been since day one.

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Thank You Dr. Tenpenny - Love you for speaking the truth and speaking out. I want to be on your list for the new book! I can't even imagine how parents today allow these injections, my kids are grown now that the gods! If I did have school aged children I would move heaven and Earth to put them in private school ( which my kids did to for most of their education), or put them in Home Study., if the public school would not allow exemptions. I believe The Childhood Vaccine Program was a Legislation power push by Big Pharma to have a permanent Cash Cow, that is what it has always been. Witness the rise in "developed" vaccines since 1986 The Vaccine Act that exempted Every Company from Liability and still exists despite all the evidence showing Vaccine Injury. And now the industry is working to include MRNA is just about every injection. God help our children and any Adult that is not educated.

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Oops a few typos there. Stay UNITED!

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I learned so much taking care of my Dad, I was very hands on and had full authority over my Dad's care and life due to his incapacity. Well, doctors did not appreciate this at all, not at all, they didn't want "any interference" in their plans and if I asked a question or pointed out a discrepancy in his medications (transposing and moving a decimal point, using different measuring devices which altered the amounts given, etc.), we were "fired" from being that doctor's patient. this happened probably 20 times, I finally got to take my Dad home *I had been saving money to take him home as I was still working a full time job when he got sick) and after weaning him off his psychotropic hell meds, he became normal and was eating whole foods and cognizant. When he passed, he was home, in bed, with me and fully consciously aware and did not have "Alzheimers" nor dementia. Needless to say, I do not, will not nor do I recommend Big Pharma nor their paid for drug pushers.

wakey, wakey. Even Jesus warned us about this, if you know, you know. God bless the good......

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