What about MRI no contrast. Just the machine effect

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What about biopsies? I got a simple toenail removed and ended up with Bone infection. I was called by a doctor I had never seen before a week later. He said, you are very sick. You need to get to the hospital right now. 5 days inpatient hospital. Three weeks out patient hospital for anti biotic drips. Saying this, 221,000 4000,000 plus die from medical errors. How many were injured? The risks are huge in my opinion.

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A word of warning on another medical procedure that I hope Dr Tenpenney will write about. Nuclear stress tests! They are one of the most overused tests out there.

Question EVERY medical procedure and remember the medical industrial complex and pharma are for profit.

An anecdotal real life story. Two years ago, at 58 years young, I got afib. I didn’t take the vaccine so it wasn’t Vax induced. I now know I went into afib because it was the perfect storm of being at high altitude, having too much thyroid medicine circulating in my body and too little iodine, magnesium and potassium (something most Drs are not going to look for). Anyhow, after a trip to the ER while in afib, the next week I went to my cardiologist and in addition to discussing afib with him, I was also having some pain the day I went to see him which was moving around from my throat to my shoulder area. He thought I also might be presenting with CAD. So, I got a cardiac ultra sound which shocked him because it was perfect. I had no swelling in legs either. When I got through with the ultrasound he said “ I am not sure what’s going on but I think we should do a heart catherization to check for blockage and/or a nuclear stress test.” I told him that I’d had a coronary calcium test two years ago that was a zero or a perfect score=no blockage most of the time. My husband asked him “what procedure would you do if it was your wife?” (which I’m not sure a Dr will answer that truthfully IMHO) and he replied the heart cath. We asked what risks were. He said minimal but yes, one could die from it but highly unlikely. He still thought I should do one or the other so under pressure, I said I’d do the nuclear stress test and we scheduled it for the next morning.

I left his office and googled nuclear stress test and found out Nuclear stress tests involve significant radiation exposure equivalent to 400 chest x-rays!! There are also risks involved besides potentially developing cancer due to unnecessary radiation exposure. https://www.oliverwyman.com/our-expertise/perspectives/health/2019/apr/-is-this-necessary----some-docs-order-too-many-expensive--danger.html


I also discovered there’s an organization out there that is trying to build awareness around the dangers of these tests in an effort to help Drs use safer tests to get the same information.

So, I promptly cancelled that test. I really felt that my Dr was barking up the wrong tree as I believe I’m pretty healthy, have low cholesterol, eat well most of the time, and don’t take any prescription medicine except armour for my thyroid.

Looking back, I believe this weird pain was due to elevated HS CRP and/or thickening of one of my carotid arteries. I’m still not sure though. But, I have learned to manage my afib using supplements (I researched about 100 hours to figure out root causes and alternatives to drugs). It wasn’t a fast or easy process but I’m doing great and in the last nine months, I hardly experience that weird pain or any afib episodes.

I repeat, I encourage everyone on here to do their own research. Our awakening should not just be about these death/disabling clot shots and the fraud that was perpetrated on us and continues to be in the name of science. Our awakening should be about all public health. Every Dr, medicine you’re given and every procedure recommended to you, many of which are just for DRS to CYA.

Read studies about every side effect of any drug you take or medical procedure and try to discover if changing your lifestyle (exercising more, abstinence from alcohol, making better food choices) is the cure. Is it work? Yes. Is it easier than taking a pill? No. But, until we start taking charge of our own health instead of giving it over to Drs, nothing will change.

Be blessed and be healthy. Just say “no.”

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Steve Kirsch posted on his Substack on April 29 2023

In fact, the damage to your brain from the COVID vaccine is quantifiable in a $600 MRI test. It’s called the NeuroQuant test and I just found out about it today. It takes just 8 minutes in an MRI machine and gives more information than an MRI.



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Off Topic ALERT: Scientific Study- Corona Is Technology And Frequency Induced! Effect of Coronavirus Worldwide through Misusing of Wireless Sensor Networks


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Are biopsies detrimental to your health?

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Are biopsies detrimental to your health?

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It doesn’t sound like any of these tests are good choices. So what options are there other than to never use a contrast agent, and hope any imaging catches whatever they are looking for? I personally battle this issue due to allergies and sensitivities to many drugs. I can’t even use the colonoscopy preps. Are colonoscopies even necessary every 5 yrs if polys are found?

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Dr Tenpenny has a series on colonoscopies worth reading! Should be in her backlog.

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I am New to the Substack stuff. Not sure how I would find it.

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Just click on her name and it’ll take you to her publication. On a browser you can also type “Tenpenny Eye on the Evidence Truth Colonoscopies” or something and it should show up (although may depend on your search engine). Here’s a link to the first part, though: https://open.substack.com/pub/drtenpenny/p/the-truth-about-colonoscopy-pt-1?r=1ro5iw&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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I know from experience that these injections are harmful. I had an allergic reaction to one several years ago and refuse any more. I've known two people who've since died from contrast. Avoid putting any foreign substances in your body! The franken-food we're being fed is harmful, too!

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Great article. Those of you who don’t know about fenbendazole to eradicate cancer should learn https://fenbendazole.substack.com What is relevant to the present paper is some oncologists’ reactions to cancer eradication in their patients by fenben:it does not compute. The doctor will not accept that the cancer is gone and will literally try to test the patient to death to find it. In one case where fenben eradicated a bladder cancer before scheduled traditional treatment (the person’s symptoms resolved and requested updated diagnostics) the doctor claimed that they must have “misdiagnosed” his cancer…yet they were going to treat him as scheduled. There are other cases where the blood tumor markers are normal, imaging is normal yet the doctors still schedule more and more imaging. It is not for the now healthy patient’s benefit. 0ncology is a scam, that’s why the word begins with a zero☠️

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A family member of mine who was on dialysis at the time received Gadolinium dye forMRI. Ended up with NSF and later went to SFO as part of research. They were using UV treatments on her blood -her description. She felt that after several treatments she was starting to feel better but was unable to continue due to travel complications.

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What can be done about a 21 year old woman who took the shot and stopped having menstruation 6 months ago. 🙏

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If it were me, I would look into the FLCCC spike protein detox protocol. Includes ivermectin, vitamin D3+K2, nattokinase, NAC, spermidine, and several other supplements.

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My approach to health care is to completely avoid processed foods and sugar.

Because almost all processed foods contain sugar, preservatives or some other Frankenstein substances.. that means I can eat only meat, veg, fruit, fish, and nuts. Essentially the Mediterranean diet.

And as a topper -- for the most part I buy organic. Thank you but not thanks to industrially produced garbage.

I don't smoke and might have a glass of organic wine from time to time -- so the moneys save there offsets the costs of organic.

This might seem to be drastic ... but after a couple of weeks of this ... you will be weaned off the sugar addiction ... and you will not longer crave high carb foods and sugar.

I was motivated to upgrade what was already a healthy diet to this extreme diet after reading this https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29874881-the-case-against-sugar and realizing sugar was the root of all health evils... It is truly a monstrous substance... and it is in nearly everything that is processed.

If my wife left a chocolate are on the counter I would be tempted to eat some of it -- now I would no more eat a square than I would spoonful of cyanide.

Another book I can recommend if you need to get your health back on track is https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/59541735-the-clot-thickens

Ultimately I believe that the folks who run the world and their minions ... are purposely feeding us garbage and injecting us with bullshit vaccines https://drkevinstillwagon.substack.com/p/the-silent-killers

Why? Because they do not want people to follow my Spartan Diet -- because that would result in most people living to 100 or longer. That would contribute to the overpopulation problem

That would bankrupt the pension and health care systems.

There is no malicious intent --- this is a necessary evil.

All good but on a personal level I will not allow myself to be captured by this poisoning machine... everyone can else can cram Doritos and KFC down their maw ... and suckle on Pepsi...

I refuse. I reject this.

Oh ... and I exercise most days.

I do not have a GP ... I have no need of one to help me 'manage my health'... as I put it to the last GP I saw a couple of years ago after a ski injury --- when she said - as a new patient we'd like you to have abcdefg tests as I like to practice preventative medicine -- to which I responded -- so do I - notice my BP... 120/80 (in my 50s)... my programme involves eating 0 garbage... I have no health problems... she was profoundly disappointed as she was already counting her referral fees for the tests...

I know most people will not have any interest in following this advice... and that's a good thing. We cannot have billions living like I do... the global economy will collapse

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I meant is there an alternative? Can they do it wo contrast? At this point he doesn't care but I still want him around!!

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I have had contrast tests done a number of times after a cancer diagnosis. Never ONCE was I informed of any of the potential issues. Zero informed consent. I will never trust the medical system again.

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Thank you Dr. Tenpenny.

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