HBOT transformed the life of one of my patients who was gadolinium injured. Florida scientist who had worked for the USG previously. All stammering— vanished.

Modified citrus pectin is another potential pathway for healing.

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‘Have followed your work for a very long time. I’m a survivor and now I’m fighting for a family member, female, age 43. Over Thanksgiving holiday, she was hospitalized with double pneumonia. During her 4-day stay with a prominent health system, she underwent a CT scan-apparently standard care nowadays. In addition to her lung condition, results showed a large mass on one kidney plus a node in breast area. To date, she has consulted with two physicians, the attending urologist post CT results and a urologic oncologist who confirmed diagnosis-95% (statistically significant) malignancy. Without seeing the patient, or ordering any additional testing, he recommended removing entire organ. Upon further review, he has decided that a portion of organ can be saved. Unnerved by his sudden reversal, patient (again they’ve never met) is now getting a second opinion from another specialist - a skilled hand surgeon but also equally proficient in robotics. Only surgery will confirm a malignancy so anxiety is mounting. The breast node turned out to be nothing at all. In my personal opinion, there’s reason to believe that CT may have been a profit motive (I’ve heard this from other medical professionals off record); and now we’re hearing a lot about Fenben. The patient is our precious daughter. Can you help in any way? Apologies for lengthy post but I’m desperate here -with major trust issues.

Thank you for your time.


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Thank you. She’s scheduled for surgery late March. Surgeon is high specialized. At this point, we’re just praying for best outcome.

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It is difficult to trust anything anymore. Just want to say that I would have taken the CT scan if I had been in your daughter’s situation. Not all pneumonia is seen on a CXR.

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Drug free is Healthy! Why have we been groomed to believe we need frequent exposure to toxins to retain, obtain or maintain optimum health? Questions everything!

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This is indeed dangerous but it's because the techs can't read or understand the data provided.

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Just had one recently

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I had a kidney CT scan test a few years back. It had an iodine component. I broke out in severe hives over my entire body within a few hours. It was awful.

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When you are forced to have the people who are corrupt, RINO’s, to approve your people who will eradicate THEIR corruption. Republicans who vote against Trump’s anti-corruption Cabinet Nominees are screaming from the rooftops their self-admission, “WE ARE THE CORRUPT PEOPLE YOU WANT TO REMOVE FROM OUR GOVERNMENT!!” And remove them we will at the Voter Box! If they vote against Trump’s anti-corruption Cabinet Nominees!!

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I went to the hospital December 23rd of 23. I had a digestion issue it was so bad. They were doing a CAT scan and they gave me the contrast and I went into anaphylactic shock. They put me in a medicated coma for 6 days until I can breathe on my own I spent nine days for a total in the hospital. They never found out what was wrong. I went to a holistic doctor I had parasites. I also had an amoeba in my bloodstream from getting scratched by a cat that had worms. Our medical doctors have failed us!

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Aren’t “they” spraying gd and barium from the sky? Hmmm.

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So nothing dangerous about colonoscopies?

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BRAVO!!! Been following your work since 2015

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Never again , especially we as women have been their guinea pigs for too long, not any more . I hope each one of you start doing your own research and make informed decisions about your health

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You're getting very popular...

You had 419 likes.I hit it , it jumped up too 428...

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Now I understand that I was poisoned I have all the symptoms .

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Thank you for educating us Dr Tenpenny. Apparently the "powers that be" really are out to kill us! I've known for a long time that the medical community and big pharma are motivated by money and are not interested in making us healthy, but did not realize just how evil and divisive they really are. No wonder so many younger people's obituaries say "they died unexpectedly. Duh!

I already avoid the medical cartel like the plague, now I'm realizing that my intuition has been correct all along. Please keep on being a "truth teller" we need you to be. "They" are hoping that we stay in the dark and follow them like lost sheep. They underestimate and insult our intelligence!

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BruceWales 11/11/24 4:35-4:51pm

No longer should the word “approved”

Be attached to the FDA

For knowingly it has countenanced

Poisons that swept humans away

It gave itself credits as being

The watchword on safety for all

And blithely continued it’s indirect slaughter

While millions continued to fall

As evil as the sword cleaner

For any who slaughter at will

The innocent and the ignorant

By advancing a purpose so ill

It still is standing as conscience

For pharmaceuticals’ claim, (that)

Their vaccines diminish and stop

Diseases of historic fame

Therefore with righteous judgment, I

Demand for all of the duped

No longer attach to the FDA

The holy word “approved”

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