In all likelihood, the family could care less about her legacy except in terms of how much money they could make off her. Blood money to appease the beast on both sides. If they were truly concerned w her legacy, they’d demand that all of her cells be destroyed bcz if she was truly the kind of woman portrayed, she wouldn’t want humanity tainted by using her cells in the manner they have been to help destroy humanity.

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Great piece! So interesting and informative! Thank you, Dr T

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Concerning Johns Hopkins & Vanderbilt!

In my research I am also noticing "Big Named" facilities & their pasts, (PRESENT) & Futures. I do not like what I am reading or perhaps what is being exposed. It is scary & it angers me. The more we know to make better informed decisions. Anyone else noticing this?

* I remembered this movie & had no clue of either of these surgeons or the procedure until this movie came out about "Cardiac Pioneer" Vivien Thomas (1910-1985) and surgeon Alfred Blalock (1899-1964).

HBO 2004 Movie 👇








Because my mom is a retired (Medical TRANSCRIPTIONIST) -I feel lucky as a kid I was exposed to "Medical" Terms & understand and now Question more than most. I have relied on my mother's expertise and am blessed to have her for discussions & our decisions we have made. * Medical Transcriptionist (typed) the doctor's notes after seeing patients. She later became Office Manager for several doctors offices who were Lung & Cardiac Surgeons. TY & again for Dr Tenpenny for sharing this valuable subject matter.

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Interestng essay. One comment:

"As a black women, Johns Hopkins was one of the few hospitals that would give her access to healthcare during the 1950s."

I don't think Johns Hopkins is a black woman.

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Question? Why did these cells replicate? Why only hers? Why not use other cells?

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Cancer cells uncontrollably replicate.

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I don't take lightly that the mythology of Hela is of a half undead figure who can spread disease and control the undead. There is an attraction to symbolic meaning given to purposeful actions, and then dismissing such meaning as ridiculous. Is it? https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Hela_(mythology)#:~:text=Hel%20(also%20known%20as%20Hela,a%20portion%20of%20the%20dead.

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I doubt the myth was predicated on this woman, since, for one thing, it predated her.

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Stay Educated, SHARE the comments here are excellent 👍👌! TY & I look forward to more info.

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Thank you, Dr. Tenpennny, for shining a light on the recent resolution to the lawsuit regarding Henrietta Lack's family and the unjust usurpation of her tumor cells to create a perpetual financial goldmine with the HeLa cell line through the sale of the cells these 70 years.

Serendipitous is the timing of your substack because I am listening to the reading of an extremely interesting and important book, "A conspiracy of cells" by Michael Gold. The book is now quite expensive, but I learned of the reading of the book from a Twitter (X) space held by George Webb. Although off to a slightly bumpy start, this is a must listen to series, and vital to understand how the HeLa cells traversed our research labs. Please visit the Rumble readings if interested: https://rumble.com/v32pasc-a-conspiracy-of-cells-by-michael-gold-reading-and-comments-july-27-2023.html

Again, thank you for the incredible work you do in this immense spiritual battle we are in.

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i read about the Lacks lawsuit years ago but never learned the outcome. Thanks for the in-depth coverage of the broader topic.

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As advanced and intelligent as we think we may be, it would probably be a shorter list to expound on what we think we know as opposed to what we don't know. Why would these particular cells of hers keep replicating but no one else's (at least to our knowledge)? Not that I'm advocating it, but if they kept it hush hush how would anyone ever have known? I would love to hear what the settlement was.

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Like many Americans I was not aware of the use of human fetal cells in vaccines and medicines. Contamination of our bodies with foreign DNA can cause cancer. The last vaccine I had was the Prevnar 20 back in 2018. It was required to receive a cochlear implant (that or the more dangerous meningitis vaccine) which I desperately needed as I tested as profoundly deaf in both ears. As a Baptist, I am against abortion and would never knowingly contaminate my body with aborted fetal cells. I repent of this OFFENSE against almighty God. Had I understood, I would have waived liability to get my operation without a vaccine. I held fast during the CV19 following the truth-tellers from early in 2020. I will NEVER take another vaccine period.

I will never fully trust my doctors who are deliberately ‘blind’ to the truth. Doctors are NOT educated about even the basics about vaccine ingredients or adverse events and absolutely NEVER give informed consent on these dangerous products. I never received a package insert or anything else on any vaccine. Just the parroted phrase ‘safe and effective’ with no evidence this is true.

I was vilified by others during the CV19 ‘pandemic’ as an anti-vaxxer and I am still and was then happy to share the truth with others. I know SV40 is a monkey virus, simian virus, which is CARCINOGENIC thus another contaminant cause of cancer in vaccines. People do NOT want to hear the truth, their itchy ears only want to hear what they already believe to be true. The SV40 virus has been found in many of the independently tested vials of the mRNA jabs. Why is it in these ‘injections’ at all? It has nothing to offer except the risk of disease and death!

This must be seen for what it is, intentional genocide, or Democide as Ed Dowd calls it, as our very own government targets us for death, preferably preceded by severe long term illness so government agencies, hospitals, doctors and big Pharma can profit greatly from our slow moving demise. It must be stated that the massive rise in excess mortality across the globe is the only way these deaths can be understood as from the mRNA ‘vaccines’ because they are never autopsied, thus other causes of death are listed, cancer, myocarditis, strokes, blood clots and more.

The death and destruction of the health of humanity including the ability to reproduce is absolutely a crime against humanity. It is enabled by those we are supposed to trust in the medical and scientific profession who lack the ethics they swear to uphold to ‘do no harm’.

Robert F Kennedy, Jr stated this medical experimentation has parallels to what happened in Nazi Germany and he is absolutely right, as noted by Naomi Wolf whose family lost many members in the WWII Holocaust. He is attacked by the paid shills in mainstream media for speaking the truth.

I have the utmost respect for the righteous few who have spoken the truth from the beginning of the CV19 ‘pandemic’ and who have fought valiantly to save their patients and humanity, including many doctors: Sherri Tenpenny, Peter McCullough, Elizabeth Eads, Ryan Cole, Pierre Kory, Bryan Ardis, and so many others. Plus researchers like Karen Kingston, Judy MIKOVITS, the tireless and amazing Naomi Wolf who so eloquently gives a voice to all of us, and so many more, including doctors, nurses, scientists, lawyers, alternative media folks on the internet, politicians, priests and pastors, vaccine injured folks and moms and dads of vaccine injured kids.

Yet darkness hovers over us and I pray the truth will continue to be revealed by Almighty God and that the evil doers face justice in the courts. Join me in praying for this and for the rise of the Medical and Health freedom movement throughout the world.

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Well said.

The one statement you made, “people don’t want to hear the truth,”still amazes me. I’m starting to really believe it comes down to one thing, pride.

So glad I was able to read your comments today as they were very informative and meaningful. I hope more will see and read.

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Mary, you have expressed my thoughts far better than I could. We are in an intense spiritual battle while our enemy rages against all of God's beautiful creation. I never gave a thought to vaccine safety, as I lined up for polio vaccines in 1962 and then took regular flu shots throughout the years. No wonder I have an onslaught of autoimmune conditions. I'll never take another vaccine, and am eyeing all doctors and medicines now with unrelenting skepticism (trending more toward scorn) while praying for the wisdom I severely lack.

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You have so eloquently drawn together so many threads. I'm glad I've spent enough time "in the trenches" sorting these things out that I can appreciate what you have done. I fought against cognitive dissonance because I was more interested in truth than comfort in what I already knew... Just wish the story was a happier one! Keep up the good fight.

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Well written and thank you Mary! Spot on

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Thank you Dr. T. And there is more. As you noted, HeLa cancer cells are notoriously hard to control. HeLa cells used in labs often "jump" from one experiment's samples to another in the lab, off countertops, lab coats, or in the refrigerators—some say through HVAC systems. The results from many studies had to be discarded after a double check of, say, lung cancer cell lines were found to actually be HeLa cells that had infiltrated lab cultures without being detected.

Early on it was clear there needed to be a crusade of checking cell lines in order to keep research clean and honest; Walter Nelson-Rees' work is documented in the book A Conspiracy of Cells: One Woman's Immortal Legacy-And the Medical Scandal It Caused by Michael Gold).

Here's an interesting quote from The Immortal Life: "Only cells that had been transformed by a virus or a genetic mutation had the potential to become immortal." PCR testing is now proposed to screen study cultures for the HPV-18 strain of Human Papilloma Virus—which apparently resides in HeLa cells in perpetuity. Per WebMD, HPV-16 and HPV-18 account for about 70% of all cervical cancers. HeLa cells are virile and dangerous.

In horror I read the papers about adopting HeLa cells for use as a vaccine substrate. Can they reliably purify the extract of a vaccine culture to take out every single "immortal" cancer cell--and all of the virus that appears to drive the HeLa cells? Could a single HeLa cell which made it into a vaccine syringe multiply inside the recipient of a shot? Has anyone ever done a study to find out? In the 1950s, researcher Chester Southam began injecting HeLa cells under the skin of subjects and found that tumors formed. How much do HeLa-based vax contribute to the rise in cancer rates?

Some of the promoters of fake meat are using “pre-cancerous” HeLa cells as a substrate. Safety studies? Or do manufacturers simply ASSUME stomach acid kills HeLA cells and the virus they carry? The stars line up for a potential catastrophe.

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thanks for posting this. A few years ago, I read a series of articles about the cell line cross contaminations. It IS as bad as you say... probably worse. Then add in the mycoplasma contamination. I've spoken about that for 20 years. Back in about 2001 it was reported that about 6% of all - ALL - vaccines were contaminated with mycoplasma.... this was from 1972 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1518391/

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I have never hard of HeLa cells. Who really knows what these researchers are doing with them? Putting aborted baby fetal cells in vaccines and who knows what else is tyrannical and criminal. This is why I trust no big pharma products, not even OTC. These medical terrorists have no souls, hearts or intelligence.

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Dr Tenpenny: TY for bringing this to our attention. I put you with my #1 hero, Virologist, Bernice Eddy who Discovered (sv40) in that vile Cancer causing POLIO VACCINE GIVEN to an unsuspecting 98 MILLION Americans from 1955-63 & through the 90's for kids.

I look forward to more of your thoughts on (sv40) & (HIV) & Trump's Elderly Heroin aka modified RNA shots that he did with Pfizer $ also the maker of PAXLOVID a two pill COMBO blister pack used for COVID Treatment! PAXLOVID are HIV DRUGS! PAXLOVID is a truly DANGEROUS DRUG COMBO with over 600 Deadly Drug Interactions! Point WHY EXACTLY would the Government give away for "FREE" & No Prescription necessary (only a positive COVID test)! PAXLOVID targeting the elderly!! Has anyone seen the ADs on TV, YouTube etc ?

Our Communist led Government loves us all. Trump & Biden are the "In it TOGETHER CLUB" IMO, with the rest of the vile politicians on the State & Federal levels!

The ELDERLY were TARGETED 1st & next was our children. I have followed YOU & the other doctors Dr Zev, McCullough, Urso etc since the beginning. A fan you could say!

I was Appalled at our medical establishment for participating & going along with the "TEST TO OBEY" and infuriated at the zero use of the Repurposed Medicine "we have already!

HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE and IVERMECTIN both are Safe & Effective when given early with other drugs. Both of these drugs are OFF PATENT meaning big HIV OPIOID PHARMA THUGS make zero $$ on their use! If we already have drugs that work you can NOT be forced to take TRUMP'S Elderly Heroin as I call it!

Trump & his FDA also brought you the deadly drug REMDESIVIR. FDA APPROVED OCT 22, 2020! The exact same date as the CBER data was released #6 stroke #12 death as (ADVERSE EVENTS)!

Further the use of BOTH *HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE & IVERMECTIN IN "CANCER CURE" TREATMENTS! You may search this on NIH Website. I learned about that from Dr. Richard Urso, on Twitter before our doctors telling truth all got banned. Search tip: "ivermectin cancer"

"HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE cancer", all kinds of research papers come up here. Do seperate "searches" with a space between the words!

Ivermectin Cancer

A word to the wise Be VERY CAREFUL who you follow! Do your own research & SHARE information with others (especially our ELDERLY & PARENTS)!


STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES! I sure as heck had to for myself & as caregiver of an elderly (79 yr old parent) a retired Medical TRANSCRIPTIONIST w a Pace Maker/Defibrillator)! Fun! I did not back down! They hated to see me come into their office! Now they really don't want to hear my information!

Dr Peter McCullough is the only doctor thus far to post "this jab business & Cardiac Patients w PM). One infection on lead of PM results is death or if caught it must be replaced immediately. FACT! Persons with Pre-existing conditions SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NEVER HAVE TAKEN Trump's Elderly Heroin! Period!

Everyone should be aware that the World's BLOOD SUPPLY is now infected with what exactly? True! mRNA Spike protein, strands of HIV & sv40 used in genetic code in the JABS!

No FDA APPROVED versions were given in the US & THEY ARE NOT INTERCHANGEABLE (mix n match)! Federal JUDGE in TEXAS RULING!

FDA REFUSES INFORMED CONSENT on TRUMP'S ELDERLY HEROIN! FACT! That decision was 100% hunamanious! TY & I hope this post helps others!

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My research indicates that DJT vax was THERAPEUTIC HCQ not mRNA. He gave the states and individuals the authority to make their own decisions he did not mandate it. Had he not done so it would have been mandated widespread and everything shut down causing soaring death rates. The FACT IS he was purposely fed false information on Covid and many other issues, he was surrounded by the traitors who now hold office INCLUDING SCORES OF OVOMIT APPOINTED JUDGES. He had to fight the DS his entire 4 yrs and is still doing so today. It was a miracle he accomplished anything.

As far as big Pharma's greedy, unscrupulous handling of drugs, the fiasco of the opioids is that now LEGITIMATE pain patients are denied treatment causing much suffering. Elderly heroin? That might be an improvement over what's going on now.

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Agree somewhat. IMO Trump was very crafty w his wording! However, as POTUS ELECT 2016 Gates met w him in NY & gone was RFK JR whom TRUMP requested to investigate FAUCI & Collins! Then Gates met w TRUMP at WH 2018 for a Universal FLU Vaccine FACT. And then Trump (by EO -SEPT 2019) Updated the INFLUENZA MODERNIZATION ACT! mRNA UNLEASHED! Research it. DATES are very important BOOM Dec 2019 Certification of Vaccin ID! BOOM! and TRUMP ran Crimson Contagion Jan-Aug 2019 -12 states. Gates did Event 201 at Johns Hopkins...Oct 2019. But the real plan was in place the CARES ACT WAS INTRODUCED JAN 2019! BOOM Dem Senator Connecticut! FACT! Are you all seeing this? It really goes back much further Depopulation & Kissinger (NIXON) then Carter etc! Keep with me under EISENHOWER/NIXON we got sv40 Cancer causing POLIO VACCINE & the Cancer Industrial Complex!! TY for your reading my comments! I have MUCH more.

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I have been learning about what your comments describe. Based on what I have learned so far, most seems to confirm what I have found as well.

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TY very much. Due to my pre-existing health conditions I had to be very CAREFUL with myself & my elderly mom. Anger doesn't really describe what I feel, felt etc. In April of 2020 Australia had great success w IVERMECTIN & It was posted to YT, then TRUMP'S censorship went to work & continued on. I just call them All the IN IT TOGETHER CLUB! Please keep me informed on what you discover as well.

I have collected documents & PDFs since the beginning & became enraged. I just told our doctors don't start that Vax crap with me, I am having none of it & you all are not pulling crap on me & then I unloaded w documents. I said I can't believe you all did this to everyone. They said old people would not leave their homes. We were FORCED to take Pfizer & I said walk or die keep taking it...just an ordeal & I ripped into them more. We then had words about the blood supply. I said to him your out of your mind if you think I am having mRNA infected blood used on me etc...I am not. So I will donate my blood for me, what is the procedure? It was far worse but I shut them down. Lucky I did not have to have the procedure yet but maybe later.

I also told them they were giving out non FDA APPROVED VERSIONS, NO INFORMED CONSENT! Pfizer documents court ORDERED released by a federal Judge & I said I DETEST Big Pharma THUGS! My mouth & knowledge took them by surprise & they could not get rid of me fast enough! I can laugh about it now with you all but I handed them their *sses.

The doctor & nurse really did not like it when I showed them the CDC Report of Adverse Events from Oct 22, 2020 CBER Data. I think they got a little scared themselves because of Pfizer they were FORCED to take. I said #6 stroke #12 death and last I added the CDC FDA TRUMP & all the other scum are not my doctor's & I don't see their degrees on your wall. I was armed with information about all a cell phone is good for...ha ha!

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Hang in there.

It can be very frustrating to deal with some people that are being so willfully ignorant, particularly when they are in your own family and circle of friends.

FrankSpeach/Lindel TV/WVW TV has some great host and guests that cover a lot of theses subjects and others one might not usually see. Everything is archived with transcripts on WVW TV (Worldview Weekend). Patrick Wood, Alex Newman, Leo Holman, Brannon Howse, Trevor Loudon and many others are good resources all of which have been looking into theses subjects and others for many decades.

Continue the good fight, because we just have to.

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Will do & TY so much.

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thank you - suggestion: can you go back and edit this post into paragraphs? lots of good info here but very difficult to read!

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Yes mam, sorry I was in my garden not paying attention! Will edit in a few, My hero! Followed you from the very beginning! Saved us with honesty in MEDICINE!

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I would argue that the causes of disease can be determined without human cell lines. All it takes is simple root cause analysis methodology. The cell lines are more about developing drugs, which, if we determine root cause and treat that, is unnecessary and damaging.

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