Dr. Sherri, I voted a couple days ago but it would not let me vote on the TWO I wanted. the first and the last one. so that's my additional vote. can you talk about or have you, about the people who got the "v" but are still seemingly "healthy" and walking around? I have a neighbor who assured me that she didn't get "the v" but she did and then said, "well, it was ORGANIC". I looked it up and it said it involved, "fetal tissue cells" but I couldn't *and won't, tell her that. ignorance is "bliss" in that it's already done so why add more insult to injury? my roommate also got the jab and took (coerced)

our other roommate and he *being a follower, died soon after with "turbo c*ncers" in various parts all over his body. we didn't talk about it at all, she wouldn't listen so I remained silent. she is still walking around and seemingly, "okay" but is she? were just some of these or all of these "modified" with additional ingredients? I am concerned she is next but I never say anything, she went at the same time so I am guessing they got the same "v". God bless you, been listening to you since you first posted on forbiddenknowledge.tv and saw that video............you and Judy Mikovits :) there are many good others but I always tell people about you if they are anywhere near interested but I am very careful about saying anything in case they did it already. God bless.

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I no longer trust my government or the vast majority of medical professionals, in part for the latter because they are owned by hospitals who dictate what they are allowed to do and say. I live too far from any of the 5 Docs or FLCCC Docs, so what would you recommend I do with regard to finding a doctor I feel I can trust? I live in the New England area. Anyone you know? Thank you, Dr. Tenpenny for all that you do. Was so happy to hear you won your case! "Weeping may tarry for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." Without faith in God, I would be lost - particularly now - but I know He is in control and the devil has no power over me in the end, no matter the chaos around me. Blessings to you tenfold.

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I agree with you and am interested in the answers you'll receive. I'm in Tx and have limited access to alternative treatments.

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if you have the internet, you can use yandex as a search engine or duckduckgo or even startpage to get better results (or more of a varied response) and go from there. older health books *seems to be before 1976 for some reason, have a lot to consider, and what I do is, search for "mineral deficiencies + whatever the "symptom is" that is presenting itself. example, "mineral deficiencies + dizziness symptoms list " OR any other symptom to see what might resonate for you. THEN AS WELL, do a search for, "vitamin deficiencies + blurry vision symptoms list" and so on. use your imagination a bit, do not just look at one list as it may be incomplete. many sites are full of information that seem to promote Big Pharma's agenda and against natural alternatives. you decide for yourself. I hope this helps. information, real information is power. God bless you.

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Thank you for responding. I was not expecting this at all.

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I voted osteoporosis, but am also interested in mammogram information. Thank you for all you do Dr. Tenpenny. God bless you!

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I am so hypersensitive to rx drugs and many herbs etc....

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Does it increase blood pressure? I can't afford a naturopath doctor so I am left to navigate this all by myself. Most supplements are so unaffordable for me. I have cut back every where just to afford the ones I can. These spider veins came about after chemotherapy treatments, which I made a huge mistake in consenting too. Because of post side effects I am on SSDI.

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I voted osteoporosis but am interested in thyroid and also mammograms. Thank you, Sherri for the work you do and your love for God! Your faith and the way you speak about God inspire and comfort me.

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I'll second Diane's praises, & my relief & gratitude that you have recovered so well. Shame on the Ohio State Medical Board for all they put you through! ~ I would love to hear your approach to treating osteoporosis--without drugs! (Mine was iatrogenic--from prednisone, taken for a Monster Cough I now recognize as PVVN [Post-Viral Vagal Neuropathy] )

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May 24Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

I truly loved hearing your speech at the event in Alexandria, Minnesota. I am so grateful you will be coming again. Also, so delighted to hear you are recovering from your illness. You are such a blessing to all of us. Your interview with Del Bigtree on the High Wire was great. I am so sorry you have had to endure hardship from the medical board. I am so delighted you were vindicated. Much appreciated reader and listener.

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Please also touch on people who don't have a thyroid. I don't trust my Endo. She's telling me to cut down on Vitamin D and to keep my level around 30.

Thank you for everything you do.

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Cut DOWN on vitamin D?????!?

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I have heard others say similar things. use your head and commonsense. IF you cut down on vitamin D, make sure you are drinking organic milk *real, not soy or almond, etc. and get a bit of sunshine if you can daily, but not in the heat, maybe late morning for a little bit while you water your flowers :) just a thought!

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Where are these events posted? I have listened to Dr Sherri for over a decade, I am in Detroit, no idea who Clay Clark is...

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I wanted to pick all of them and add cancer to the list. I think you should add a donate button to each mini webinar.

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I wish I could have picked two- osteoporosis and mammograms!! Both are so interesting.

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I highly recommend interviewing DR CHRISTOPHER EXLEY who writes Dr's Newsletter substack and wrote the book "Imagine You Are Aluminum Atom". A real scientist studying the effects of aluminum on the brain for almost 40 years. Autism, Alzheimers, MS, Parkinsons, etc all strongly correlated to high levels of Al in the brains of those that died with or from these diseases. Also breast cancer as related to antiperspirants containing Al, Thanks

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People are

way concerned abt putting aluminum in deodorant ON your skin but no one looks into injecting vaccines PAST the skin, stomach acid. the liver (allll the filters God put in place) and directly

into your

bloodstream! It’s


how much aluminum is in these shots

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true, true. if only people would think more. not just trust commercials or what their "medical professional" is promoting, I mean, pushing.......er, oops, I mean, "advocating".

a return to wholeness, no chemicals.......I'm with you...................

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and in the "air" being sprayed, it's called chem trails, patented by our gov't. in the 40s.

goes into the air, floats to the earth and into our soils and water.........so there you have it.

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May 24Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Dr. T you and your staff are just awesome in meeting the needs of so many people. There are so many topics to address what people are going though in these times, ie., anxiety that is also a side effect for those who took the shot. I know this because before I was fired as a MH Clinician for refusing the shot but one of my clients "in a recovery facility was forced to take the shot even though she had the virus itself, to remain there" was waking each night with anxiety attacks and going to ER 3-4 x's wk. and was finally told it was from the shot. I personally would like to know what's most helpful for COPD and psoriasis. The nebulizer and inhalers I believe just put toxins in my body. I take the opt mune and/or Dr. Zelenko's 1st vitamin but wonder what are the essential vitamins we need beside Vit D and C? Everyone's body is different so essential vitamins I believe would vary for all.

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I recently read information about Statins and the roll they played during Covid to weaken the immune system by interfering with Vitamin D production.

Could you at some time talk about the Trillion dollar industry of Statins and the risks associated with low cholesterol due to statins.

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