Death at the hands of another is commonly identified as murder. Will the day ever come when Trump, Fauci, Birk, Biden, Walensky, Borla, Gates, Schwab and millions of more, including doctors, nurses and pharmacists be made to pay for their murder of millions or more trusting souls who wished for nothing more than to protect their health (against bioweapons). What compensation can millions or more deceived by Big Gov, Big Pharma, Big Tech, etc. who have to live their lives with horrifying and crippling disabilities and illness expect? It is up to us, the wise, the healthy and the lucky, to give no quarter, no amnesty, to those incarnates of evil that have devastated humanity. They must be adjudicated then punished-- hopefully by agonizing death-- to pay for their sins against humanity. It is incumbent on us to make sure that the evil are punished and humanity is preserved and secure.

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If they are not tried in their lifetime here on earth, or do not repent for their murders and sins against humanity, they should know that they are consigning themselves to hell, where it WILL be an agonizing ETERNITY that will never end. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, our suffering will end, but theirs NEVER WILL. Our God will bring righteous judgment, and what they gave in this life will go back upon their own heads, good or evil.

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well said. thank you

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Another place to look is subscription services. Netflix has lost a lot recently. Sony and Microsoft are losing subs in their gaming division. The younger demographic lives on gaming.

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well said, FreedomFighter. Maybe Fauci can experience the same torture he put his beagles through in the name of "science."

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I don't wish the lake of fire (Hell) on my worst enemy-- but on the Day Of Judgement- Fauci is in deep trouble.

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Make NO mistake, I am not defending Fauci the scumbag who should rot in hell for all eternity, however beagles had been used for research by big pharma for decades due to their vascular systems. I saw it myself at Abbott Laboratories in IL 1976.

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Because I am the loving host of two rescued dogs I am a bit embarrassed to admit that I might enjoy seeing Mr. Science having his head eaten by insects...

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Same here, two rescued Dachshunds. Reading about what those sweet little Beagle pups endured broke my heart and makes me stabby for Fauci.

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Death at the hands of another is homicide. It is not murder absent intent. I do not believe that Trump intended to murder billions of people; the burden of proof is upon the accuser. He was irresponsible and gullible, so I no longer support his presidential ambitions.

If you are looking for murderers, look at the participants and sponsors of Event 201 and Catastrophic Contagion, together with all the promoters and enforcers of lockdowns and injection mandates. Trump is not one of them.

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Executing criminals and perverts is not crime, it is justice and that is all it is. Murder is the deliberate killing of innocent people and it is a crime . Killing murderers and perverts is merely a legal duty. There is no shame in it.

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"Murder is the deliberate killing of innocent people..." That is what I said. Trump did not deliberately kill innocent people.

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Murder under English Common Law is unlawful killing with intent to kill, or intent to cause grevions bodily harm, but also an act of omission. There is a clear international agreement which stipulate carrying out medical experimentation on an individual without their informed consent, or by force, coercion or deception is a crime. If nothing else it is clear that international law was breached both in the letter and spirit. Trump/Biden as President and the various public servants and medical personnel, had a duty of care towards those governed/treated and if they ‘didn’t know’ then that was gross negligence since it is reasonable to expect anyone in their position to know. Furthermore, whilst Trump might have some wiggle room, Biden et who introduced mandâtes and have steadfastly ignored reports of deaths AND insisted young people be vaccinated for whom there is no benefit proportionate to risk, it contrary to good practice. But if a charge of Murder is too strong, certainly Manslaughter applies.

Manslaughter (UK - there are no degrees of Murder) can be committed in one of three ways, and 2 & 3 apply in this case in my view.

1) Killing with the intent for murder but where a partial defence applies, namely loss of control, diminished responsibility or killing pursuant to a suicide pact.

2) Conduct that was grossly negligent given the risk of death, and did kill ("gross negligence manslaughter"); and

3) Conduct taking the form of an unlawful act involving a danger of some harm that resulted in death ("unlawful and dangerous act manslaughter").

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You are correct; however, it is a legal technicality. He was Commander-in-Chief. The plandemic began as a military offensive and ended as a military offensive, a bioweapon from conception to delivery. Is it not the purpose of a bioweapon to ultimately inflict death and inury? He owns this genocide and maiming of Americans (and others). What adds insult to the injury is Trump's refusal to accept any culpability or even plead ignorance and/or lack of judgement. He was entrusted to protect our "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" and failed. He does not merit another term as President.

Thank you to Dr. Tenpenny for a comprehensive presentation of and Eye on the Evidence.

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It is not "a legal technicality". If you accidentally hit someone driving at night on an unlit road, that is negligent homicide, not murder. That is emotional reasoning. Not every homicide is murder. Murder requires intent. It is frightening that your comments could get so many likes. I am certain that the new special counsel to investigate Trump will take great comfort in your words, and will do his best to deliver the "justice" you seek, even though Trump has consistently opposed injection mandates.

For the record, I repeat my opposition to Trump's candidacy in 2024 for various reasons, and prefer Governor DeSantis.

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Driving this morning listening to the radio, they are still promoting this poison. Like seriously! Why are these things still on the market? What must we do to stop this?

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We are many who were given the choice to take the shots or be terminated, which is contributing to unemployment. It is a tuff nut to swallow to go from a professional social service position into the food and beverage industry, which is not a guarantee of hours, much less income. Many still require tests, masks as well as shots.

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I can only imagine what this will look like in 2 years.

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indeed, A MD! ...for starters, how about this? 'house of cards collapsing' gif... gfycat.com/nastyfewauk

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Merry Christmas!

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The real problem is the cost of living near a Job. If you get the Job you would have to leave the country and all countries after work because there is no affordable real estate anywhere because real estate is a grossly over priced get rich scheme that needs to be shut down, regulated severely and the price rolled back to early 1960s levels where incomes for men are...

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Went to a friend’s house for dinner last week. They are fully jabbed + flu shot. They’re both in their mid-70’s. We are both unjabbed and in our mid-60’s. The first thing they told us about was all their friends who are having medical issues and a few who died recently. My husband and I looked at each other and just told them please don’t take any more shots, that they were causing the medical problems. My friend said no, they’ve got blood clots, it’s not the shots! I repeated that the blood clots are due to taking the shot and she absolutely refused to believe me, so I dropped the subject. So frustrating!!! Since she’s had the shots, she’s had pneumonia twice and shingles. Her husband had a seizure and he has had so many tests, but the results are inconclusive. They have no idea what caused the seizure! She in particular only watches CNN, Dancing with the Stars, GMA. You know the type. She only believes what CNN and GMA (Good Morning America) tell her. She will not do any critical thinking! I’m afraid they won’t be around in 3 years. (Up until the shots, they were both very healthy)

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Hi Maggie, So sad about your friends! I have a friend who just told me that she is "fully vaccinated". She also said that she "... got covid which wiped me out ..." She is an intelligent person, a retired teacher, but absolutely refuses to even entertain the idea of a discussion about "covid". When my sister died due to being mistreated in hospital with the wrong drug & being vented, this same friend's response was "If only everyone would get the vaccinations"! OMG! It appears that we just can not break thru the wall of disbelief that some people seem to have. Perhaps the best we can do is wish them well, because people do have the right to choose. I have wondered why we must experience such a divide. Is it a divide in thinking? Perhaps a divide in beliefs? Something else? Best wishes to you, Maggie, and your friends!

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Another aspect that I am seeing...my mom lives in a care center. It has 52 beds and when we were looking for a place for her and dad, they were 7 people down the waiting list. I was looking to get them in the assisted side but had to break down and take first come and that was on the dependent side. Covid came and went, they lost around 12 residents and it's never regrouped those loses. As of today, they have 28 beds filled out of 52. Where are the elderly??? Did they all die off?

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Hi Mary, I hope your parents are doing well in the facility!

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 JFK - 1963: Unveiled Ruthless Conspiracy – Obvious to Some only since 2020!!!


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 "The Elites are Planning to Kill Billions of People" -- Prime Minister of Malaysia (2015)


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There is research to benefit humanity. Then there is research that creates no benefit. Those beagles were cruelly abused in an experiment which could never produce any benefit. Yes, Fauci should rot in hell or worse.

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Do you speak from a legal background? An attorney, a paralegal? In case you hadn't noticed the courts today pay little to no attention to the Constitution, Bill of Rights or any other laws. The courts are for the most part captured by the leftists and globalists. The actual rule of law means very little.

I still maintain it is shades of nuance. The Commander-in-Chief has full authority and responsibility for the military. Bioweapon projects are not intended to improve peoples' health. As Commander-in-Chief Trump owns the results of the military research and Operation Warp Speed. He is ultimately responsible (along with a host of others) for the death of millions. It makes no difference to the dead whether they died by intent or accident.

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The Economy is BOOMING!

 Boris Johnson's Father Wants to Reduce Britain’s Population to Around "10 or 15 million" by 2025. (2012)


Money Making-Magik.


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Part of it is the lack of incentives for workers in the marketplace. The buying power of the dollar is of course way down. All the jobs suck. I think the most revolutionary thing that we could do is all quit our payroll jobs. Stop funding our enemies at the IRS and the USA corporations. If the corporate model fails that would be great. There would finally be real incentives in the marketplace again.

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