Sherri, so nice to know that I am not the only one that appreciates all that God has presented. Each morning my husband and I go for a ride in the country to see the wildlife here in central Wisconsin. I have 2 parakeets and they can’t help but make me smile. I love to watch my plants grow (and yes, they even grow during grey periods in winter). The aroma of beef stew in the crock pot. The glow of a burning candle. The American flag waving in the cool breeze. The sound of church bells on Sunday morning. It’s rare that a minute goes by that I don’t recognize my many blessings. And Sherri, my health is just as compromised as yours, if not more. This is all part of God’s plan, and eventually He will reveal the true meaning of what we are experiencing. God Bless You

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thanks for sharing. Love your comments. It's inspirational do hear your story. God bless you and be most grateful for your husband!!

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Great reflection Dr. Sherri, the only thing about winter that gets me down are those long gray days….give me sun and I am fine. But Oh those gray days!!! I have Tiffany lights in almost every room that help me out at those times by casting beautiful colors throughout each room when lit. That’s my coping mechanism on those days, which in Ohio is a lot!

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A great list of many things we take for granted. I am thankful I am not a Turkey. Seriously, I am grateful for finding Dr Tenpenny presenting in the Vaccines Revealed series (~ 2018) which confirmed my suspicion that injecting people with the filthy products of disease was not a good way to prevent illness and helped to explain why 3 children in my extended family are "on the spectrum". When the scamdemic followed soon after I was prepared! Thanks for your courage and perseverance.

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