
For those who have read and are interested in government reform, I suggest following up with reading participating here: https://republicfortheunitedstatesofamerica.org/

This group really excites me because they are not starting from Zero.

Building on the Constitution, the Bible, and the Bill of Rights.

I signed up!

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Finally, SCOTUS gets something right and what a devastating blow to the Biden Administration and the criminal agencies! They are fit to be tied and tried!🤣Definitely explains why there's an attempted SCOTUS shake-up coming to remove those who won't do their dirty work anymore! Bring on the handcuffs! We the people! Well done Dr T!🗽🇺🇸

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What would have happened if the Chevron decision stated that judges cannot make vague or ambiguous rulings? What if every questionable ruling must be reviewed by other judges to ensure clarity? No opposing interpretations, no problems.

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And I literally just saw a headline released today... "President Joe Biden to call for Supreme Court Reforms" by ABC News.

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This piece is incredibly insightful, Dr. Tenpenny. Your explanation of the Chevron Doctrine's overturn is clear and compelling, especially the implications for the HHS and FDA. I appreciate your thorough analysis and how you connect it to broader governance themes, especially as a UK resident keeping up with American politics.

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Sh.t getting real

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Love this article Dr. T ! Who knew all this unnecessary waste was going being supported by our government officials. Let us all pray extra hard to get good, decent men & women in our Congress and Senate to be true patriots for America by making good decisions for the good of AMERICA!

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I was thinking of the Obama phone lady... Had a laugh at the original clip lol she was so obnoxious! Here's hoping this is the set by the Supreme Court and Trump will spike the ball to normalcy!

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When you said institutions are forced to give men obstetric care, would that be women who think they are men? Im confused by that. Wouldnt it just be care for a woman?

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All I can say right now is, AMEN!

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This is great news....indeed....HOPEFULLY his will discontinue the obama care as well....

Illegals... 2005! I worked for the state of Illinois... Back then "obama care" was called "all kids". (DHS) They were taken up to chicago, a so called "family of 3" would get $5,600 a Month. PLUS EVERYTHING else for FREE... House, clothing, phone, EVERYTHING....It was called "temporary social security" Which there was No Such Thing of course....NO ONE ELSE KNEW about it...And you thought it was JUST an "insurance" The government IS NOT going to tell you the truth....

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With $5600 a month why would any program also provide free housing, clothing, etc. That’s more than most working families. But I should know, the why isn’t considered when handing out free money (aka taxpayers’ money) 🤬🤬🤬

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Ruth, when I worked for DHS>DPA For the State Of Illinois.. We had a complete basement and one other floor of a huge building. There were filing cabinets in every room possible, boxes on them, banana boxes in the hallways. (Some were legit, AMERICANS files..) And yes, for a so called "family" 3 different last names, that came across my desk.....it was less than a week from the border to Chicago. A phone, or more, you know for each adult....as you see in the pictures and videos....with their NEW CLOTHES, and FLIP FLOPS, (gotta look good for the videos, you know) Vehicles, Homes, Furniture, Food, Business....They would receive the $$$$ for 7 years. Everything else was theirs for life. What Program....That came from OUR Social Security.... It was called "Temporary" BUT NO ONE KNEW ABOUT IT......

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No wonder they pour across the border. Can’t blame them when they are provided 💵 and housing with every benefit imaginable. Gov Prickwhatever should be held accountable and the St of Il should be forced to refund these SS programs all done illegally. Shameful

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I just found out that this has been happening in Maryland as well..I would imagine every blue state....this started WAY BEFORE Pritzker..... I worked it in 2005.....It more than likely stated before 2000. Also it was the government that met them at the border and brought them up..

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Just shameful and treasonous. We have immigration laws on the books being completely ignored and abused.

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That is because MOST of the government is evil.

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More than a minor miracle and less that what we truly need (!) - thank you for elaborating further - WE need the abolition of all federal agencies and their ilk. A return to the Constitutional Republic with LIMITED Federal Government subject to sovereign states and acting only within its delegated powers (since mutually agreed to and executed contracts, agreements and voluntary associations seem beyond our DNA). For citizens to stand up and say no to the absurd and widespread tyranny and injustice, double standards & special interests and to assume the responsibilities of self-governance we have been told is our heritage in this "country." (A country being a geographic location with imaginary -- now almost non-existent, borders...) That we are a self-governing nation being an oxymoron since we've supposedly, each of us individually and as a collective group, presumed to have assented to and willingly bequeathed unconditionally extraordinary "power" to other humans and synthetic [non-human] structures, institutions and bodies that we as "individual, free" citizens cannot ourselves exercise (without the threat of the aforementioned punishment and criminalization as well as isolation from the "society" of blind rule followers and haters of non-conformists), and we've further sanctioned the oligarchy of "rule-makers" by giving them the force of an ever-changing "legal system" which is not "law"...including punishment through adjudication (where we must in most cases, participate in black magic rituals as "dead" people "appearing" like an apparition before the court and represented by someone imbued with the power to speak on our behalf) based on their arbitrarily decreed rules and revisions and intentional misapplications of THEIR laws and rules for non-compliance with things that may or may not be "the will of the people" other than by default of surrender of our individual [God-given and so pronounced & on paper recognized] agency. We have so far removed ourselves (by design and manipulation) from our imperfect and fledgling origins that even changing the officials designated to run the monstrous machine and its artificially crafted sub-components that are out of control and far from its/their intended (and prescribed) roots/roles as specified in the documents we SAY are sacred and which form the basis for the (in many cases) unwelcome and inhumane decrees with the weight of punishments and for the erosion of our freedoms that we simply relegate our "participation" to voting, campaigning and endorsing (or withdrawing from) the more and more limited process of "casting a vote" to be evaluated, supposedly unscrupulously and without bias or intervention, to achieve the desired outcome -- changing the personalities and actors who claim to represent us until they have "the power", who then proceed without apology or explanation to serve their interests and do disservice to the citizenry and its desires and rights, asking for more blind trust or a stay of execution until the next "faux selection" is conducted and the theatrics begin anew. What a nation and a world of sheeple we have become preferring and even insisting on corporations, governments (so-called) to rule over us and for an occasional "minor dent" in their otherwise unassailable armor to become sated with hilarity over a "victory" that is only another distraction while they further steal and dupe the populous further. The momentum that has been established for tyranny is almost complete, and most will walk into it willingly and without conscience, accepting that they are just obeying the rules and doing what must be in order to "survive" in the ever0narrowing realm of personal freedom and the pursuit of true happiness, in the fear of God and in the knowledge of His predictions about the outcome of man's experiments in "self-governance."

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Richard - thank you for reading- and commenting!! I agree

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I may be wrong but I believe this decision is the best I have seen in my lifetime, to put the brakes on the ever expanding US Bureaucracy. Thank you for your awesome post.

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Billions of laws and rules can all be replaced with one: DO UNTO OTHERS

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