If I may, I have a question unrelated to this topic.

Dr. Tenpenny, or anyone else on this Substack, is there a website that lists standalone MD's that are not part of a large medical conglomerate? I'm not looking for an online Dr. but, one that has a local office.

My wife and I currently go to a Dr. that is part of a group that during the plandemic would not prescribe Ivermectin and, they enforced mask mandates. I don't have to inform everyone that the cabal is ramping up the fear again as we go into fall & winter.

Thanks in advance for any feedback on my request.

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In our mid 70's, my wife and I enjoy a very good sex life. ED is all in the mind as is the potential for satisfying sexual engagement between a man and a woman. The only thing viagra is good for is improved cardio stimulation. Who the heck needs drugs when you have a splendid wife?

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I do not agree with you at all ! At 40, I started to have less and less desires, and it is a good point !

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40% of young men and 70% of older men. Hmmm...maybe that is NORMAL. Especially in this day and age after the Kinsey and Playboy era where everyone is supposed to f*ck like bunnies all the time and with anyone. Not to mention how rampant and degrading porn has changed the entire landscape of intimate relationships. I got over how they tried to make women think there was something wrong with them if they hit menopause and weren't ready to keep up with the minimum twice a week. Maybe men are tired of it too.

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Dr. Sherri - my brother (now 75) suffered a massive heart attack in December of 2019. He had a mild case of Covid in December of 2020 then proceeded to get his shots in January/ February of 2021. Had terrible issues with a-fib and ultimately ended up with a defibrillator/pacemaker. Then he had something implanted due to blood clots this past Spring I think. I don’t really know because we no longer speak. He thinks I’m uneducated and in a cult. I can only imagine how many shots he’s had by now. It makes me sad to know that ECP could have helped him. Last time I saw him - which was one year ago a few days ago - he said kiss me goodbye because this is probably the last time you will ever see me.

All I can do is pray that he awakens and comes back to his knowledge (taught by our dear Daddy) that Christ died for our sins.

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After my husband's open heart surgery to replace 2 shrinking valves and to replace the bi-cuspid aorta with a tri-cuspid aorta ED no longer exists. I wish we had known sooner his birth defect was the issue. With all that said I have a question. If we had learned early enough about the ECP therapy, do you think in your medical opinion we could have avoided surgery? Even with the bi-cuspid? Just a curio. I'm glad he is still alive, but now he has a 4G defibrilator/pacemaker in his chest. 🤨

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There. Fixed it.

Men in the older cohort (50 to 59) were more than 3 times as likely to experience erection problems and to report low sexual desire* compared with younger men, aged 18 to 29.

* Excepting those with girlfriends & wives aged 18-29.

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Does anyone do ECP therapy in NYC?

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not yet - but we have a plan for upstate NY. Not the city

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Where upstate? Is it a series of sessions? How much is it?

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Interesting information. This and Chelation Therapy would solve a lot of problems among the unvaccinated if it wasn't so far away to get treatments.

I use oral EDTA once a year for about a month. With it I also noticed avast improvement in my eyesight. Had I used the EDTA before cataract surgery on my right eye, the quack of a surgeon wouldn't have ruined it. The EDTA cleared up my left eye and I never let them do surgery on it. Before surgery my right eye was 20/30, I could read well without glasses and after it was 20/50 and I can't read out of it with a 6 power lens.

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Great for Kidney Stones, too.

Go for IV and use for maintenance in Enteric Capsules for 4 of 6 days.

CLEARS UP MANY ISSUES dealing with the flow of various humors.

Have a Physician friend having a mild infarction...Opted for I.V. EDTA.

He's never had surgery, still not on meds. and lives a very active life at 76.

Good info and glad you wrote about it.

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I V EDTA added 31 years to my mother's life against the advice of a heart surgeon.

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Just out of curiosity; what happened to your Mother that she became ill and how old was she when she died?

Find it interesting about how Allopathic Physicians have known about this product and it's benefits since WWII; yet it was rarely if ever spoken about and NEVER offered as a Treatment Option.

My Uncle was a horrid smoker; four packs per day. He began having heart attacks in his 50's and somehow found out about it. He travelled a distance to get the process and once every year after that...God only knows how many years he added to his life. He lived to the ripe old age of 78 and never did stop smoking.

Believe it also added at least 15 years to my Dad's life and he died at 82; although he did quit smoking years before and never had infarcts...Just wanted to clean house and he raved about how clear his mind was how he was warmer and could tolerate the heat far better.

Works for daughter's Kidney Stones. I and the whole family went for treatment about two months ago for this Blood Contamination and we are all on a maintenance program using it weekly 4 days on and two off. I notice the same things you mentioned...Eyes are better, seem to be more regular and my memory seems better...Didn't have other issues. AMAZING STUFF.

Knowing what we know now...KNOW it's about letting people suffer in misery before dying painful, miserable deaths. Also, know the wealthy have used it often to clean-out veins and arteries. THE PEOPLE WERE DENIED TREATMENT SO THEY WOULD DIE AND THE PHYSICIANS, FOR THE MOST PART, FOLLOWED THIS LINE OF REASONING?

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By the way at 76, there is no problem with ED.

Estrogen blockers given to my wife ruined it for both of us. She quit taking them because they were causing mental dysfunction but it was already too late.

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Aug 19, 2023Liked by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Excellent, great help, thanks Dr!

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Dr. Tenpenny can you look into the Firefly light therapy device? It also works https://balesphotonics.com/firefly-features/

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FWIW, Dr. William Wong has been recommending Tadalafil (Cialis) while noting that it was designed for treating heart disease and has anti-aging benefits as well.

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we're recommending NON-drug option. I don't know who Dr Wong is - but we're showing there's a better, more pervasive HEALTHY. way to eliminate/overcome ED

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I didn't say otherwise.

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ECP is for overall health and wellness of our entire circulatory system. Glad you are in great health right now! :)

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You are unlikely to need an erection if you act like a bull with one.

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Need 'Hip Waders' as the 🐃 💩 gettin' deep.

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It wouldn't be piling up if you were eating as much as you order.

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